One month passed in the blink of an eye. Gray came to the cultivation room every day to observe his avatar. Every day, he could see that he had grown up again and changed day by day.

Finally, Dr. Patel told him that as long as he checked avatar again and confirmed that there was no problem, he could come out of the incubator, which was equivalent to being born in the world and be able to drive.

Gray returned to his room with expectation, although driving avatar is very similar to the virtual game of oasis world.

But there are essential differences between the two. The biggest difference is that avatar really exists in this world. He can feel all real information, not false data.

Everything you touch is real, and you can feel the taste and smell of food.

In fact, gray felt that their technology of spiritual link to avatar could be regarded as another kind of magic.

"Little Molly, we can go out tomorrow." Gray returned to the dormitory, put a box of food in front of the elf and smiled.

"Oh!" Little Molly doesn't care about it. It's fun here.

"Did you see the blue giant? I'll use him to take you out tomorrow, so you go out with me tomorrow. Remember not to let others see you, and then you can stay with my avatar. We may often use him to go out in the future. "

Gray told him that Avatar was made. He also wanted to go out and have a closer look at the world.

Especially those exposed nerves, silly girl once said that two communication signals were detected. One was underground and very obscure. He thought it was the neural network on Pandora that spread all over the planet.

The creatures in this world have evolved another way. The existence of exposed nerves allows them to communicate with any creature with exposed nerves. This is simply magic.

the second day!

"Gray, you use this one!" Grace took him to the connection room and pointed to a nerve connection device.

Gray nodded, poked the soft glue inside with his finger, sat up and lay down.

Then the hatch closed and gray closed his eyes as his eyes plunged into darkness.

Outside, Dr. Patel took a data board and went to the window of the control room. He said unbelievably, "what an active brain. He is the most active person I have ever seen. He is a natural avatar driver."

"Let me see!" Grace listened to him and became interested. She went over to take a look at the data board, and her face couldn't help showing surprise.

"It's really active. It's really hard to imagine. No wonder he's a genius. He's really the best avatar driver." Grace nodded and agreed with Dr. Patel's judgment.

What they don't know is that this is just Gray's calm state. Instead of thinking, he is emptying his brain.

In the connection device, gray suddenly felt that his mental power seemed to enter his form and spirit separation, and entered a new body from a certain channel.

There was a vague call in his ear. Gray opened his eyes. In front of him was not a dark connection device, but a bright room.

He was lying in a bed with two experimenters. They were examining his body and asking him something.

They had a procedure for avatar's physical examination, so they did it quickly. Gray followed the guide to go out and have outdoor activities.

Although he showed excellent adaptability and could well control the body in a short time, they were still worried and had to continue to observe for a period of time before he could move freely.

Little jasmine flew from the air and stood on his shoulder.

Avatar is tall and slender, and her shoulders should be wider, but little Molly doesn't feel as comfortable as Gray's own shoulders when she stands up.

As they checked, Gray was allowed to move freely.

He walked outside. Before taking a few steps, a female avatar came up and looked at him with a smile, "yes, you seem to have completely mastered this avatar."

"Grace." Gray nodded softly. "Can I go out and have a look now?"

"Of course not. Pandora is full of danger. You are not the neville people who lived in the forest since childhood. I'm sure we can't even find your body in less than an hour."

"Don't think it's nothing. It's just an avatar body. The death of avatar will have a mental impact on us and damage our brain and nerves.

You don't think we control this body through neural connections, just driving a machine? "

"Although we will not die because of avatar's death, brain damage may be permanent. Even if it can be treated, it is also a pain that ordinary people can't bear."

"Well, I see. Did we catch some creatures with exposed nerves?" Gray said he understood and asked again.

"No, Pandora's creatures have a strong rejection of us. Even if we catch them, they will commit suicide and will not be kept by us." Grace shook her head.

Seeing Gray's disappointed eyes, grace smiled, "don't worry, you have plenty of opportunities to communicate with Pandora."

"We built a school in Pandora to learn from each other with the neville people. We taught them our knowledge, and they taught us how to get along with nature and how to communicate with those creatures."

"Neville people can get their own Icaran and ride them to fly in the sky. We also have a chance. You may become the first avatar to capture your Icaran."

"I'll try." Gray said that ilanka is a big bird like a pterosaur that the Neville rode and flew. It is contained in the data of the base.

After the Nawi people tame their ilanka, they can communicate with ilanka through the exposed nervous system to realize the integration of man and horse and fly out of difficult movements easily.

Because now all the people who own avatar are scientists, and they all enjoy the convenience brought by high technology, in fact, no one will really live a primitive life like the neville people. It is difficult to learn their essence, and naturally no one will tame ilanka.

"Come on, grace, no one can tame the beasts living in the sky. The last time Daru fell off a cliff, the scene was unforgettable." An avatar came up and smiled.

Then he looked at gray, "don't try those strange things. We have already flown into the sky and into the universe by ourselves, haven't we? There's no need to risk our lives to catch that thing. Can their Icaran fly across the universe?"

"You know, Daru is still lying in the hospital bed. The doctor said it will take at least three months to recover. He has been cultivated for a year."

"Thank you." Thank you.

"The most important thing for us is to collect their intelligence, rather than really regard ourselves as an aborigine and return to primitive life." The avatar nodded,

"Our ancestors tried to get rid of ignorance and give us powerful technology. Of course, we should make good use of it. It's foolish to give up."

"Let's go. I'll show you somewhere else." Grace turned and left. She didn't agree with this man's idea.

As a group of advanced civilizations, shouldn't communication be the main way to do anything? Repression and killing are what barbarians will do.

Gray smiled at the avatar and followed grace away.