Soon they came to a beach and got off the boat here.

From here, Peter and his men will go south and go to the forest to look for centaurs and other nanians, while gray will continue to go north to look for serpents, falcons, owls and tree humans.

These four races are the more important races he thinks of at present, and the others include tauren, Cyclops, werewolf, etc.

After defeating the white witch, he didn't kill them all. He just drove them to Justin wasteland. Hundreds of years later, maybe they have returned to Narnia from Justin wasteland.

Even if you don't come back, you can send someone to find them and give them a chance to return to Narnia.

If they don't come back, I believe they must look forward to Nania, which is rich in products, rather than continue to stay in the barren esteen wasteland.

After getting off the boat, gray waved his hand and separated from the crowd. Without stopping, he walked north.

The dwarf watched gray leave with a twinkle in his eyes.

Although gray has a bad attitude towards him, he is willing to follow gray if he chooses.

Because these four look like children, only gray is calm and decisive, and can use powerful magic, which makes him see the hope of leading them to defeat Tamo people.

But gray can't help it without him.

Along the way, gray looked at Nania with great changes and shook his head.

Now Nani Asia Pacific is wild. He even saw that some Nani people have completely turned into beasts, no longer have wisdom and can no longer speak. He saw that people only follow instinctive attacks and want to get food.

Such Nania was not the Nania he expected. He even felt that Nania during the reign of the white witch was better than now. At least at that time, although the life of Nania was difficult, there were still many people.

Even the snake people, the most difficult to survive in ice and snow, have preserved many living forces.

"It doesn't look like Narnia!" The elf sat on his shoulder and frowned.

There was no one, no one came out to welcome them, and no one would cook delicious food for her.

Gray nodded. "Yes, Nania is only Nania who has humans as king."

Once he thought that Narnia, which needed humans, was a good setting, but now he thinks this setting is very fucking.

The prosperity of the intelligent race in one world depends on whether there are humans in another world as kings.

There is no need for the human king to do anything great, just for him to sit in the position of King Narnia.

Once not, their wisdom seems to be useless, and everything becomes barbaric.

This is simply putting their own right to survival in the hands of others and relying on others to continue the race.

If Narnia could thrive without a human king, he was sure that Narnia would never be like this.

Gray walked around the owl forest. There were only caves left in the former Eagle mountain. It was covered with green moss and covered with vines. It looked like no one had lived for many years.

Owl forest owls are also very few. He walked around and didn't meet any.

If he hadn't found traces of owls on the ground, he would have thought that owls were extinct.

When walking out of the forest, gray found an owl.

Little jasmine flew over excitedly to say hello, but the owl didn't make a sound. Instead, she watched the elf fly to it, showing a look of doubt, but the doubt soon became a desire for food.

"Little Molly, come back!" Gray saw the owl's eyes and shouted.

The elf was obedient, turned and flew back, stood on his shoulder, held his collar with one hand and looked at him suspiciously.

"This is a real owl." Gray shook his head.

This owl is no longer a Nanian, but a real owl. Little Molly used to be used as food.

Of course, little jasmine doesn't have to be afraid of this ordinary owl at all.

It's just that if you can't communicate, it's useless to get together. You may also be attacked by owls.

"His eyes are fierce!" The elf stared into the owl's eyes and said with certainty.

"Yes, after all, it's completely a beast. I don't know if it can change back in the future." Gray sighed.

Many Narnians have become very stupid in the passage of time, and finally become completely unwise beasts.

If these Narnia people can not change back, then in the future, Narnia may have fewer people, or even fewer races, and will not be as prosperous as before.

While they were talking, the owl stared at the elves one by one, and then suddenly flew up and rushed towards them while they were not paying attention.

Gray reached out and grabbed the owl's neck accurately, then grabbed its wings and lifted it up.

"I'll let you go this time. Run away, be smart, and strive to become a smart Nanian." Gray patted his little head and threw it into the air.

When the owl was caught, it was very frightened. Now it was released, flapping its wings and flying far away. It didn't dare to come back again.

"Well, back to Narnia!" Little Molly cheered it happily in the back.

She likes nanians and small animals, but she prefers nanians like animals. If they can become nanians, she is very happy.

"Well, let's keep going!" Gray said loudly and strode north.

Out of the owl forest, the northern swamp is not far away from them. Standing higher, you can see many water systems separated from the meripo River and the huge land built by these water systems.

On the other side, the four brothers and sisters separated from gray also came to a deep canyon.

The deep canyon is very steep. There is no way down and no bridge. It blocks their way.

"I remember there is no such Canyon in Narnia!" Edmund frowned and looked down at such a canyon, but it gave them a problem.

"With the passage of time, rivers will cut the land and rocks to form deep canyons." Susan showed off her knowledge.

Peter was also very upset, "but the only thing we have to consider now is how to get through here!"

Suddenly, Lucy pointed to the other side and cried happily. She saw Aslan.

But after she talked to her brother and sister, she turned her head again, but she didn't see the mighty lion.

"Why didn't we see it?" Both Peter and Susan thought it was Lucy's illusion.

"There are many lions in this forest. Maybe you admit it wrong." Said Peter.

Lucy argued, "I won't admit it. I know Aslan."

"I believe Lucy, I won't make a second mistake." Said Edmund, who said he didn't believe Lucy came to Narnia before.

"I don't want to follow someone who doesn't exist." The dwarf added faintly.

Aslan has not appeared in the forest for a long time, and some of the current Narnians no longer believe in him.

But Peter didn't want to jump off the canyon, shrugged at Lucy, said sorry, turned and walked in another direction. He wanted to find a new way through the canyon.

Edmund couldn't help it. He couldn't go down here with Lucy. He shrugged at her helplessly and motioned her to keep up with everyone.