Returning to Moore forest, gray found that Mary fisson's mother and daughter were still awake, mainly because Mary fisson watched Arlo play with the elves, and then inadvertently showed a kind old mother's smile.

"You smell of blood." Just after the fall, Mary fisson put away her smile and turned expressionless to stare at him.

Gray put away the magic flying carpet, and little jasmine became the size of a normal person and happily joined the carnival of the elves.

When I got to the stone table, I sat down, grabbed a fruit and took a bite. "On the way back, I met some guys who wanted to kill me and took care of it."

A group of dark fairies without self-knowledge. Gray only delayed for a minute, so he took a knife and let them rest in peace.

Mary Pherson nodded gently. She had killed people herself, so she didn't think it was a criminal thing, especially killing those who were malicious to herself and wanted to occupy Moore forest. It was a very right and just thing.

In her eyes, although gray has the nature of being a good man, he is by no means a kind-hearted virgin. It is not surprising that he killed several people.

So without saying anything, she turned her head again and looked at Arlo and them playing.

Gray didn't continue to explain. After all, it was really Mary Pherson's people. Even if they didn't know each other, it was hard to say.

Let it drift with the wind.

"Hey, Mary Pherson, I've refined some medicine. Would you like to try it? Maybe it can help you recover your strength." Carlisle came up with a small dark face and looked expectantly at Mary Pherson.

Gray glanced at her. Was the stove blown up while refining medicine?

Restore strength?

Mary fisson's heart moved slightly, and she was attracted by Carlisle's words.

As a creature mastering extraordinary power, if you lose this power, it's like a normal person losing a hand. It's inconvenient to do anything. It's undoubtedly quite uncomfortable.

If she had a chance to recover, of course she wouldn't give up.

"What is it?" Mary fisson asked nervously.

Carlisle took out a bottle of cyan medicine and proudly began to show it, "I admire you for losing your strength to protect the forest, so I developed this bottle of recovery medicine."

"It has no other function. Its only function is to supplement the power consumed in the body, but your power is completely consumed. I think it may help you recover some power. As long as you recover some, you can recover more in the future."

"Really?" Mary fisson smiled in surprise and held out her hand involuntarily.

Carlisle also reached out to push the medicine to her and looked at gray with eyes in her eyes, waiting for him to praise himself.

"Well done!" Gray also held out his hand and took the potion before Mary fisson got it.

"Let me have a look!" He knows Carlisle's level. Although the strength of refining magic medicine is not weak, he is still a little skeptical about refining a potion that can help Mary Pherson recover.

In order not to let Mary fisson die miserably, gray decided to help her. She has no power now. She is just an ordinary elf. If she is poisoned, she may die immediately, and it is too late to rescue.

"Master, people are also very strong." Carlisle waichubaba said.

"I'll see." Gray waved his hand, dropped a drop of medicine everywhere, detected it and swallowed it.

Ten seconds later, gray opened his eyes, "the medicine is harmless and has some magic, but whether it can help you recover depends on luck."

With that, he handed over the medicine. Mary fisson took it, drank it all without hesitation, and then closed her eyes and waited.

"It will be useful!" Carlisle held his little hand and prayed. It was hard for him to do it. It must be useful.

Mary Pherson's body trembled slightly, and the bean sized sweat drops on her forehead. Seeing this scene, Carlisle suspected that she had not only failed, but also refined the wrong medicine, which was poisoning Mary Pherson's body.


"Don't worry, it's all right. Her state is still very stable and her vitality shows no signs of slipping." Gray saw more than she did, and had determined that the medicine was harmless before, so he wasn't very worried.

Mary feisen trembled for a moment, opened her eyes nervously, and then waved to the grass. The grass had not changed. She showed such a disappointed face.

After drinking the medicine, she felt a vague force waking up in her body, but the feeling lasted only a moment, and she couldn't feel it no matter how hard she tried.

"How do you feel?" Gray opened his mouth. Of course, he could see that Carlisle's medicine had failed, but failure did not mean nothing. Success was to learn from continuous failure.

It's impossible to make the right medicine the first time.

It is the right way for a magician to find a new formula to make harmless potions and improve them continuously.

So Mary fisson's feeling is still very important, which can provide inspiration for the next improvement.

Of course, if she doesn't feel at all, like drinking water, there's no need to improve.

Mary Fischer told her feelings. Gray and Carlisle nodded at the same time. The medicine had some effects, but the efficacy was not enough to lead to the power seeds in Mary Fischer's body.

So there is the direction of improvement, towards enhancing the efficacy.

"Carlisle, I'll leave it to you." Gray reached out and patted Carlisle on the shoulder and said confidently.

"Thank you, master. I will try my best." Carlisle nodded excitedly, not only because of his affirmation, but also because he developed a new medicine, which is a very fulfilling thing for a magician.

Later, she can write this medicine into her autobiography or magic manual, indicating that she invented it herself.

Since learning Gray's magic, she has been working hard. Now it's time to prove herself.

Mary fisson solemnly thanked her. She saw the hope of recovery, which made her very excited.


Outside Moore forest, the home of Arlo and the three elves.

At this time, the three elves looked at each other in panic. They found a big problem: their little baby Arlo was gone.

Arlo always likes to run out, so at first they thought she was just going out to play and no one cared, but until now she hasn't come back and told them. This kind of thing doesn't often happen.

After the last time, elotte promised them that she would say hello in advance if she came back late.

"Maybe she just played outside and forgot the time. She'll be back soon. We're just worried." The red leaf fairy said tentatively.

"But now it's dark. Can she still find her way?"

"Sure. Didn't she come back late before that time? Maybe we can go to bed now. When we wake up tomorrow morning, Arlo will go back to her bed as before."

Arlo was taken away by Mary Pherson to play in Moore forest several times before. Then she sent her back without disturbing the three elves. Therefore, they all thought that Arlo came back by herself, and it would be the same this time. When she woke up tomorrow, Arlo would appear in her bed.