Wang Qitian moved to the dining room to have dinner with everyone. It has to be said that lingguzi, like Yan Zheng, likes delicious food recently.

He doesn't care about the impact of ordinary food on his body. At his age, it's also a good thing for the family to have dinner and chat together.

In lingguzi's heart, we are really like family together.

Wang Yaoqun and his wife were taught by themselves from childhood, just like their children, and Wang Qitian and Yu Xuening have been under their own hands for nearly a year, just like their grandchildren.

Although lingguzi didn't get a wife and have children all his life, what's the difference between lingguzi and ordinary old people now.

Moreover, lingguzi found that getting along with everyone recently may be a change in mentality. He has not made progress in cultivation for many years, but also a little loose. Maybe he will go further in a short time.

Without the cultivation task and the pressure in his heart, Wang Qitian spent these rare days in his room before the secret realm was opened, because his whole heart was attracted by it since he saw the growth technique.

However, until now, he has not read the text of the growth technique, but has been studying the first part of it, that is, the records of anecdotes and strange events. He feels as if he has seen the new world. Everything is new.

"Dang, Dang, dang..." the long bell rang, a total of 18 rings.

Eighteen bells mean that the sect has important things to call all sect disciples to gather, and the place of gathering is the martial arts practice field of the outer gate.

This is the rule set by the sect. You should come as long as you don't have anything at hand.

There are a lot of people today. Many faces Wang Qitian has never seen, because not only the outer gate, but also the inner gate disciples have come.

Today is the day to set out for the war. Because the secret territory will be opened soon, we should rush there in advance to prepare and meet with all the participating sects in the God mainland.

Huaiyangzi and others stood on the rostrum. This time, they were not seated, and all the elders, including Yan Zheng, had returned. It seems that they had been notified in advance.

Seeing that the disciples were almost together, huaiyangzi took a step forward and spoke directly.

"Hello, disciples. I think many people know what it is today. Yes, it's the secret place." huaiyangzi looked around and said with a smile.

"The secret place is of special significance to our gods, because there will be great opportunities waiting for us in the secret place exploration, but opportunities and dangers coexist. It is very sad that many gods will die here every time the secret place is opened. Therefore, our Yujian gate will select the most suitable disciples to enter every time to ensure personal safety."

"Every time we have ten places, and these ten places are composed of external disciples and internal disciples. After selection, ten places have appeared. Now please invite ten disciples to come on stage and get to know you. Maybe this will be your only chance to know each other." huaiyangzi said, which was also painful.

Because every time the secret place is opened, disciples will die. The most important thing is that the selected excellent disciples are sent to experience. Such a brain drain is a great loss for a sect.

The opening of the secret place every ten years is of special significance to the sect.

In the eyes of disciples, this is an unspeakable opportunity, but for the sect, it is not a game.

Each sect secretly competes and wants to get more share in the limited resources of the God mainland. This requires strength, status and voice, so as to go further.

This is not the only secret place in the God continent. It is known that there are three developed, and these three are controlled by the god palace. Each time it is opened, all religious doors will be called to participate.

There are also some secret places that the god palace can't control or doesn't want to touch, because there are many alien races in these secret places, such as elves, dwarves and so on.

For the sake of the diversity of ethnic groups in the divine mainland, the divine palace did not touch here, but reached a consensus with different races. The divine palace will not organize these secret places to open, but it is also an opportunity for someone to enter by mistake. All races should not persecute.

Moreover, only the God's palace knows the specific location of these secret places. Others want to enter completely by luck.

There are also some secret places that have not been discovered or that the god palace is unwilling to control. Such secret places are generally small in scale or of low utilization value. It is also an opportunity for anyone who can meet and explore.

For example, the heaven and earth fantasy map is the result of Wang Yaoqun's exploration in a small secret territory. Although it was discovered by Liu qingsuo, it finally came to Wang Yaoqun's hand.

Besides, on the side of the martial arts arena, when he heard the call of huaiyangzi, Wang Qitian five people came to the stage at the same time, waiting for the disciples of the inner door to appear.

You know, those who can represent the inner disciples are very powerful. Although it is not as BT as elite disciples, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Moreover, according to Zhang Lutong's gossip, the inner disciples who went to war this time were all of the same spirit Yuan Jing cultivation.

What is this concept? It's the same cultivation as Wang Yaoqun and his wife.

In fact, strictly speaking, Wang Yaoqun and his wife belong to inner disciples, and both of them have rankings.

Before Wang Yaoqun was injured, he ranked 11th among the inner disciples, while Murong Xueer ranked 26th.

This is the ranking of the inner disciples in the last ranking war, and because they have not been in the sect, the ranking has not fluctuated. After all, disciples can replace others in private.

Now, Wang Yaoqun's accomplishments have been greatly reduced due to his broken arm, and his physical coordination has become worse. If he ranks, he will certainly decline.

The inner disciples who went to war this time are all in their twenties. What is the concept of Shenyuan realm in their twenties? They are all geniuses among geniuses.

However, Wang Qitian is confident that at their age, his accomplishments will reach the divine yuan realm or even higher.

This is not arrogance, but that he does have such a talent.

If you can't compare with ordinary gods in terms of cultivation, what's the significance of cultivation.

Of course, this is needed without accidents. God continent has always believed in a word that talents who do not grow up will always be ordinary people.

After Wang Qitian stood still, the five disciples of the inner door came to the stage. This is the pride of the strong. Holding their heads up confidently indicates that they are different from others.

This time, the five disciples of the inner sect are not the top ten, because for them, this secret realm will not help them improve their cultivation, but will waste time.

Therefore, among the five people this time, Zhao Yan ranked the top, and the 13th inner disciple. His cultivation reached the middle of Shenyuan realm.

The second is Zhuge linger, the 16th disciple of the inner sect. She is a female disciple in the middle of Shenyuan realm. She is beautiful and beautiful.

Followed by Bai zhanting, who ranked 19th, in the middle of shenyuanjing.

The fourth is Hu Yupeng, the 20th disciple of the inner sect, who is in the middle of shenyuanjing.

The last one is also a female disciple named Yao xueru, who is equally beautiful, generous and touching. Her cultivation is also in the middle of shenyuanjing, ranking 25th. In other words, her ranking is just in front of Murong Xueer.