In arendale castle, when gray entered the hall, he slipped and almost fell.

"Aisha, when making ice and snow in the castle, will you hang a warning sign at the door?"

"Excuse me, is gray going to skate together?" Asha's feet were stepping on the frozen ice skate, sliding like the wind, and then a sudden brake stopped in front of gray.

A few strands of raised hair brushed across Gray's face. Gray smiled. The flat plate in his hand turned into a bracelet and put it on his hand, "but I haven't played!"

"Get out of the way!" Anna shouted and rushed over.

"I'll teach you!" When Aisha finished, she grabbed Gray's arm and took him to the ice and snow to avoid the reckless Anna. Then a magic fell on his feet, and a skate that could support him was formed on the sole of his shoe.

With the ice skate, gray walked up carefully and was dragged forward by Aisha.

"Wow, your omnipotent majesty will not?" Anna steadied herself and slid over carefully. She could see that as long as her skills were better than gray, she could proudly show that she was better.

Gray was not in the mood to answer her. He held Asha's hand tightly and looked nervous. "Won't you suddenly let me go?"

"Of course not, never!" Asha said firmly.

"That's good!"

An elf stepped on a small ice skate at his feet and held a small ice cream in his hand. He quickly slipped past them, leaving a big white eye.

Gray is really a bad man. He's lying again.

However, his majesty said that no matter how strong his fighting quality and how good his control over his body are, he won't. He is not omnipotent. He should have the courage to admit what he is not good at and can't pretend to understand.

It happens that he can't master skating. He thinks it should be a matter of talent. Some people are naturally good at some things, but they don't know anything about other things that look very simple and can't learn them.

It seemed that he was startled by the passing elf. Gray was in a hurry and almost fell several times.

A few minutes later, gray let go of Aisha's hand and looked confident, "I think I can!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Gray, are you okay?" Aisha quickly slid over, looked at the gray poster on the wall and asked with a worried face.

"It's all right. I can learn it!"

A few minutes later, gray staggered to the wall that was under the pressure that shouldn't be borne at this age. There was a wind under Aisha's feet, rushed over quickly and grabbed him in time.

"Get out of the way!"

Obviously, she only noticed one beginner who couldn't do well, and the other was completely forgotten by her.

The one she had forgotten was coming at a speed of 180 yards. According to the track, they unfortunately stopped her on the way forward.

"Be careful!" His Majesty was worthy of being a powerful soldier. He was quick in eyes and hands. He put his arms around Aisha's waist and hid aside.

Because the action was too big, they directly lost balance and fell to the ice.

Gray's mind turned quickly and turned Asha over himself in the air. Anyway, he was not afraid of falling.

Aisha grabbed gray with one hand and pointed to the ground with the other. A magic fell to the ground, and a pile of snowflakes grew on the ice.

The two fell directly into the snow pile and were submerged by the snow, but soon, a hand was stretched out in the snow pile and pointed to the wall, which was also full of snow.

The perpetrator shouted and rushed directly into the snowdrift and was buried into a snowman by snowflakes.

An elf passed between the snowdrifts, looked at the two snowdrifts, and left a fool to slip away.

Anna struggled out of the snow, shook off the snow and looked at the place where they fell, but she saw only a pile of snow and nothing else.

"Aisha!" Anna cried, afraid to slide on the ice and came over carefully to remove the snow.

"Anna, I'm fine!" Aisha replied in the snow, but she didn't come out by herself.

A smart elf passed by again and performed a trick in front of Anna, leaving a look at the fool.

When Anna's fingers touched the snowbank, Aisha turned over in the snowbank and sat up with a red face.

Gray also sat up and reached for the snowflakes on her head. "Princess, are you trying to murder?"

"I didn't, Aisha. Are you okay?" Anna turned away with a guilty face.

"I'm fine!" Aisha stood up, regardless of them, slipped under her feet, left directly, and then slid around the hall. The walls of the hall were immediately covered with snow.

The black wall turned snow-white. Aisha stretched out her hand and tried. It was very thick. It didn't matter if she hit it.

"Can you really hit it?" Gray and Anna went to the wall and touched it gently.

What Anna didn't see was that a guilty hand had been stretched out behind her. When she focused on studying the snow, the arm pushed behind her, and Anna rushed directly into the snow.

"That's stupid. Didn't you just hit it?" Gray laughed and ran away.

Who knows, I really didn't notice my feet. I slipped and fell with my feet facing the sky. My ass was solid and sat on the ground.

A thud, very dull.

Anna looked back from the snowdrift and saw this scene with a fluttering smile.

Of course, such a fall was nothing to gray. He got up in the second second second and continued to run. He couldn't stand with the female driver, and he was still an angry female driver.

"Hum, I knew you were actually a bear, big stupid bear!" Anna said with great certainty. She grabbed a handful of snow in her hand and threw it at gray.

As a beginner with poor skating skills, gray couldn't hide and was hit on the back by a snowball.

"I warn you, you are provoking war." In a rage, gray rushed to the front wall, made a big snowball and threw it at Anna.

"War is war, who is afraid of who, Aisha hit him!" Anna squatted underground, and the big snowball hit the humanoid snow pit in front of her.

"Hit you two!" Gray yelled. His arrogant attitude made people feel disgusting at first sight. He couldn't help but want to hit him.

Aisha rubbed her face and smiled, "you said it yourself!"

Then a snowball appeared in her hand and threw it at gray.

In one-on-two, gray still didn't counsel. He grabbed them with two hands. There was no need to throw two snowballs directly at them, one by one.

Aisha moves at high speed in the field. While avoiding the snowball, she also greets gray with the snowball. Anna has a pile of snow beside her for her to rub the snowball.


A scream, I don't know when the snow treasure came in was removed by gray, and the head and body were thrown at Aisha and Anna respectively, followed by the big belly and two small short legs below.

Xuebao fell on the back wall and found that he was all right. He put his head out of the snow hole. "Excuse me, can you pass my stomach up?"

"Xuebao, I'll teach him a lesson for you. There's no time now." Anna is busy.

Aisha slipped in a gust of wind and threw several parts of Xuebao up.