"Don't think of me. I'll be fine if you think about me!"

Bucky hurriedly dodged shanks and followed his hand, humming coldly.

"Oh, Bucky, I just got a treasure map a few days ago. I wanted to give it to you when I saw you. Since you don't want it, forget it!"

Shanks sighed and shook his head.

What? Treasure map?

"Shanks, well, I was in a bad mood just now. Don't mind!"

Bucky seconds changed his face, took the initiative to hook shanks' neck and said with a smile, "we are good brothers. In fact, I always miss you!"

"Well, where is the treasure map..."

Klockdahl ignored the two teasing ratios, looked directly at smog and raised his chin. "Are these treasures?"

"Well, one billion Bailey, the captain has been lucky recently and made a lot of money. Let me send it to you immediately!" Smog nodded.

Klockdahl looked at smog, who was lazy with a cigar in his mouth, and said in surprise, "your journey seems to be going well!"


Smog nodded. "It's strange to say. Although I met pirates several times along the way, they were all small characters. I didn't meet the strong and didn't waste much time."

"You're lucky!"

Klockdahl smoked a cigar: "but fortunately, you're lucky. The money you left has been used up for a long time. The guy from shanks also took out his family background. It's still not enough. The gap is too big, but this time with this billion, there should be no problem!"

"Come on, come back with me first."

Klockdar waved to his younger brother to carry the treasure, and then took them all the way back to the cave.

At the moment, countless craftsmen are busy in the huge cave.

Among them, Tom and iceberg Frankie are responsible for some important details. Everyone is sweating, but their expression is full of excitement.

"Is this about to succeed?"

Smog looked at the busy people in the cave, pointed to a huge warship that had begun to take shape, and smiled.

"Well, it should be done in half a month. I didn't expect that Ross wanted to create... Pluto himself!"

Klockdar said with emotion.

At the moment, countless people are busy in the cave. There are thousands of craftsmen, the world's first boatman and two disciples of the world's first boatman.

Pay so much manpower and keep catching up with the work in order to create Pluto, one of the three ancient weapons!


"I don't know what's going on with that guy Ross. It's clear that he has a ready-made one. Why not take it? He has to choose to make it himself, which costs more and is not too troublesome."

Klockdar sighed.

"Well, there must be something wrong with the ready-made Pluto, the captain didn't say, but with the captain's sinister degree, how could he let such a precious thing out?"

Smog smiled.

"That's what I said."

Lockdale nodded as he recalled Rose's sinister and cunning face.

Ross is not the guy who will take advantage of others, so there must be something fishy behind it.

"Why don't you stay for a bite later? Tomorrow? "

Klockdar thought for a moment, looked at smog and asked.

"No, I just came to see the situation. Time is tight, so I won't stay here."

Smog shook his head, refused klockdar's request, went to Anna and took out the bomb fruit, "this is what the captain asked me to give you, bomb fruit.

The captain said, "you can try to attach the ability of fruit to the bullet and turn the bullet of the pistol into an explosive bullet. Then you will become stronger!"

"For me?"

Anna took the bomb fruit in surprise, hesitated, picked up the bomb fruit and took a bite.

His life is given by Ross. Of course, he has to become stronger for Ross.

At the moment, Anna did not show her rejection of the bomb fruit, but smiled and said, "go back and tell Lord Ross that I will try my best to develop this demon fruit."

"Well, I'll go first!"

Smog didn't mean to stay. He sent the money to, took a look at the situation here, and immediately prepared to go back.

"Bucky, let's go."

Smog stopped Bucky and was about to drag him on the road.

"Well, wait, I'll talk about it when I get the treasure map."

Bucky quickly approached shanks.

Although Bucky didn't want to say a word to shanksdor, the situation is obviously different now.

Shanks wants to give himself a treasure map. He can't lose face, can he?

Well, try to accept it!

"The treasure map is actually teasing you!"

Shanks laughed and patted Bucky on the shoulder.

Bucky got hairy right away.

Are you kidding me?

How dare you tease me?

Bucky was really angry and wanted to find shanks theory, but smog immediately pulled him back.

"Go, don't ink!"

Smog grabbed Bucky, but no matter how many complaints Bucky had, he dragged him out directly.

Soon return to the speedboat and follow the same road.

And now, ruins island.

"Sir Spandam, this is the ruins island!"

A full five or six naval ships docked at the edge of the island.

On the warship, a Navy soldier pointed to the island and opened his mouth to explain: "this is the place that the marshal of the Warring States period asked us to explore."

"So Pluto is sleeping on this island?"

Spandam laughed. "Follow me to the island."

He was the first to get off the warship.

Behind him, countless navy soldiers poured out of the warship. There were a large area with tools. Roughly speaking, there were at least 10000 people.

Soon, Spandam saw the three generals still guarding the ruins island.

"Here you are. Have you brought enough?"

Sakaski looked at Spandam and took the lead in saying, "the area of this island is not small!"

"General saakashi, don't worry, I'm just an advance force. There should be 20000 people coming later. The excavation of Pluto can't be slow!"

Spandam laughed.

"Well, let's start!"

Sakaski nodded. "The excavation of Pluto must be fast. Although Ross has gone, no one knows when he will kill him back. He has planned Pluto for so long that he can't give up easily."

"I see!"

Spandam nodded and gave orders to the Marines behind him, "quickly, disperse and start the excavation of Pluto."

The Marines dispersed under the command of Spandam and began to excavate the ruins island.

There are tens of thousands of navy soldiers, which is not a small number, and these people will not be lazy. Although the number is a little worse than that of the pirate with tens of thousands of people before, the speed is more than twice as fast!

At this speed, you can successfully dig out Pluto in less than half a month!

Besides, there will be follow-up troops of the Navy behind, which is definitely faster than this!