After seeing off his four brothers and sisters, gray continued to stay in Narnia.

Because Caspian has become king of Narnia, Narnia's situation has become better and richer.

There are many newborns in many Nania ethnic groups, which is a sign that Nania is about to prosper again.

But these are none of his business. His daily business is to walk with the elves in Narnia, and then find a place to observe the knowledge in the advanced magic Scripture.

However, the knowledge in the advanced magic scriptures seemed to become more and more obscure after the end of the war. It was difficult for him to understand anything except the holy light he had already understood.

Will war make the high magic scriptures fluctuate and easier to observe··· Gray thought.

But he didn't mean to continue to provoke war in Narnia. It's enough to let nature take its course. He specially provoked war for some magic. This is not his character.

Finally, unable to understand anything from the high magic scriptures, gray left Narnia and went overseas to visit him in the country of Aslan.

Aslan's country is at the end of the sea, separated by towering waves. Ordinary ships can't enter at all.

Gray tried. Even if it was the sea power, his control over the sea area was very weak. He could only reluctantly open a door and enter the country of Aslan.

This is a prosperous and peaceful country. Except for a huge palace on a high mountain, there are no other human buildings. Here are all animals like Narnia and countless Narnia people.

He saw a group of hounds and a group of deer coexisting peacefully and helping each other on the coast.

"It seems that Aslan created Narnia with reference to his own country." Gray came down from the sea and whispered to himself.

"That's right!" Aslan's voice came from the side, "at the beginning, I didn't know what human beings are. All the Narnians were created by me according to the people in my country."

"Of course, there are some changes in some places, but not much has changed." He smiled and said, "Narnia must have the rule that human beings can be rich only when they are king. It is not my rule, but the rule generated by the high magic code."

Aslan invited them to his palace and entertained the elves with wine from his people.

Coming out of Aslan's palace, gray continued to wander around his country and found that his guess was true.

This is indeed a more prosperous and prosperous Nania. Everyone here can coexist peacefully without being careful about food and serious struggle.

He also found that Aslan was not busy. He preferred to sit in front of his palace and look down on his country from the high mountains every day, rather than do other trivial things.

Because here is almost a replica and optimized Narnia, gray didn't go around long enough.

When he said goodbye to Aslan and left, Aslan specially gave all his precious wine to the elf, which made the elf happy all the way!

"Gray, the island ahead is smoking!" Little Molly stood on his shoulder and happily pointed to an island in front of him.

In front of them, there was an island on which white steam kept rising.

"It's a volcanic island. I already feel the hot smell on it." Gray smiled and said, "maybe there's a hot spring up there. We can go to the hot spring."

"OK, I want to take a hot spring!" Little jasmine's eyes brightened up.

Flying over the island, they found an area on the island flashing golden light in the sun.

"There seems to be a treasure over there!" Gray smiled and flew over with the elf.

Before long, they came to a valley. The valley was full of gold and gems, shining in the sun.

"A lot of money!" Little Molly said happily.

She has no concept of money, but she also knows that this thing can buy delicious and fun.

Gray took a look, his whole body was in full bloom. Instead of approaching, he retreated for a few minutes.

"This is the treasure of the dragon, with the curse of the dragon on it!" He said seriously.

"Curse?" Little jasmine exclaimed.

"Will be turned into a dragon by the greedy treasure!" Gray nodded gently, compared his treasure with the following, and found that his treasure was still a little poor.

It's a whole valley of gold. If you pile it up, it can turn into a hill.

The elf thought for a while, tilted his head and asked naively, "but aren't you a dragon, gray? Are you still afraid of becoming a dragon? "

Gray shook his head. "Of course I'm not afraid, but we can't be greedy people, and we come to the hot spring. Remember our original heart."

But in his heart, he thought like this: how could he forget when he thought of learning curse knowledge with Mary fisson?

Sure enough, a great and beautiful man like himself is not suitable for cursing this evil magic, but more suitable for holy light magic.

Taking the elf around the island, he didn't find any hot springs.

In desperation, gray had to make his own hot spring.

"Gray, help!"

When he was making a hot spring, little Molly suddenly ran over in a panic and cried to him.

"What's the matter?" Gray flashed to the elf and suddenly found her abnormality.

On the elf, there are some golden dots, which look like gold powder. It's very beautiful.

But gray saw at a glance that the ELF's body was turning into gold. Although it was only a small part now, it was already very dangerous.

Regardless of blaming her for running around, gray quickly took out a pure force of faith for her to absorb and resist this strange force. Then he burst out a strong white holy light on his hand, grabbed the elf and massaged her up and down.

Slowly, the gold spots on the elf gradually disappeared. Finally, he didn't rest assured until there was no more. He checked it again.

"I saw a hole with a pool. There was a lot of gold and lovely gold statues in the pool. I accidentally touched the water and it became like this."

Little Molly is wronged. Who knows that water is so dangerous.

"It's all right. Don't run around in the future. In case of danger, you must shout at me like today, okay?"

"Well, gray is the best!"

"Let's go and fill in the hole that will hurt people!"

Gray was filled with indignation and wanted to vent his anger for the elf. He took her to the hole, and then filled the hole directly with soil and rocks.

After filling the pool water that will turn things into gold, gray took the elf back to the hot spring he made and jumped in with her happily.