Early in the morning, at the allendel port, the ship was ready to go, and all the materials were ready to set sail at any time.

The three of them came out of the castle and went to the deck together. Gray looked sideways at Anna. The little girl was untrue. She said to come to him for a check-up at night. She stood him up. Thanks to his waiting with Aisha for so long, a liar.

"Gray, what is your castle like? Is it the same as arendale's castle?" Anna was completely unaware of someone's resentment and immersed in the joy of going on an ocean trip together.

Maybe it's the adventure gene left by her parents. Now she is full of interest in the unknown distance and wants to fly over immediately.

Unfortunately, only one can fly, and the guy said he wanted to take a boat with Aisha and didn't fly, which made Anna very sorry.

Gray leaned against the side of the ship, leaning back slightly and feeling the cool sea breeze, "of course it's different. I have two castles, one is the old castle and the other is the new castle built last year."

"Now I live in the new castle. The new castle is on the sea cliff, with a river on one side and a forest on the other. It faces the sea and backs on the kingdom. It is a bit like alendale."

Anna listened to his description, and a tall castle built on the sea cliff came to her mind. On the castle, you can see the waves beating on the sea cliff, the waves splashing, and hear the waves rising and falling.

On the left side of the castle is a dense forest. You can ride a horse into the forest to hunt.

On the right side of the castle is a wide river. There is an endless stream of ships to play, forming a prosperous port.

The ship left arendale and headed south.

Gray disliked that the ship's speed was too slow, which would increase the time spent arriving at the Kingdom, so he arranged a magic array behind the sail, and the strong wind roared to push the ship to sail quickly.

This startled the calm captain. It was the first time to drive such a big ship. I didn't expect that the man with the queen was playing so exciting that the ship was about to fly.

He almost said he couldn't do it and asked him to sail by himself, but it's also very passionate to think about it. After driving such a fast boat, he will have face in the future.

And he doesn't want such a good boat to be handed over to others.

In the cabin, the three sat on the sofa. Gray and Aisha sat together and looked at a book describing the local conditions and customs of arendale.

Anna sat alone opposite them, shaking her arms and kicking her legs. She was very boring.

"Let's play chess together. The loser let the next one play." Aisha gently closed the book and suggested to Anna.

"Good, good!" Anna immediately promised to come down. For fear that she might repent, she jumped up from the sofa and went to look for chess pieces.

Gray shrugged and put his palm on Asha's shoulder. "I'll tell you, taking her is taking a light bulb to destroy our world."

"What is a light bulb?" Aisha didn't understand. She was curious about his new term.

"It's a bright thing, which is specially blocked between lovers and can't be avoided, so that they can't be close."

"Don't let Anna hear it. She'll be unhappy." Aisha smiled and explained for her, "Anna is also very good. There will be a lot of happy things with her."

She also knew that gray was joking and didn't really dislike Anna.

"What are you talking about?" Anna found the chessboard and came back. It's a pair of chess, but it's called King chess here.

Because here, it is imitating the fighting between the two countries.

"I didn't say anything. I said you were good-looking, lively and lovely. With you, I was more happy to travel." Asha smiled.

"No way. He must be talking ill of me. Asha, you still protect him."

"Play chess, hurry up, dawdling like a woman!" Gray said with a straight face.

"I'm a woman... Gray, you bastard, say I'm not a woman, I'll kill you." Anna was so angry that she jumped up and was about to hit someone.

Gray smiled coldly, reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulled it to his knee and slapped her ass hard.

"Disobedient children should be educated like this. Do you know if it's wrong?"

"Asha, help me. He's too much." Anna struggled hard and her legs moved.

Aisha hurriedly pulled gray, "get up quickly. If you can't fight, people still have to fight."

Gray let go of her, raised his eyebrows proudly, looked very provocative, and the cabin was full of joy.

Anna was wronged. "I thought you would help me!"

"Come on, Anna, let me play the next game with you. I'll cry you on the chessboard. Come if you want revenge." Gray was disappointed that he couldn't educate his sister-in-law well and decided to teach her how to be a man with technology.

"Who is afraid of who!" Anna stared, stamped her feet on the floor and sat down opposite angrily.

"If I win, I'll call back."

"No problem. What if I win?" Gray agreed without hesitation to make sure the bet.

Anna thought for a moment and whispered, "if you win, forget it. I won't bother you."

Anyway, she won't agree to let him spank twice. She's a girl or a princess. How can she let people spank?

Looking at Asha's face, gray agreed to the unfair bet.

The two sides set their pieces and began to fight.

Aisha sat and watched with interest. She couldn't help reminding Anna several times, but she didn't say anything and watched them play.

Soon, Anna was killed and her face was dejected.

"Shall I give you another chance? How about I give you a chariot and a knight this time? But this time you have to bet. " Gray seduced.

"Well, if you win, I'll be your maid for one day. If I win, you'll listen to me." Anna gritted her teeth and promised to come down.

Aisha stopped talking and wanted to say, sister, don't play so much. If gray dared to let you, it showed that he was confident, but it was not a big deal to think that just being a maid was not a big deal. Anna carefully said the time limit of one day, and could let her suffer some losses and have a long memory, so she refrained from saying.

Soon the pieces were set and the second set of fighting began.

Because of the lack of a chariot and a knight, the two were evenly matched this time. After a battle, there were only a few pieces left on both sides, and Gray's Queen had just died.

"Why don't we stop here? How about a draw?" Gray suggested with a smile.

"No, I'm going to win soon." Anna is very happy. She can finally give orders and domineer over him. See if he dare to be arrogant in front of her in the future.

Gray asked again, "really disagree?"

Anna said firmly, "absolutely disagree!"

"Anna, forget it." Asha advised.

"No, I want him to know that bullying me will come to no good end." Anna refused, satisfied, "Aisha, don't worry. I'll let him clean the floor, wash and cook at best."

Asha sighed and said nothing more.

The chess game continued. Several rounds, the gray Knight approached and would die Anna's king.

"How could this happen?" Anna is stupid. She has the advantage. Why did he win? Where did he come from?

"Hey, you are my maid now!" Gray rubbed his hands and smiled wickedly.

"Do whatever you want!" Anna said as soon as her eyes closed.

"Good, I want you!" Gray said sonorous and forceful, looking at her seriously.