Three days passed in a flash. On this day, Gray was swimming leisurely in a lake on an empty island. Little Molly lay on a fruit, covered with a green magic mask, and slept.

"Master, the base has received a signal. The spacecraft will arrive at the base in two hours." Silly girl warned loudly.

The opportunity to sneak into the base comes. This is the best time. If you miss it, you can only kill one person to replace his identity.

"OK, little Molly, let's go!" Gray put on casual clothes, picked up the sleeping elf with two fingers, put it into his pocket and flew towards the human base.

In order not to be found by their machines, Gray was still far away from them. He came over the base after flying for an hour.

At this time of day, the whole base is running at high speed. There are no idle people here. Everyone is a part of this huge machine and has their own position.

So gray didn't pretend to be a childe who came for vacation. Pandora's scenery is really good, but no childe will come for vacation across a few light-years. It will take several years to travel. If they have that time, they might as well go around the world.

To tell the truth, he really wants to pretend to be a childe. After entering, he doesn't have to do anything. Just wait for his avatar to be cultivated.

Unfortunately, he can't. He has to prove his value in order to get his avatar.

After waiting on the roof of the base for a while, a spaceship flew from the sky and fell slowly.

In the spaceship, a group of people sat on both sides of the cabin, listened to the command of the officer, took off their safety belts, took out a transparent mask, put it on their face, and turned to look at the cabin door.

The cabin door of the spacecraft opened, and a group of people came out one after another and walked towards a place in the base.

As they walked away, gray silently followed the tail of the team, and then suddenly appeared.

He had an oxygen mask on his face and a big package on his back. Like these people, he just got off the ship. No one doubted him.

In the monitoring of the base, he came down from the ship from the beginning and followed everyone all the time.

Others didn't find gray, but he was the last one. He was a little confused. Obviously, he was the last one. How could there be anyone behind him?

But he didn't think much. Maybe it was on the other side of the cabin.

The middle of the ship is occupied by goods. They can only sit on both sides. Maybe someone opposite the goods is slower than him.

After walking behind them, not far in front of them, several soldiers walked quickly with guns.

The party began to run slowly and entered a hall with the soldiers in front.

"Wait here, sir. Come back and tell you what to do here." The soldiers pointed to the seats in the hall.

The party took their seats. Before long, hard footsteps sounded, and a soldier full of hard man came over.

"Where you are now is Pandora. Ladies and gentlemen, you should always remember this." Colonel miles walked leisurely down the aisle without introducing himself and went straight to the point.

Gray put on a look of listening carefully. In fact, everyone is listening carefully. On an alien planet, if you don't understand the information here, you are blind and may die at any time.

Colonel miles continued, "Pandora is a crueler place for us than hell. Outside that fence, no matter flying in the sky or walking on the ground, anything alive wants to eat you alive."

"There is a native race here. We call them neville people. They like to paint a neurotoxin on bows and arrows. Taking things can make you stop your heartbeat in a minute. They have natural reinforced carbon fiber bones. It's difficult to kill them."

Then the Colonel determined that his duty was to ensure their survival and warned them to obey orders and abide by the rules here.

After the school motto, everyone left here and went to their respective departments.

Gray is going to the biology laboratory, where he studies the creatures on Pandora and cultivates avatar.

"Hello, Dr. Sutton. I'm Max Patel. Welcome to Pandora and welcome you to the biology laboratory." A lab worker in a white coat warmly shook hands with him, "do you want to visit the lab? The things here will definitely surprise you."

"Of course, Dr. Patel, every alien creature is of great research value, isn't it?" Gray nodded, his eyes flashing with excitement. "I heard that creatures on Pandora have an exposed nervous system?"

He took the initiative to ask, and was not afraid to show timidity, because the silly girl was still in his hand, and he also made up classes.

In fact, the advanced game cabin in Oasis world that can enter the game with spirit is very close to the neural link here, but one of them enters the virtual world and the other enters the body of another creature.

As for the neural link information, silly girl has it all. He turns silly girl into a headset and puts it on his ear. No matter what they ask, they can give professional answers.

And his answer just now is very consistent with his personal design.

A scientist of neural conduction will never be indifferent to a creature with an exposed nervous system.

"Of course, in fact, we almost forgot. I'm really sorry. You know, we always forget a lot because of the experiment. If the base didn't remind us, I wouldn't know you were coming." Max said apologetically.

In fact, they should have known whether there was such a person as gray a few years ago. They have no memory of this, indicating that there may be a problem.

But he just thought that he had done the experiment wholeheartedly and forgot. He didn't have this memory because it was too long ago. After all, as he said, they often forget some small things.

But the spaceship has to fly for several years to reach the base. They don't have the habit of being in a hurry for something a few years ago.

There is no doubt at all. Their memory will make mistakes, but the data of the base system will not. The data say that there are people who have really arrived. Naturally, it is true. Can someone reach Pandora directly from the earth without passing through the spacecraft?

How is it possible that everyone who comes here is his own. No one will think in other directions at all, because there is no condition for others to mix in.

How did you get in? Cut off the ship on the way and get into the sleep cabin?

"It doesn't matter. Compared with the warm hospitality of my colleagues, I look forward to the surprises brought to me by the creatures of the world." Gray didn't care. "Your neural link technology has been linked to avatar. I really want to feel it myself."

"No problem, we will carry out gene debugging as soon as possible and cultivate your avatar!" Dr. Max promised.

Although avatar is very precious and each avatar costs a lot, there are notes in Gray's data, indicating that he has the right to apply for his own avatar for research.

Since you have permission, it's much easier.

There are many avatars in the base, and many participating scientists have their own avatars. After all, avatars are part of their plan, and it is impossible to build only a few to use.

"Thanks. I'll buy you a drink in the evening." Gray said readily.