On the third day of their return, the soldiers, Christophe and Xuebao escorted the three criminals back to arendale.

This time is faster than gray expected. The ice and snow have disappeared. In addition, they have horses and elk, so it is more convenient to move. Otherwise, they would never cross the mountains and return to arendale so soon.

When the three were escorted to the castle, the Duke of Weston, who had been paying attention to his two soldiers, immediately got the news and ran over without stopping.

"Stop, what are you doing? You are treason, shameful treason. Let them go!" The Duke of Weston shouted and forced some soldiers to let go of his men and Prince Hans.

"You will cause a war between the two countries. You are arendale's sinners!" The Duke's shrill voice seemed to pierce people's eardrums.

Many people of arendale were pointing around and didn't understand how the team looking for the queen could have infighting.

Even if you can't find the queen, just come back by yourself. How can you fight by yourself?

And your highness, how can you treat him like this because he was so kind to everyone before?

Some people are already shouting for their release, your highness.

The crowd was fierce. The soldiers sweat a lot out of their heads. Suddenly one of the soldiers had a horizontal neck and his face turned red. "You know, it was the prince who caused alendale to become like that before."

"And these two men, who secretly accepted the Duke's order to assassinate the queen, are both alendale's sinners."

He has understood that her majesty asked them to escort several people back to try their crimes. In that case, why not say it in advance?

"Are you serious?" The people around were stunned. Would a good prince be the culprit of the disaster?

As for the Duke, they were not very shocked. The old man had never been a good thing, and it was not surprising to do that.

"Of course!" The soldier said everything he wanted to say. At this time, he can't change his mouth. Of course, he should be hard to the end.

"Asshole, this is slander, slander, slander of red fruit. Someone will catch them and hang them!" The Duke was surprised. His orders must not be exposed, or he would be in great trouble.

"Stop!" A clear drink overcame the fierce noise, so that everyone involuntarily stopped the discussion and turned to look at the direction of the sound.

In the castle, gray and Anna walked on both sides of Aisha and came quickly this way.

"Your Majesty, these soldiers are crazy to slander a duke and a prince. It is an unforgivable crime and they must be hanged." The Duke reacted so quickly that he ran to Aisha and wanted to turn black and white upside down.

Kill some soldiers first, and then he will be all right. As for saving Prince Hans, let him do whatever he wants at that time, and don't spend too much money.

Aisha stopped and didn't seem to want to get close to the old Duke. She held her head high and looked at the Duke of Weston with dignity. "They can't be wrong, because I was there when these people carried out the plot."

"No way. If you were together, how could you come back so long before them?" The Duke of Weston doesn't believe it.

"We flew back, of course." Anna sneered that she didn't like the old guy who wanted to kill Aisha.

If gray and Aisha hadn't said that they would try him directly when the evidence arrived, and he couldn't run away in arendale, she couldn't help asking him for trouble several times.

"Fly?" The Duke didn't expect this answer, but then he remembered that the queen could do magic. He regretted that he hadn't thought of it before.

"Why don't we see what the three parties say?" Gray said with a smile and asked the soldiers to bring the three men to the front. "Do you have anything to explain your crime?"

Prince Hans is silent and has the right to think of himself as a mute. In full view of the public, he can't beat himself anymore.

However, the two soldiers were not so tough. They had already pleaded guilty in the ice and snow castle, and their psychological defense had already collapsed. Under Gray's gaze, the soles of their feet had already softened, so it was naturally impossible to retract their confessions.

In their narration, the people understood that the Duke sent two people to help the princess and the queen in name, but in fact it was for the purpose of secretly killing people.

Seeing that Aisha didn't move after hearing their identification, gray reached out and quietly touched her arm, but Aisha looked at him with embarrassment.

Gray had to do it for him, pointed to the Duke and said to the soldiers around him, "catch it!"

These soldiers did not hesitate. Gray went in and out with the princess and queen every day these days. They were also familiar with him and knew that what he said would be implemented as long as the queen did not object.

So several soldiers rushed up and caught the Duke left and right.

When the Duke was arrested, gray looked at Prince Hans, "Your Highness is ashamed and unwilling to speak, so I'll try my best to state his crime."

"The 13th Prince of South els, because he had no hope of inheriting the throne in his own country, learned that the two princesses arendale had just come of age and that queen Aisha was about to inherit the throne.

Then the queen inherited the throne, deceived Princess Anna's feelings, intended to murder the queen, and then accidentally killed Princess Anna, so as to sit on the throne of arendale.

This time, after finding the queen and princess, he went crazy and directly tried to kill them. It was a terrible crime. "

Gray was concise and comprehensive without a long speech. He directly and concisely stated the prince's purpose and methods.

Just because the speech was concise and comprehensive, everyone listened very clearly and understood it.

"It is really abominable. Your highness trusted him so much that he could do such a thing."

"It's so inhuman. It's a shame for them to have such a prince in South els."

"Fight, we fight, defeat South els and let them pay the price!" In the crowd, a hot-blooded man shouted.

People talked about it one after another. Asha pressed her hands and took a deep breath. "Everyone of arendale's people, I know that arendale's people are not afraid of death, but there will always be injuries and deaths in war. War will only bring grief."

"We will make them pay the price, but not through war. However, arendale does not want war, but if it is really necessary, I believe everyone is the best soldier and gives the enemy the most painful lesson."

Neat shouts broke out in the square, and people shouted slogans such as being willing to fight for arendale and bring down nanels.

"Gray, will something happen?" Aisha said firmly that she really didn't want to fight. After adding a few words from gray, everyone became more enthusiastic.

"It's all right. Anyway, it won't really fight. It just scares those people with evil intentions, and it can also enhance national cohesion." Gray didn't care at all. No matter how fierce they shouted, they wouldn't really rush out of arendale to South els. Such a large sea in the middle is not fake.