"Honey, your time flow rate is different from ours!" They said with a smile.

Clara showed a puzzled expression. She felt very mysterious and tall.

"Come on, we'll tell you what's going on. You'll understand later!" The three smiled and took them to another place.

It was a long way to the place they said. During this period, Clara asked them about the queen ginger, trying to compare the words of both sides to see who was lying.

She was not fascinated by the bustling palace and clearly remembered her purpose of coming here.

"Then I'll say it again in detail!" Sugar Plum Fairy nodded. Just now she has simply said the betrayal of Queen ginger. Now let's talk about the specific process of the matter.

In fact, there was nothing, that is, the queen ginger wanted to rebel and control the other three kingdoms. She happened to be discovered by the Sugar Plum Fairy and smashed her plot, but she didn't catch her and let her escape.

What she said is similar to what queen Jiang said, but the characters' positions are exactly the opposite.

"Gray, I think she has a point, maybe... Clara whispered to gray.

Maybe the queen ginger lied to her, hoping that she could destroy the four kingdoms from the inside and take advantage of it.

"Don't jump to conclusions!" Gray shook his head. He could feel that the Sugar Plum Fairy didn't tell the truth without an elf.

"If queen ginger wanted to rule the four kingdoms, you were the best chip at that time. She wouldn't let you leave so easily."

His reasoned analysis immediately made the queen ginger save a little situation in Clara's heart.

"Even if it's really queen Jiang's plot to let you leave, we still have time. There's no need to draw a conclusion at once. Take your time and you can always find out!"

"We've only been here for a day. There's plenty of time."

While talking, a group of people have come to the end of the corridor. Here is the interior of a huge clock, and the parts inside are still running.

"Little Molly, it's interesting here. Come to me and I'll talk to you!" Sugar Plum Fairy is very warm to the elf. Even if she is refused to be a friend, she still smiles, is still kind and releases goodwill.

"No!" Little Molly turned her head and grabbed Gray's clothes.

The Sugar Plum Fairy smiled and flashed a cold light at the bottom of her eyes, "Clara, here we are. This is where I want to show you."

Then he took several people into the clock.

The inside of the clock is very large. Under the running parts, there is a small platform.

Several people filed in and stood on the platform. Sugar Plum Fairy stretched out her hand and pulled a joystick.

The road they were on began to turn around and behind the clock.

When they arrived here, what they saw was not outside the castle, but a hall. Compared with them, the hall was as high as a mountain and the people sitting inside were like giants.

"This is the clock in the dance hall of the godfather's house?" Clara wondered. She saw the familiar scene.

"We're back? Why do they become so slow? " She saw a maid with a drink. One of her feet was raised and did not fall. The others were the same, as if they were fixed.

"The time flow rate in your world is different from ours. It's much slower on your side. From our perspective, it looks like a snail, slower than a snail!" Sugar Plum Fairy explained.

That's why Queen Mary has time to experience a kingdom here, because she doesn't lack time here.

"So you don't have to worry. If you stay in the four great kingdoms for a period of time, you won't leave for long."

Clara's eyes fell on the people below. She saw her sister and brother and her father. He was sitting in a chair, holding a box in his hand and staring at the front.

Seeing her father, Clara calmed down her novel mood and said to herself, "he seems very confused?"

"What happens if you jump from here?" Gray looked at the situation below and an idea came to his mind.

"Probably will die!" Duke Hawthorn shook his head. "Although it seems that we have come to this world, in fact, we are still in our world, and there is a very long distance between us."

He doesn't really understand, but he knows very well that it's absolutely impossible to go directly to the dance hall below.

Gray nodded gently, thought a little, took out a form God from his backpack and threw it gently.

After Shi Shen separated from the clock area, he didn't fall into the ballroom below, but disappeared abruptly after falling for a distance. Gray couldn't feel it for a moment, probably destroyed.

"It seems that all this special area can do is observation, and there is no real interaction." Gray nodded.

Two worlds are still two worlds after all. Being able to observe does not mean being able to contact. Unless there is a special channel, the two worlds cannot coincide.

However, the special channel can only connect part of it, only opening a door, not overlapping.

The platform is still rotating and will return to its original position after one turn.

"Wait, let me experiment again!" Gray said quickly.

But the rotating platform can't stop. The lever controlling it is still on the other side, and it can't be operated until this side returns.

"Aren't you a diviner? Diviners also study the laws of the world? " The ice king wondered.

Gray hummed and said with disdain, "if you don't know the law of the world, how can you get enlightenment from the world?"

The platform turned and Clara smiled and grabbed the joystick. "Let's go again!"

"Thank you!" Gray didn't refuse. He really wanted to observe this special place more.

However, after going back and forth several times, there was no harvest. Gray had to give up and lamented that the secrets of the world were too big to open his arms to him.

Fortunately, in theory, this place belongs to her majesty, that is, Clara around her. With his handsome degree, as long as he hooks his fingers, he can come freely and regard it as his own home in the future.

"Let's go and choose the dress for the celebration parade!" Sugar Plum Fairy suggested.

Clara readily agreed that after making sure that the world time passed slowly over there, she didn't worry much.

I believe that when I go back, the banquet over there has not been finished.

"Gray, can you choose a dress?" Clara looked back at him.

"Of course, your majesty, this is the basic quality of a knight!" Gray nodded calmly.

His majesty has rich experience. There are a lot of girlfriends alone. He knows more about women than women. It's not difficult to choose a few clothes.

"Please!" Clara nodded.

After queen Jiang's words, she couldn't fully believe the Sugar Plum Fairy. Gray was more reassuring.

"You're welcome. It's my duty!"

Then they went to the room where the dress was specially placed.

The Duke of hawthorn and the king of ice and snow left halfway and said they wanted to arrange the parade. Sugar Plum Fairy was always with them. They always needed a guide who was familiar with here.

Finally, Clara changed into a dress. Sugar Plum Fairy took the opportunity to make her a hairstyle and chat with her happily.