Gray stopped talking about wine making, that is, if the race living in the tree still gets drunk every day and falls to death a few drunk people a day, it will sooner or later kill the race.

The elves are not very happy. The elves in Moore forest can make wine. These people can't. It's a failure.

However, these fruits are also delicious, which can make up for the lack of wine.

During the day, Savannah always took him around the forest, wandering among the trees and taking him to identify all kinds of edible fruits.

The forest is full of food. As long as you can do it, you won't go hungry.

This makes gray sigh that the neville people are loved by the creator, strong and agile, don't have to worry about food shortage, spiritual sustenance and their God. They are much better than the human beings in the old society.

If someone came here at that time, he would feel that he had arrived in heaven.

On the way, they met a group of wild animals, like hounds, with six feet, hairless and agile.

These beasts wanted to attack them, and gray directly took out the refined steel dagger and planned to teach them to be beasts, but Savannah stopped him, waved the long bow to beat them back and took gray up the tree.

Wandering outside until it was dark, Savannah took gray back to their residence, a big tree hundreds of meters tall and tens of meters in diameter.

This tree is called home tree. As the name suggests, it is the home of the neville people.

The homestead tree is very big. Its root system is deep into the ground. The huge tree roots circling up one by one support the homestead tree. At the same time, it also forms a huge space on the ground, which is more than twice as large as the trunk. It is about 100 meters in diameter. That is where the neville people usually live.

"Another dreamer? They can't learn anything at all. They are as stubborn as stones. They never know how to feel with their heart. I really don't know what Savannah you brought him back for. Aren't those people before enough? "

A male Neville looked coldly and didn't welcome him.

Avatar is the name of human beings, and the neville people call them dreamers, because they control avatar by equipment and spiritual links, just as they control themselves in dreams.

"Sutai, you are too narrow. I believe even dreamers can be part of us." A female Neville walked out of the crowd with a long bow.

"This is what those dreamers have proved before, and I didn't say it alone." Su Tai's face softened a little when he saw the woman, but he didn't admit that his view was wrong.

"Dream Walker, work hard. I'll wait for you to tell him that even dream walker is actually the same as us. EVA won't give up any creatures." Knightley nodded slightly.

"You didn't go to school today. Where did you go?" Savannah looked curiously at her sister.

"I am preparing to choose my ikaran and finish saheru. The day after tomorrow, I will go to empty island with you to choose." "My Icaran will be the most powerful," said Knightley with a smile

"Well, you will be an excellent hunter, stronger than me and my father." Savannah reached out and patted her on the arm. "I'll watch you choose your own Icaran," she encouraged

Inside the home tree, it's not like the inside of a big tree, but like a cave, a huge cave. Those huge tree roots are stalactites supporting the cave one by one.

The ground and tree roots are covered with green moss, if no one has stepped into the primeval forest for decades and centuries.

Moving on, you can see a fire. There are some people standing by the fire. The leader is a Neville male decorated like the feather crown of the primitive tribe.

This is the leader of the tribe, chief etukan. Gray knows him and has seen him from the data.

"Father, this is gray. He wants to study with us." Savannah introduced him.

"Well, dreamer, although you can't get EVA's recognition, you can come here to study. It shows that you haven't reached the point of hopelessness. I hope you're the first." Chief etukan said, although his appearance did not seem to welcome him.

"Thank you!" Gray smiled and said hello to him with Neville etiquette.

In fact, I don't care about what he said. Neville people have Neville lifestyle, and earth people have earth lifestyle. It's not good or bad. After all, in the eyes of both sides, their own lifestyle is better.

And gray didn't want to really become a Neville. He just came to travel, riding a horse, riding a bird, playing a round and leaving.

Etukon nodded slightly and his face seemed to ease a lot. He had seen many dreamers. Some dreamers were arrogant and complacent and despised them. He felt that everything they did was just backward means, and some even didn't want to learn.

They just want to conquer everything through those steel, which is why he doesn't like dreamers very much.

It's just that EVA sent the oracle to let them contact the dreamers and understand them. He had to choose to cooperate with them.

"Come on, go and change your clothes. In the omatikaya tribe, you have to be like everyone else." Said Savannah.

Gray glanced at the others. Most of them were wearing only a little cloth to block important parts. Only those with higher status had some decorations, such as those on etukan and Sutai.

But he didn't want to wear only a piece of cloth to walk around and feel chilly. "Why, didn't you wear clothes when you went to school?"

"This is to make you better integrate into us. Do you want to stand so conspicuous among us?"

"Why not? I'm not from your tribe." Gray doesn't want to. If he's alone, the elf is still here. If she goes back and preaches to merrida belle that she runs naked every day, how can he have the face to see people in the future?

"I think we learn from each other. There is no need to completely turn each other into what we want. Seek common ground while reserving differences. Even if we have differences, we can coexist peacefully."

"For example, we want to provide you with medical education, but you have your own culture. We can't ask you to build houses and roads like us, but you can learn what you need, such as which drugs can treat diseases."

"What we need is tolerance, just as your EVA contains you and all other creatures, so that you can survive on this planet."

"That's it, let him wear it!" A voice came. On the root of a circling tree, a woman wearing red jewelry like clothes came down.

"As long as we are close to nature, we recognize whatever we wear." The woman walked up to gray and stared at him. "I feel the warmth from you. You are different from other dreamers."

"Thank you for your compliment, madam!"

Savannah and nitelli also looked at him strangely. Their mother Moya was the spiritual leader of the omatikaya tribe, the chashik of the tribe, equivalent to Shaman and so on.

The affirmation of the spiritual leader shows that he is really different from those dreamers who came here before.

"Then come with us. It's dinner time soon." Savannah nodded and took gray to the circling root. "I'll teach you how to pray to EVA and listen to Eva's voice."