After nearly half a year's construction period, a prototype of the seaside castle has been built. Gray estimates that it should be completed in the last three or four months, no more than six months at most. He can stay in the New Castle this year.

If we continue to increase manpower, this time will continue to shorten, but if we continue to increase, the cost is not proportional to the income, so it is unnecessary.

Before planning the location of the castle garden, gray dug a pit with little Molly and Merida, and then threw five black seeds into it.

"Will apple trees like Fairies in the lake grow and bear apples that can keep their youth forever?" Merida asked, staring at the soil motionless, as if she could see the seeds below through the soil.

"It shouldn't be. Maybe there will be some magical effects, but it shouldn't be as magical as the apple tree of the fairy in the lake. Maybe you will get a weakened version." Gray thought for a moment and replied.

If this magical fruit tree could be planted in such a simple way, Nania would have been full of apple trees.

So he thought that even if it was planted, the effect would be greatly attenuated, and it was not impossible to become an ordinary apple. What's more, it might not grow an apple tree at all.

"I planted many fruit seeds when I was a child, but none of them grew saplings. Can this grow?" Merida thought for a moment and continued.

Gray didn't expect that she thought of this. She didn't even think about the survival rate. She touched her chin and thought for a while, reached out to dig open the soil, and then picked out the five seeds one by one.

He decided to be ready to plant the seeds and increase their survival rate as much as possible. Even if it is unlikely to get an apple tree like Aslan in the end, it is enough as long as there are some magical effects.

Even if it doesn't work, it's fun to plant trees with friends.

Merida looked at his movements and wondered, "why don't you plant it?"

You may not get an apple tree if you plant it, but you can't get it if you don't plant it.

"We need to prepare something to improve the germination rate of seeds and ensure that seedlings can thrive after germination." Gray said, "let's go hunting in the forest first, and then go back to study how to improve the germination rate, make the seeds germinate, and make some fertilizer. Maybe it can make the apples of the apple tree more magical."

"Hunting, I like hunting!" The ELF's eyes lit up and raised his little hand.

Of course, she doesn't like hunting, but the process of enjoying food after hunting.

"My archery has been improved a lot. I can shoot prey from a hundred meters away." Merida chased and said that riding and archery were her favorite. Even if she didn't hunt, she wouldn't feel bored if she rode around like this.

"Why, do you want to play?" Gray smiled and took out a long bow. "It depends on who hunts more prey."

"Good!" Merida agreed, blinking her big shining eyes, "so what's the bet?"

Naturally, there must be bets in the game. Although Gray was just going to play and didn't want to bet anything, there's nothing wrong if Merida wanted to bet.

"What bet do you want?" Gray asked with a smile. Since Merida dared to put forward it, she naturally asked for something, otherwise she wouldn't have to ask for a bet in a casual competition like playing.

Merida pretended to think for a while to prove that she was not premeditated for a long time, but on a whim. "Then the winner asked the loser three questions. The loser must answer. Don't escape. How about it?"

Gray stared into her eyes and thought that the three questions were not monsters, so he agreed. Moreover, can Merida win him?

It's impossible. Although Merida has a high talent in this field, the level of archery is good, and may even be a little better than him, don't forget that in addition to archery, all other parties are enough to crush Merida.

"Of course!"

"But there's a problem to be solved. We can only use arrows. We can't use other weapons or even magic. Otherwise, if you catch me with your bare hands, you may lose." Merida added that she certainly knew that gray was strong and would not put herself at that disadvantage.

Gray nodded. "It's fair. What the game needs is fairness."

If two people with too much difference in strength compete without setting restrictions, the competition is completely unnecessary. Merida's requirements are reasonable and can't find anything to refuse.

If you really want to refuse, it's too bullying. Gray can't do this to girls. He's a warm man.

They had come on horseback. Merida never left her bow and arrow. Gray also had some inventory in his backpack and didn't need to prepare anything. They set out directly in the direction of the forest.

Little Molly waved her magic wand and looked eager to try, but gray felt that if she really wanted to use magic to attack those animals, it would only make them run faster.

He also tried to teach elves some self-protection and attack magic, but she basically forgot in the blink of an eye, but she had extraordinary talent for magic such as healing.

The two horses had just entered the forest. Merida took off the long bow on the horse's back, took an arrow and shot the arrow. She shouted: "the game time is before the sun goes down. The person with the most prey wins and the game begins."

Gray frowned a little. If he hunted in the competition, the weight of the game he hunted would be more fair than the number he hunted.

Because the heaviest prey is not easy to cheat compared with the largest number. After all, it is difficult to be fair if it is more than the number. After all, a mouse, a rabbit or a bird can be counted as prey.

There are few ways to cheat if you compare the weight. After all, the larger the size of animals in the forest, the more difficult it is to deal with. Whether herbivores or carnivores, the difficulty is directly proportional to the harvest, which can better reflect each other's gap.

However, after Merida shot the arrow, she rode into the forest and didn't mean to stay and wait for gray.

Gray smiled and didn't worry about whether the betting method was easy to cheat. Anyway, it was just a funny game. There was no need to be so serious and calculate everything.

Riding his horse from a different direction from Merida into the forest, gray began to look for prey.

In this forest, he often comes to barbecue with little jasmine, so he has a general understanding of the distribution of prey in the forest, and even there are detailed data in silly girl's database.

However, gray didn't call out the detailed data to cheat. It's fair to open the game in the face of the enemy. It's too boring to open the game with friends and lose the fun of the game.

Even gray didn't intend to use all his strength. He only used 50% of his strength to pull the bow.

On the other side, Merida and little Molly looked serious and followed the trail of prey all the way. At this time, she had a rabbit in her hand and was put on the horse's back by her.

"Merida, there's a Sika Deer over there." Little Molly pointed to the front and said.

Merida bites her lips and goes in the direction pointed by little Molly. She has no special ability. Little Molly is not a contestant and is not cheating.