Unconsciously, Gray's squint for a while has passed for half an hour.

However, the bath in the soup house has a heat preservation effect. The medicine bath here has always maintained a constant temperature. As long as you are not afraid of skin wrinkles, it doesn't matter if you soak for a long time.

After all, some gods have rough skin and thick flesh. Their bodies are full of leather crustaceans. It's no problem how long they soak. Others are too dirty and need to be cleaned for a long time.

So the soup house won't rush. You can soak as long as you want. Just come out before they get off work, that is, before dawn.

Half an hour later, gray and the elf fell asleep comfortably in the bath. The elf floated on it without image.

Suddenly, the soup room became noisy and suddenly entered the downtown mode. Toad and the waitress hurried between the baths to inform every guest.

"The God of decay is coming. Please evacuate as soon as possible."

The waitress went outside Gray's bath and knocked on the door. "Guest, the God of decay is coming. In order to avoid a bad experience for your bath, please evacuate as soon as possible."

There's no way. When the rotten God comes, everyone has to make way, no matter who you are, unless you want to experience the treatment of bathing and eating in the sewer.

I believe that few people will choose this except for metamorphosis.

Gray woke up when she knocked on the door. He didn't sleep very heavily. What's more, he's in a similar state of false sleep. His sleep is very shallow. He'll wake up as soon as there's any movement.

Gray reached out and touched his body. He felt a little lubricated. It was like that the shower gel was not washed clean. "Rotten God?"

"Yes, and it's an oversized rotten God." The waitress nodded and continued to explain, "the rotten God guest has a great impact on the surroundings and will bring a rotten smell. In order to avoid affecting your experience, you'd better evacuate as soon as possible and go upstairs to avoid it."

"Big rotten God? It seems that there are other trumpet rotten gods, so does each god have a plural? " Gray said to himself.

"I see!" Gray shouted to the outside, turned to the elf still floating on the water, and reached out to poke her in the face.

"Here comes the monster. It's so smelly. Let's go, or we'll become a sewer elf in a moment." Gray said to her with a serious face.

The elf stretched out his neck and sniffed in the air. Suddenly, his face changed greatly and jumped out of the water. "Gray, go quickly. It stinks."

Far away, the elf can't stand the smell. It's too smelly. He has gone to so many worlds with gray and has never encountered such a smell.

Even the bog monster encountered in the vampire world doesn't smell so bad.

Feeling this smell can make a person faint directly. Food can't be close, and it will decay in an instant.

It's more biological and chemical weapons than biological and chemical weapons. Gray also sighed. He grabbed the elf, instantly dried the water on his body, put on a bathrobe and prepared to evacuate. However, there are too many people outside. At this time, many monsters and gods are crowded together.

Gray didn't have the idea of smelling the smell of the rotten God. Seeing that he couldn't squeeze through, he flew directly with the elf.

Although the soup house does not have the name of no flight, most of the guests here choose to take the elevator or take the stairs.

Of course, it does not rule out that most low-end gods have no flying ability and can only walk by themselves.

Anyway, in this case, gray believes that even if the soup house is not allowed to fly, mother-in-law Tang will turn a blind eye. After all, they brought trouble to the guests with the arrival of the rotten God.

Outside the soup house, the rotten God has begun to cross the bridge. As it comes along, countless smelly liquids are left on the road, and shops on the streets are closed one after another for fear of avoiding it.

On the bridge, toads holding lanterns stopped the rotten God under the heavy rain and refused to let it into the store.

There's no way. As soon as the rotten God comes, the business in the store will definitely decline by a large margin, and their workload will also rise by a large margin. They will definitely lose money. No one is willing to change.

"Please go back." Toads opened their mouths one after another. Even if they refused, they didn't dare to refuse directly or say evil words to each other. This is a God or a rotten God. If the other party is angry, the soup house won't open any more.

And it doesn't take much effort. People just need to stop here every day. The business of the soup house directly falls back to the freezing point. No one is willing to eat and take a bath under the care of the rotten God.

"It stinks!" A frog couldn't stand it. He lost consciousness directly under the smell and fell straight down.

"No way. Since we're here, we can't shut out the guests." Mother-in-law Tang pondered for a moment, "please invite him in and let the best services rot God. Their wages are doubled today."

"Remember, we must make a quick decision, clean up the rotten God as soon as possible and send him away." Mrs. Tang finally concluded.

Send him away quickly. The soup house can still operate normally for a period of time. If it is delayed, the business of the soup house will be destroyed today. It has just opened for business today.

"Yes, mother-in-law."

When they got the order, the toads stopped and quickly made way for the rotten God.

A toad kindly pulled the frog away, otherwise the rotten God would pass through him, and the frog would be wasted directly.

The rotten God walked slowly across the bridge. In the soup house, grandma Tang had already been waiting there.

Although she wanted to put her hand over her nose, Mrs. Tang still thought it was a very impolite thing for the guests and tried not to do so.

The smell directly made her goose bumps all over. What's more desperate is that her nose is much larger than human beings, and she inhales more air. The damage increases exponentially.

Behind her, as soon as several waitresses covered their noses, they were angrily scolded by mother-in-law Tang and put down their hands. They all knew that this kind of action must not be done in front of the guests, which would make the guests feel offended.

"Remember, make a quick decision. Your salary is doubled today and you have a bonus." Mrs. Tang whispered that these people are not Chihiro who just came in. They are all old-fashioned. They won't do anything bad, so they must give incentives.

If only the little girl were here, she could be sent directly at this time. The little girl probably didn't dare to resist. Mrs. Tang secretly thought that it would not be rude and save a lot of money.

Unfortunately, I didn't promise to sign a contract with her yesterday. I knew that the rotten God would come, so I would sign a new man.

Secretly regretting, the rotten God had passed through the curtain of the soup house and came in. Where he passed, the sewage flowed and smelled. Several waitresses almost carried their breath directly.

If I had known, I should have talked to Mrs. Tang again. It would be too bad to double the salary, at least three times.

"Welcome to the soup house!" Mrs. Tang reluctantly smiled.

The God of decay approached and stretched out a tentacle full of mud.

"Money... Money?" Mrs. Tang felt that her goose bumps could fall off the ground. She quickly motioned the waitress with her eyes to take the fee given by the rotten God.

Although they were also very reluctant, they had no choice but to be taken over by the person standing in the front.

At the next moment, the waitress felt stiff. I'm afraid it would take ten days and a half months to clean up.

"Guest, this way, please!" The waitresses lead the way, and here in the soup house has completely become a sewage ditch with a pungent stench.