This time Wen Huan was able to make it to the top four. Everyone was very happy. In recent months, Wen Huan's efforts were obvious. She was training hard every day, and even her studies were greatly affected. Last semester, she also failed two courses. Fortunately, Wen Jing helped her review, so she barely passed the make-up exam.

This time, almost all the people have to go to Wenhuan to refuel. Li Zhiwen and Qian Duoduo also happily agreed to Wenjing to refuel Wenhuan. Qian Duoduo even made bold suggestions. If Wenhuan can enter the top three, they will hold a banquet in the largest hotel in Sanyang city to celebrate! And the game is on Saturday, the final is on Sunday, everyone has time. Even Lao Xie and Lao Wang next door are eager to go to watch the match! Lao Xie went with yuan yuan!

The happiest thing for Wenjing is that Zhang Qing agrees to go and cheer on Wenhuan. However, before going, Wenjing insists that Zhang Qing and Lao Gu go first and come back later. Zhang Qing and Lao Gu seem to be in a bit of a panic. Zhang Qing and Lao Gu don't think too much about such trivial things as a girl might have to go back to change a suit. Besides, Wenxiu is also going. At that time, Wenxiu will drive to meet Wenhuan.

When Zhang Qing and Gu both got on Qian Duoduo's car and left, Wen Jing was anxiously waiting. After a while, Xi Juan came over. It turns out that Wen Jing can't let go of the shop's business. She can't delay Zhang Qing's business because of the competition. So at the beginning of Wenjing is some contradictions, but Xijuan is very timely put forward to help Wenjing see shop!

This is the reward Xi Juan gets from making love to Wen Jing these days. She not only knows a lot about what happened here, but also knows that she can help Wen Jing today. Although Wenjing is hostile to Xijuan from her heart, she still can't resist the temptation and shyly agrees to Xijuan. Girls are not sophisticated enough! Although Xi Juan also wants to participate in it, she knows that it's not the right time, and she needs to be patient for a while. But it's a great progress to help Wenjing!

Old Gu there is no problem, that Feng Qiuhua but hard, the weekend is never absent. Although Gu discovered some of Feng Qiuhua's secrets last time, he didn't say a word in the end. After all, it had nothing to do with him! Recently, perhaps influenced by the quiet, Feng Qiuhua also bought a new suit, but this time he used his own money!

In her spare time, Xijuan and Feng Qiuhua also chat for a while. She is very sensitive to find that Feng Qiuhua looks like Guo Jiani. I don't know if she will be as fierce as Guo Jiani in the future!


This time, the competition was organized by a large billiard room in Sanyang City, which was more formal than the last one held in the cultural center. Even the referee invited professional referees to judge the semi-finals and finals.

Seeing Wen Huan in the competition field again, we all feel the great change of Wen Huan, which we can't detect at ordinary times, but we can feel a kind of sharp temperament in the competition field, which seems to be a kind of lethality. Of course, this lethality is aimed at the opponent's competition!

Surprisingly, Sha wuseng also came, but no one else found him. He was wearing a hat and a pair of glasses. His long hair was hidden in the hat. No one could see that he was the old Taoist who made Ma Gang and his son uneasy! But Zhang Qing can feel it. As soon as Lao Dao appears, Zhang Qing will feel it. Otherwise, how can he be a brother. But Lao Dao and Wenxiu are sitting in a very humble place watching the game, which is also in the consideration of safety. After all, Lao Dao is a dangerous person wanted now!

What's more, Qian Qing also came, but it's understandable to think about it. Wenxiu's sister took part in the competition, and Qian Qing was just able to show her concern! Because Sha wuseng is a powerful guarantee for Qian Qing! Qian Qing is very generous to sit beside Zhang Qing, which is the most familiar with Zhang Qing. They are still chatting while watching the game!

In the semi-finals, 15 innings are taken. Because each inning of this kind of American nine ball game is very fast, and there are a lot of accidents, so in order to give full play to the true level of the players, the innings of the game are relatively long.

The game is divided into two tables at the same time, four players fight each other, and Wen Huan is also a girl, younger than Wen Huan, only 18 years old, one year younger than Wen Huan. With colorful hair and tattoos on her arms, it seems that she is also a girl of little sister type. It's also a group of youths dressed in strange shapes who cheer her on. They are all gangsters! Every time that girl plays a good ball, these people are loud and arrogant! The audience in the stadium are disgusted with these people!

It is undeniable that the girl's level is still some, and Wen Huan played a close match, the score rose alternately, has been unable to pull away the distance. So the game is also very tense. Even Sha wuseng, who is not far away, is interested in watching, and Wenxiu beside him is still explaining the rules of the game to him. They are very intimate. Looking at Lao Dao's carefree appearance, Zhang Qing is also envious of this elder martial brother!

Zhang Qing watched the game while chatting with Qian Qing in a low voice. Wen Jing unconsciously took Zhang Qing's arm and watched the game nervously. From Qian Qing, Zhang Qing is the only one. Guo Jiani really transferred the house to Xi Juan this time, because Guo Jiani also cashed out her share of the real estate appreciation in Qian Qing. Listen to Qian Qing say is very likely to have big action, of course, Qian Qing can only guess, Guo Jiani these things are still in the stage of confidentiality!

I didn't expect that at this time, there was a very disharmonious scene outside the court. At this time, Wen Huan was ahead of the game. Those gangsters outside the court began to cheer at this time, obviously trying to disturb Wen Huan's mentality! Although the security guard at the scene also stopped them in time, the gangsters still made some noise, or even whistled twice!

First of all, Lao Gu couldn't sit still. When he stood up, he would scold him! Fortunately, he was stopped by Zhang Qing in time. Zhang Qing knew that there was no monk sitting on the other side. Other people affected his sister-in-law. This product can't be sold!

At this time, Wen Huan was still disturbed, a very simple ball did not hit, the result was that the girl seized the opportunity to level the score again! The score became 12:12. At this time, the gangsters laughed even louder. Although it was at the intermission of the game, it was also boring! Around the audience are indignant condemnation of this gang of thugs, but this group of people unbridled and the audience on the scene to scold up! It's a bit of a mess.

At this time, I don't know where came a shout: "don't make a noise!"

All of them were shocked and felt numb in their ears. After looking back for a long time, they couldn't find out who was responsible for the "lion roaring skill". Sure enough, the game was quiet immediately. The most amazing thing was that the gangsters were silent. Two of them were the most fierce. They were covering their necks, as if they were very uncomfortable. They were speechless, My face is red! These gangsters are beginning to panic at this time! In a hurry to help these two people patting on the back.

"Wen Huan! Come on

The voice is not very big, but it is very penetrating. Wen Huan feels at ease in the competition! Others don't know, but she knows that it's the old brother-in-law who cheers on him again. It seems that this brother-in-law is responsible for the chaos outside the court!

The situation of the game tilted towards Wen Huan. Wen Huan won another round without any blood. The opponent was in a panic at this time. Not only Wen Huan took the initiative again, but also his brothers and sisters didn't shout, and they didn't know what to do in a hurry!

Wen Huan didn't give any more chances to his opponent. He didn't let his opponent stand up at all for the two games left. 15: 12, the game is over! When Wen Huan shook hands with his opponent politely, the two thugs outside the court yelled out: "add... Oil..." in hoarse voice. They didn't understand how they could make their voice again!

At this time, it attracted all the audience's laughter, which made the defeated girl run away in a rage, and the gangsters left quickly

"You did it!" Wen Xiu asked in a happy whisper.

"I didn't do anything! Benefactor, don't do wrong to good people! " Sha Wu monk said without expression.

"Poof! Virtue Wen Xiu couldn't help laughing and scolding.

At the end of the game, Wen Huan didn't go to dinner with everyone, but went back to rest. She had to prepare for tomorrow's final. In order to thank you for your support, Wenxiu specially invited you to have a meal, but Sha wuseng had already slipped away quietly at this time, and he still didn't want to show up in public!

The next day, Zhang Qing came to the store and felt very strange that there were two repair cases in the store. Could it be that Wenjing received two repair services before she left yesterday? It's incredible. Look at the handwriting on the receipt in triplicate. Although it's signed with Wenjing's name, it's not Wenjing's handwriting, and it's very familiar!

Look at Wenjing again. Wenjing is very guilty. She stands up and arranges the shelves. Is it so fast that Xijuan has finished Wenjing? Zhang Qing some inconceivable thought, this quiet but very hostile to Xijuan, ah, how so quickly changed position?

In the afternoon, I have to go to the finals! Wenjing still refuses to wait for Wenxiu. Zhang Qing and Lao Gu leave in Qian Duoduo's car. However, Zhang Qing looks back and sees that Xi Juan comes out from the side and enters the store. Then Wenjing runs out happily