As the day grew brighter, Peter got up from the ground, looked at the extinguished fire, and then looked at his brother and sister who were still sleeping. There was a smile on his face.

Narnia finally returned to this magical place, and this time, it will be them to save Narnia.

He admitted that Gray's magic was very powerful and his fighting skills were also very strong.

But their brother and sister are not vegetarian. They have practiced hard before, and have grown up once. They are not the children who just entered Narnia.

So this time, it will be the time for their brothers and sisters to shine, Narnia, they come to save!

When the first light of the morning shone into the forest, Peter had brought back food and everyone was ready to start again.

"This morning is very comfortable!" Dwarf luplukin stretched himself and said comfortably facing the rising sun.

Facing the rising sun, the grumpy dwarfs seemed to become much more peaceful.

"Of course, we will lead you to defeat evil again and make Narnia peaceful and prosperous again." Peter said happily.

He felt that this was a sign that their return would bring good luck to Narnia, and they would lead everyone to victory again.

"I also think today's sunshine is very comfortable, warm, dispelling the cold of the night." Susan stretched out her arms and smiled sweetly against the rising sun.

"It seems so!" Lucy and Edmund nodded in agreement, picked up the food Peter brought back and ate it.

On the other side, in a temporary camp, countless nanians stood up, facing the rising sun, closed their eyes and relaxed their body and spirit.

"What happened?" Prince Caspian looked blankly at a group of nanians who made unified actions, and was very puzzled in his heart.

"There is a peaceful power in the dawn. It is the power of the dawn star. Narnia is about to usher in light and peace." A centaur, intoxicated, opened his arms, embraced the sun and said foolishly.

"Power, why didn't I feel it?" Caspian looked at his hands suspiciously, and reached out to grasp the golden light, as if he wanted to grasp the power in the sun.

Seeing his action, a half sheep man beside him sneered, "strength can only be felt by heart, and can't be grasped by hand."

"After all, you are not from Narnia, but a rude Motan who only knows killing and plundering. You are born without paying attention to everything. How can you feel light and peace?"

The Centaur has great resentment against the Tamo people and does not like the so-called human son who represents the hope of Narnia launched by the Centaur.

Of course, many Narnians don't like tamos, and even want to kill them directly to restore peace in Narnia.

But as the law passed down in the ancient story, Narnia needs a human king to be rich. Otherwise, even if the tamos are driven away, Narnia's development will decline.

Therefore, they could bear their resentment against the Tamo people and temporarily stood by Prince Caspian in the hope that he would bring peace to Narnia.

However, standing in his team does not mean that we must follow him and give him up as our ancestors.

When Caspian heard the discriminatory words, the muscles on his face moved and couldn't help saying, "many of us are peace loving, and only a few people like killing."

"Oh, really?" A centaur stood up and looked at him coldly, "don't you know much about Nania?"

"Do you know the kings of ancient Narnia, Aslan, and so many things about Narnia? Do you know who destroyed Kyle palaville, the largest king's palace in Narnia?"

"We?" Caspian said tentatively, because you can guess by looking at them.

"Yes, it was destroyed by a group of barbaric Tamo people. You only know killing and plundering and never think about the meaning of peace." A group of people cried angrily.

"Quiet, those have nothing to do with him. I believe Prince Caspian can bring us peace, right?" A badger looked at Prince Caspian and asked seriously.

"Of course, if you help me get back to the throne, I promise that the tamos will coexist peacefully with the Narnians and there will never be any war."

Caspian quickly assured them, "I promise with Caspian's honor, I swear to Aslan!"

Finally, he did not forget to compliment them and swear to Aslan, who believed in them.

"We can fight for you as long as you can guarantee our peace and freedom!" A centaur said solemnly.

As for Caspian, is he a Tamo, the son of an enemy?

Those are not important. What they need now is a human to be the king of Narnia. They need a human to reconcile their contradictions with the motans and bring peace.

Otherwise, sooner or later, the Narnians will be lost, either killed by the Tamo, or degenerated into wild animals and completely disappear on the land of Narnia.

Compared with the survival of the race, it is not difficult to accept a Tamo as the king of Narnia.

"I promise!" Caspian bowed solemnly and said in a deep voice.

After looking at each other, the Narnians raised their weapons and shouted, "we will fight side by side with you!"


In the tent, gray sat cross legged, holding a magic spear in both hands and calmly on his legs.

Beside him, there was a bright and dark six pointed star magic array. In the magic array, the filled magic runes flashed with his breath, as if they were linked to some magical existence.

Little Molly got up and stared at gray for a while. Without disturbing him, she flapped her wings and flew out of the tent to the swamp plain in the distance.

She remembers here. This place is very fun, and there are many delicious fruits on the grass.

The most fun time was the time when gray melted the snow. Everything in Narnia revived. There were a lot of fruits here at once.

But after flying to the swamp grassland, little Molly found that it was different from what she thought. There were no wild fruits everywhere. She flew a long distance to find a fruit, even green.

"How could this happen?" Little jasmine is very upset. It used to be easy to find fruit, but now it's too difficult.

But she didn't give up. She flew all over a large piece of grass. She finally found a pile of fairly mature fruits. She carefully picked them up with a large leaf and carried them back to gray to eat.

Just as she was happy to go back and bring fruit to gray, waiting for him to praise himself, a shadow shrouded her.


A shrill cry came from the sky, and a pair of sharp and powerful claws fell from the sky.