"Mom is back." Le Pei stood up in a panic and turned around at a loss. "Do I really want to ask her? Is that true? "

Gray stood up and put his hand on her shoulder. "Lepe, you are a brave girl. You have the right to know the truth. Go, I will protect you."

Little Molly nodded, "uh huh, I'll protect you, too. I'm super powerful."

"Le Pei, what are you doing? Release your head quickly."

After the words "OK, I'm coming, mom...", she opened her mouth and hardly made a sound.

Le Pei walked to the door and suddenly looked back at gray. "I believe my mother won't lie to me. I'm definitely not the princess."

Then she clenched her fist to cheer herself up, hung her hair on a wooden hook at the door and threw it under the tower.

The witch grabbed lepe's hair and was slowly pulled up by her.

"You let Le Pei directly ask if she will annoy the Witch and if she is in danger?" Belle approached gray, a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Gray took her shoulder. "This witch is so good that she can't even fly. I can fly her out with one finger."

"Do you have any idea about Le Pei?" Belle said warily.

"You misunderstood me. I've always been so helpful." Gray looked bitter.

This is a pure injustice. When he has ideas, it's when his wife is not around. Well, now all six are here. How can he tease Le Pei.

Le Pei knows he has six wives and won't tease him, so he has no conditions at all.

"No, it's good. Le Pei is so poor. Don't make up your mind."

"No, I think I'm the happiest person in the world. I'm satisfied." Gray vowed.

Soon Lupe pulled the witch up.

As soon as she came up, her face suddenly changed wildly, "who are you and why are you in my house?"

"Mom, they are passing passengers. They come to visit us." Lepe whispered.

"Whoever you are, leave now. You are not welcome here. Get out." The witch shouted, took a dagger from her body and pointed to the door, "get out of here."

"Mom... Lepe was very worried when she saw the witch like this.

"Baby, don't worry, I'll drive them away, and then we'll change a place, a place that others will never find."

Hearing this, lepe not only didn't feel comforted, but remembered what Gray had said before. The witch hid the princess in a place no one knew and took a step back silently.

Seeing that lepe didn't mean to speak at all, gray went to the Witch and said, "witch, we came on behalf of your majesty. You're arrested because you kidnapped the princess and imprisoned her for 18 years. Plead guilty."

"No way, you can't find here. I'll kill you." The witch is crazy. Without lepe, she will grow old again and her beauty will not be there, so she doesn't allow anyone to take lepe away.

The witch pulled out her dagger and rushed to gray, and then was imprisoned by gray the next second.

Looking at this scene, gray grabbed his hair and looked back at everyone. "The previous statement is a little wrong. It's not a witch at all. She's just an old woman with good luck and won't do any magic."

Then he said to le Pei, "although she didn't say it, you should be sure according to her appearance?"

"Mom, is what he said true? I'm not your daughter, but you brought me back?" Le Pei looked at the woman sadly.

"You are mine. You are mine. They robbed you. You are mine." The woman screamed wildly.

The king's men had found here, so she didn't want to hide anything.

"You are the king's men. Do you want to take me back?" Lupe looks at gray.

"No, I just lied to her. We're just passing tourists, but if you need it, we can take you back. You're welcome."

"That... That... That..." Le Pei hesitated to look at the woman, "what will happen to her? Will the king punish her? "

Gray nodded. "I think so, but if you don't want to see her punished, we can not tell the king about it, just say we found you somewhere else."

"Yes, let's do it." Le Pei's heart is very complex. On the one hand, she hates her taking herself away from her parents, and on the other hand, she still has feelings for her because of more than ten years of upbringing.

"Well, let's start now?"

"No, I'll clean up, Pascal, Pascal." Lepe shouted, and a chameleon climbed onto her shoulder.

"No, no, you can't take her. She's mine. Lepe, you can't leave me." The woman shouted.

"Sorry, I have to see my biological parents. I don't want to be locked up in this cage." Le Pei apologized and went to pack his things.

Her three books, her pan, her guitar, her chessboard···

When she finished, a group of people looked at the pile of things in front of her and remained silent.

"Sorry, there are a lot of things. Maybe you can throw some away." Le Pei said awkwardly.

"No, gray!"

"I'm not a tool man." Gray muttered and went up and put everything away.

"It's amazing. Is this magic?" Lepe opened her eyes and shouted in surprise.

"It's not magic, it's the power of God." Gray farted.

"Well, let's go, gray, take out the magic flying carpet." Cried belle.

"Actually, I can fly her."


Gray quickly threw out the magic flying carpet and watched the women all go up. He was the last one and only occupied a corner.

"Le Pei, let me tie your hair up."

Gray touched her hair under her ass and heard Belle say so.

"Don't get me wrong. I just want to study the power of golden flowers. I don't mean anything else, let alone obscene men." Gray shouted and explained.

The magic flying carpet flew over the valley, and gray stretched out his hand to sprinkle a glow.

"What are you doing?" Several people looked at her puzzled.

"Take insurance measures." Gray was speechless. "Everything should have a beginning and an end. Although lepe doesn't want to punish her, she can't be completely free. She has been fascinated by the power of eternal youth. If she can keep free, she will go to the castle to find lepe again."

"My magic can make her only stay here. The environment here is good. It's a good place for the elderly. It's not bad for her."

"It's unfair that bad people can live so well." Merida said angrily.

"Well, she must be a bad person, but she found the golden flower first, but it was taken by the soldiers to treat the queen, so... It's all bad luck."

Shaking his head, the magic flying carpet took everyone into the sky and flew to the palace of the country.

When the magic carpet stopped at the castle, a large number of soldiers surrounded them.

"Don't be so polite. It's such a grand welcome ceremony." Gray smiled and looked at a man with a crown.

"Wizard, what can I do for you?" Asked the man.

"Good thing, I found your daughter, so I'll send it to you and collect the reward."

Gray waved and pulled Le Pei down. "Look, this is your daughter. Besides, this blond hair is enough to explain the problem."

"My daughter." The king looked at Le Pei without much doubt. At the first sight, he was sure that this was his Le Pei.

Le Pei ran over and the father and daughter hugged each other tightly.

"How touching." Gray touched the corners of his eyes and put his hands around Belle and Asha's waist.

"Yes." The others nodded.

The next day, Lupe's birthday came, and the king and queen held a grand banquet for her.

As the person who sent the princess back, gray and others also attended the banquet.

After dark, the country has formed a habit. It can even be said to become a festival program and release a sky lamp.

This time, the king and his wife finally got their wish and could put the sky lamp together with their daughter again.

Gray and his wives put seven sky lanterns, each with his name, and then theirs.

When leaving, Le Pei ran over, "Belle, I also want to travel with you. My parents have agreed."

After 18 years in a small house, her biggest wish now is to see the world, and the best way to achieve this is to follow several people she is familiar with who are traveling around the world.

And they are very kind, and it's safe to follow them.

"Well, Le Pei, I advise you to think about it. Don't just go out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's nest." Belle's gentle admonition.

[the new book, Lord of plundering the heavens, asks you to order a collection, vote a small vote, and you'd better give a book list or something]