"The mermaid has no treasure, but the sea is vast. Since ancient times, countless treasures have been scattered in the sea. If you can forgive our mistakes, we are willing to find the most precious treasure for you."

The mermaid said respectfully that although Poseidon had not appeared in the sea for many years, he was the ruler of the sea, which could not be changed, because he was the God of the sea and could control everything in the sea.

"Have you seen Poseidon's trident?" Gray was curious that if the mermaid had seen Poseidon's trident, he could go straight to the Trident first.

"Poseidon's trident is his sacred object, which is closely related to his power. It is a symbol of his rule over the sea. We are not even the lowest God. We are not qualified to meet Poseidon. Naturally, we have never seen a trident." The Mermaids answered every question, and their attitude was completely different from that of killing them before.

"If you

Can the identity of a son of God enable them to achieve this degree?

Gray doesn't know and doesn't care. He still has a lot of problems. As long as they say what they want to know.

As for the authenticity of the information, it was never something he needed to worry about.

"Wait a minute, tell me what this authority you have repeatedly mentioned?" Gray interrupted her narrative and accentuated the word authority.

Power was not difficult for him to understand, but he wanted to know whether the power in the mermaid's mouth was the same as the power he understood.

General authority certainly refers to a person's power and function, but should God's authority be different?

After the eight mermaids looked at each other, the mermaid who spoke looked at gray, "dear son of Poseidon, we need a promise."

If you can live, no intelligent creature will die, unless you live, you will pay a more unacceptable price or life is worse than death.

Although they attacked pirates, they caused little loss, and gray just caught them and didn't choose to kill them. Both sides still have room and didn't form a dead enemy.

"Captain, there's another Mermaid." Jack came with Gibbs and the other crew carrying a mermaid.

"Put it in." Gray nodded and the nine mermaids.

The new mermaid was bound by the water chain. Gray thought for a moment and said, "if you cooperate with me, I promise not to hurt any Mermaid or take any revenge against the mermaid.

If you satisfy me, you can seek my asylum in the future. "

The mermaid was silent for a moment and nodded hard. "We'll tell you everything we know."

He seemed to give nothing, but made a useless guarantee and didn't know whether he would keep his word, but in addition to the lives of the nine of them, there was also the safety of the Mermaids who escaped into the sea.

They believe that gray is really Poseidon's son, and Poseidon's son has the ability to find the mermaid in the sea and retaliate.

So the deal seemed fair to them.

"God's power is the key to why God is God. Power is the power given to God by the world. Poseidon's power is the sea, so the sea is under his control. Zeus's power is the sky, so lightning and all gods submit to him. Hades's power is death, so he is the Lord of the underworld."

"No matter whether a God is strong or weak, he must have his own power. A God without power, even if he has a power comparable to God, can only be called a semi God, and a God with power can never die."

The information about power is not secret, because any God will know it. Of course, it is very secret information for mortals.

"Immortality? In other words, if God and his children do not have power, they cannot become God and will die one day. " Gray became interested, which was very novel at that time.

"Yes, but God and his children should have power."

"But power is limited after all. If the power of the world is divided, there will be no power to divide?"

"Only the king of God knows how much power there is, but even the power of the sea is not just the sea. Poseidon is certainly the undisputed master of the sea.

But in addition, under the sea power, there are many powers representing the calm of the sea, the green of the sea, the vastness of the sea, the spray of the sea, and the light related to the sea. "

Gray nodded. "I see. Power can be subdivided."

"Then, if an ordinary man has the power of God, can he become God?"

The mermaid hesitated for a while, and another Mermaid replied, "I don't know, because all the power is in the hands of the gods, and mortals can't get it."

"If you want to obtain power, you can either be rewarded by Zeus, the God King, or the owner of the power will divide some power. For example, Apollo among the twelve main gods has many powers, such as literature and art, light, youth, medicine, animal husbandry, music, prophecy, migration, navigation and so on."

"For example, his literary authority is just a general term. For example, poetry, history, philosophy and other authorities belong to literary authority."

Gray nodded slightly and drew inferences, "for example, light can be divided into dawn light, dusk light, hot sun light and so on, right?"

"Yes, in your capacity, there should be no difficulty in asking Poseidon for a power belonging to the sea."

When little Molly touched him, gray immediately understood that the mermaid was insincere. It seems that even if she is really Poseidon's son, she may not be able to get power.

Skipping this question for the time being, gray knew that he was not Poseidon's cheap son and could not claim power from him.

Moreover, Poseidon in this world doesn't know where it is? Even the Trident, a symbol of his divine power, was thrown at the bottom of the sea. Wouldn't Poseidon be dead?

Of course, this is impossible. After all, the mermaid said that the God with power in the body can live forever.

And she didn't lie.

Also, there is an ocean goddess in the world. She is not dead. Which round can she die with the existence of Poseidon, the Lord of the sea and the twelve Lord gods?

Wait, sea goddess, Calypso?

"What authority does Calypso, the goddess of the sea, have?" A little guessing, gray asked immediately.

"Calypso's power should be the wrath of the sea, but we don't know whether it is." The mermaid said they were just listening to passing ships at the bottom of the sea and knew some news. They didn't really have contact with those gods.

The twelve main gods are so famous that their functions are well known, but Calypso, the goddess of the sea, is really just a little God.

"The wrath of the sea?" Gray touched his chin, looked back at the group of Pirates listening to the story, and found Jack.

"Jack, tell me, why did the first pirate conference seal Calypso?"

"Because she often sets off tsunamis and storms at sea?" Jack wondered that although he inherited the title of pirate king of the Caribbean, he didn't know much about it. He used to listen to it as a story.

"Yes, the perfect answer." Gray grinned happily. "Then Hephaestus should have the power of fire?"

"Hephaestus is one of the twelve main gods and the God of fire and forging. His authority should include fire and forging." The mermaid said that the authority of these twelve gods is better known than some small gods.

"By the way, are there any other gods in the world, such as Egyptian gods, Nordic gods and Oriental immortals?"