I don't know why, although these mermaids are very beautiful, Merida has a faint hostility at the first sight of them, and she can't like them anyway.

And they look fierce with so many people and weapons.

So she stepped back silently and hid behind gray, but she didn't get close to him. He's busy now. It's hard to disturb.

Merida, who had nothing to do, stared at the mermaid for a while and then looked around. She didn't expect that there was such a space below. It was wonderful.

However, when she saw that there was still sunshine at the hole above, she immediately had doubts. You know, there were no holes on the sea cliff. If there were any, they would have been found long ago.

There is such a big space below that those who build castles will build castles on it when they are out of their minds.

I don't understand for the moment, and gray can't ask about something. Merida's attention gradually shifted to her feet.

Obviously, only water can stand under her. This place is amazing. What is this? Why can it support her to stand in the water?

Merida was very curious, stepped on it hard, and then felt that the force supporting her suddenly disappeared, and she fell directly into the sea.

She fell off guard and drank the sea water. She quickly splashed out of the water and came out of the water again. The familiar force pushed her to stand firm in the water.

She felt a little embarrassed, especially in front of these mermaids.

"Strange place!" Merida whispered. Now she is sure that this must be a place with mysterious power, so people can stand in the water and the sun can shine in.

It is very difficult for the active female soldier to turn her eyes and let her do nothing and wait quietly.

So Merida turned her eyes to the land behind her. There was a dripping ring stone spring. It was interesting. She gently jumped on a stone floating on the water and walked over the stone road with wet shoes, making a poop poop poop.


Several mermaids plunged into the water, then appeared on Merida's only way with great speed, pointing a sharp spear at her and blocking her way.

Merida stared, grabbed her palm behind her back, put a long bow on the arrow and aimed at several mermaids.

"Be quiet." Gray said angrily, this can be right. You can't stop. So can the mermaid. If she wants to see it, she'll show it to her. There's nothing to stop. You haven't done your whole body examination yet.

The voice stopped the confrontation between the two sides. Gray continued to draw the magic array. For him now, there is no difference in the difficulty between drawing on the water and arranging on the ground.

More than ten minutes later, a magic array was formed on the water. The soft sea blue light reflected on the surrounding water, making it magic.

"Come in groups of five. Let me see if there is anything wrong with your body." Gray said to the mermaids.

It's OK to check their bodies directly with water, but it can't be as detailed as the magic array one by one. He hopes to get an accurate result.

Gray waved, and several mermaids who were still fighting against Merida swam over with their tails. With a flick of their tails, they jumped into the magic array on the water.

Mermaids began to check one by one. Meiruida saw that no one was stopping her. She quietly moved her steps and came to the front of the fountain of youth.

"It's just a spring. What are you nervous about?" With disdain, Merida touched the stone and did nothing else. She turned and looked at what gray did for them.

After all, it's still very important to the mermaids. Just touch it. If it's really broken, it's not good.

Her eyes fell on the side of the magic array. When she saw the appearance of the mermaid, she was slightly relieved. It was just a group of fish tails, and her face was good-looking. There was no other use. It was not worth worrying at all.

Even if several mermaids entered the magic array to check together, it still took two hours to check.

This inspection really let him find some problems. On some mermaids, he found signs of life decline, which was similar to the state of werewolves and yandemons when they died, but the situation was much better than them.

Take out some medicine for them to drink and stabilize the situation for the time being, but gray knows that even if there is medicine, they will only have a few years at most.

For this, gray now has no other way but medicine.

But most mermaids have no problem, which is a good thing.

Gray has seen that the Mermaids with problems are probably mermaids near the places where the bottle cracks, which shows that the thing he made can still protect them.

"Gray, where did they come from?" Merida was curious. She knew that there were no mermaids here. Not only there were no mermaids here, but also there were no mermaids in the sea from here to the four tribes.

So the origin of these mermaids is worth asking. Where did gray bring them back?

It must not be the fairy in the lake. She already knows that the fairy in the lake is fake. That's just his excuse. He actually went to other places.

Did he bring it back from the place he went?

Merida looked curious, waiting for gray to give her answer.

"The place where they used to live is about to be destroyed. As a kind king, I can't bear to see them all die there, so I brought them back and let them have a place to live." Gray sat down on a slate and asked Merida to press her head, explaining.

"And they have strong combat effectiveness, especially at sea. From now on, no one can attack Shibao country from the sea, and all who come will be buried in the sea."

For this, he had an idea when he wanted to bring them back, and this place was also a place for them that he had long thought of.

This is the sea gateway of the kingdom. If you want to attack the Kingdom, you can either go through the forest from other places or attack directly from here.

Taking a long way from the forest is not only dangerous, but also expensive. It is also easy to have various problems because of unfamiliar environment.

He believes that all those who have the intention to attack will definitely choose to attack from here.

Attack from here, then they will feel the horror of the mermaid.

Hundreds of armed mermaids are enough to easily destroy a fleet unless they meet a wizard or someone with extraordinary power related to water.

Even if he is not here, he can still ensure that the kingdom is not invaded by external forces.

"Moreover, it can also let the mermaid clear the Warcraft in the sea for us and help us develop the resources of the sea."

There are more Warcraft in the sea than in the forest, and there are all kinds of terrible giant Warcraft.

However, there are few marine Warcraft around the island, and the giant Warcraft basically won't be close to the offshore area, and their food doesn't include humans, so basically don't worry too much, just need the mermaid to clean up some small Warcraft often.

Merida nodded thoughtfully and listened to what Gray said. No one seems to be really useful. It seems that she didn't bring it back because she was greedy for their beauty.