The big thing about tribal people is that normal people can't understand. At least whether others can understand it or not, gray can't understand it anyway.

Seeing that it was getting dark, I didn't see the queen coming down. There was still no answer to whom the princess should marry. The quarrel between the people of the three tribes and dunbunokee was getting worse and worse.


But no one went up to see the sick queen. Fergus, who was most concerned about the queen, was still arguing fiercely with them and defending his wife, but he didn't even think about how his wife was. He didn't send someone up to have a look.

Gray sat on the other side, away from the battle center, with some of his own soldiers. He drove the rest back to the ship, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

The old witch's note was still in his hand, and it was less than half turned.

Gray thinks that the old witch is a very unqualified wizard. She has no prohibition as a spell researcher and no piety to pursue the truth. There are a few materials in her notebook, a lot of materials, and a little. Who knows how much you are, so you can't describe them with accurate data.

Moreover, he didn't have a reaction formula. He only knew what it was and didn't know why. What shit notes he took were worse than the chemistry notes he took in high school.

It took so long to sort out the simple formula of three drugs, all kinds of sour eyes.

What's the matter with these wizards? Can't they study some normal things, such as medicine for treating colds, medicine for treating knife wounds and sword wounds?

You see, what the hell is studied here? Oh, hair removal medicine can make the hair of the target fall off. After taking it, spiders will continuously produce spiders in the target's stomach, and finally vomit out of the throat. Fragrance medicine can keep the fragrance of flowers for a year.

The last thing is that the potion is still of some use and can be sold as perfume.

Hey, if you can diversify the fragrance and turn it into body fragrance, many noble ladies and girls should buy it. The price can be set to be expensive. In addition, it can also weaken the efficacy. Change the time to one month and sell 12 bottles a year.

When I plunder all their wealth, these guys have no capital to do things, right?

Wonderful. I'm really a business genius and a political genius.

But then he gave up the tempting idea. If those nobles had no money, they would certainly find a way to search from civilians, rather than really live a poor life.

The price is set at a normal price, so they replace their daily perfume and other items, which is equivalent to their normal expenditure on weekdays.

Gray took the wizard's notes back into his backpack and didn't have to worry that these noisy guys would find something wrong.

They are still quarrelling, and now they have begun to fight.

However, a group of guys were a little modest and didn't really use knives and guns... Although they used knives and guns, no one was injured. Basically, they were nailed to their shields or wooden tables as fortresses.

Gray thinks they're playing games.

I hit a hatchet. The elf doesn't know where to play. It's a little boring. His head hurts from reading this note. Find a way to relax.

Gray looked at the noisy guys. "Hey, leaders, are you interested in playing games?"

"What game?" Chief McGovern put out his head and bit a steak in his mouth.

Don't forget to fill your stomach in a fight.

Seeing that the fighting had stopped attacking and making noise, gray stood up with a smile, "this game is called true and false king."

After saying the name of the game, he immediately explained: "all five of us are kings, but in this game, there is only one king, and then all five people will get a sign representing their own identity. The person who gets the king's sign will light up. At the same time, the last identity card belongs to the king, but the king can't see it himself.

The king can instruct the fake king to do something at will. Of course, the real king can't directly point out whose name, but instruct the person holding the brand to do something. Moreover, the king doesn't know which identity card he is holding, so he may order himself to do something. "

"How can a king command himself? Isn't he a king?" The Macintosh leader shouted with an axe on the wooden table in front of him.

"Everyone has an identity card, and so does the king, but he has an identity in addition to the king. Just like a king, he is not only a king, but also a father, husband and so on." Gray continues to explain.

Just after he finished, several people had other problems. It took more than ten minutes to explain the rules to these guys. Gray found that he was no longer interested in playing.

But since it's your own proposal, let's continue.

With a sigh, gray took the wooden cards representing the king and five wooden cards with different serial numbers that had just been made in more than ten minutes. "Let's play once first. We're familiar with the rules and don't take it seriously."

"Good, good."

"I'll be king."

"Shit, I should be the king."

"Shit, get out of here. I'm the king."

Several people scolded and sat down at a table full of knives and arrows. Gray scrubbed six wooden cards for a while.

"You smoke first." Looking at the still restless guys, gray reached out and motioned them to choose first.

"I choose first, I choose first!"

"Go away, I should choose first."

"Pa Pa Pa! Bang bang! Dong Dong! "

Gray walked over with a black face and impolitely kicked one of these guys on the ass, "I'm the strongest and smartest. I'll choose first."

"You choose first." Several people decisively choose from the heart.

Gray drew a card from the inside with a dark face. He knew he shouldn't be so humble.

"Just look at the cards yourself. Don't show them to others. If you get the national trump card, don't shine it if it's not the king card. I'll beat whoever is not the king card." Gray glanced at several people and warned.

When he picked up the card, Grayton smiled. He was really lucky. "I'm the king. This identity card is also mine, but I can't see it. Next, I can give orders."

Gray's eyes looked among several people and suddenly became interested, "Hey, hey, there's a fight between number three and number four, limited to one minute."

"Hey, hey, who's number three and who's number four, you can light it up now."

"I'm number three. Come on." Fergus stepped on the table and looked arrogantly at the others.

"Number two!" McGovern was disappointed.

"Number one!" Ding Shuai was disappointed.

"Number five!" The Macintosh leader was disappointed.

"No, I'm number four?" Gray opened his ID card and wrote a big four on the wooden card, which was still scalded with fire.

"Er... Fergus looked at the number three card in his hand. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the number five card of the leader of the Macintosh. He put his card into his hand and said innocently," I'm number five. "

"Dare to cheat in front of the referee and take a punch from me." A punch hit Fergus in the eye socket, and gray gently blew a tone on his fist, "said the first one is not serious, and dare to cheat, hum."

"Ah, ha ha ha, well done." The Macintosh leader laughed, and the other two were also gloating.

"Well, start the second one."

The second, Ding holds the leader to get the national trump card. He smiles, "number one hits number three."

Maybe he thinks number three will be Fergus, and he will be number one.

Gray slapped his ID card and smiled, "No. 3 stood up and was beaten!"

Macintosh leader: "number two!"

Chief McGovern: "number four!"

Fergus chief: "number five!"

"What about number three?" Ding shook the leader in doubt and looked puzzled.

Three fingers gloated at the covered ID card in front of him, and a fist zoomed in before his eyes.

"Cool ~!" Gray cried comfortably.

"Asshole, I want revenge."

"Uh huh ~?"

Ding shook his neck and shrunk, "I said continue to play the game."