With kuzan's escape, the battle that lasted for many days finally came to an end.

Of course, the receipt is also very large.

Originally, Rose's enhancement points had been used up, but with kuzan's escape, the enhancement points suddenly increased to 18 points.

After all, from katakuli to kuzan, Ross fought almost sleepless for four days and four nights!

On the day and night before playing with katakuli, Ross was looking forward to the arrival of the enhancement point, but he didn't know if the enhancer failed, or he thought it would be useless to give the enhancement point if he died. Until he was completely safe, the enhancement point was finally settled.

18 points to strengthen, this is the most intuitive harvest brought by this war, oh, and a bicycle.

Of course, this war will bring more than these, the most important thing is the impact on the future, and Ross and the family forces behind him will be famous all over the world because of this war!

"Lord Ross, you really won. You won the prospective general of the headquarters of the Navy!" TEOS omic looked excited and could hardly control his excitement.

"It's not a win. It's a draw, right?"

Ross smiled and silently added, "although the means are not very glorious..."

Ross knows his strength very well. If he doesn't hang up, it's unrealistic to waste kuzan's fight to the current level. If kuzan doesn't choose close combat with himself at the beginning, but always fights with his ability, he must lose in the end.

But there is no if. Now, Ross won. This is the result, the only result!

"Cockscomb head, are my little nurses all right?" Ross suddenly remembered something and grabbed tesomic's shoulder.

"It's all right, Lord Ross. They're all fine!" Tesomic waved to the crowd to disperse. The girls photographed by Ross looked timidly. Although they looked scared, they obviously didn't do anything at all.

Seeing that his little nurses were all right, Ross was relieved and said, "find a better hotel. I need to rest now. Hurry up."

Tesomic nodded and did it immediately.

Ross lay down to rest and looked around. With the fight between the two, this area basically became purgatory. The ice sheet had begun to melt, but the flame remained for a long time.

This is due to the fact that Ross and kuzan fought in such a remote area. If they were in a busy street, I don't know how many people would be involved in the aftermath of the fight, I'm afraid death would not be a decimal.

Of course, kuzan dared to do it recklessly because he didn't care about these. If there were civilians, he wouldn't dare to play so much!

Ross lay on the ground and looked at everyone's curious eyes, especially Jessica and CHIAS. They all had bright eyes and wanted to touch them. They almost made Ross angry.

Fortunately, TEOS omic was very efficient. It wasn't long before he brought back good news.

"Lord Ross, I found a hotel. The owner of the hotel said he was willing to let you out of his private villa at no charge."

"That's no good. How much money should we give others? We are quality pirates, not robbers." Ross waved his hand.

Now his money is almost consumed, but he only lives in a villa. This money is still not bad. There is no need to let other people's bosses provide it for free.

Soon, a group of hundreds of people came to the hotel tesomic said.

The owner of the hotel came out to meet him personally. He was very humble and completely treated Ross as an uncle.

We all arranged a place to live, while rose himself stayed in the hotel owner's villa. The environment was frightening.

On that bed, Ross calculated that he had to make dozens of turns from the left wheel to the right wheel.

After taking a bath, having a meal and changing into the clean clothes prepared by tesomic, Ross called tesomic again: "chicken crown head, call smog for me. I'll give him a class!"

Tesomic was an agitator. He felt that Ross was going to be angry. He silently mourned for smog, but he didn't hesitate to go out to find someone.

Soon, smog came.

Ross looked at smog. At the moment, smog still had two big cigars in his mouth. He looked like a loser. God, he had the momentum of his second son.

"Captain, trainee seaman smog reports, are you looking for me?" Asked smog.

"Smog, you are a trainee crew member, but can the trainee crew row without contributing? Trainee crew members should prove their abilities so that they can be promoted to regular crew members or even cadres. But you just paddle and let me be the captain. How can I promote you? Who will be convinced? "

Crackling, Ross sprayed smog with dog blood.

"Can you see that the trainee crew is just a trainee? I should read more and learn more. I feel I have done enough. Captain, if you say I paddle, I'm not convinced. Besides, what if I show too much brilliance and cover the light of the cadres? Do you think this is appropriate? "

Smog was immediately unconvinced. He immediately said those thoughts in his heart. He took the bull with Ross on the spot and didn't think he had done wrong at all.

Upon hearing this, Ross was speechless. You are so... Reasonable. I was speechless!

But it should be said that after criticism and education, whether smog is convinced or not, he can't get used to his stubborn mouth.

After criticizing, he immediately kicked the people out and asked tesomic to call klockdar.

"Looking for me?" Klockdar asked faintly.

"Well, Lao Sha, what do you want to do with your pirates? There are too many people in our family now... "Ross sighed.

Klockdahl frowned. "Are you afraid they won't obey discipline?"

"A little for this reason, but not all."

Ross nodded and shook his head again: "these people under you are pirates, and they are vicious people who do everything for their ends. Such people are the most unstable."

"It's good to say that we don't obey orders under normal circumstances. If we show a little defeat in the war, those people will be equivalent to an unstable time bomb. Once they turn back, I'm afraid they will put everyone in danger!"

Klockdar frowned and obviously thought about it, but he also just used those men as cannon fodder. He didn't care about them at all and thought he could suppress them.

But now the situation is different. Ross is obviously worried that those people's backwater will pose a threat to his team, and Ross seems to care about the life of his little brother, which is not easy to do!

Just as he was about to speak, tesomic's voice came out of the door: "Lord Ross, kobla, king of the kingdom of arabastam, wants to see you. Can you see?"

Ross was stunned.

Cobra, how could he, the king, want to see himself, a pirate?