Just when Liu ziyue finished his dinner and wanted to call ah Lian up, he was startled by ah Lian's scream and almost fell his plate to the ground.

Because it's a girl's room, Liu ziyue is not easy to rush in, so he has to ask loudly at the door. After getting a Lian's answer, I feel a little relieved.

Liu ziyue sits in front of the dinner table, and finally comes out with a Lian who has changed his clothes. He quickly asked, "are you OK, Allen. Just heard your voice, it really scared me

Ah Lian's expression painfully covers his voice and shakes his head, indicating that it is inconvenient for him to speak. Originally, Allen thought he would be better after a sleep. Didn't expect, just a moment of Kung Fu, her throat pain is like burning, uncomfortable even words can't speak out.

When Liu ziyue saw Ah Lian like this, he knew that she was ill. Hastily approached her, touched her forehead, he exclaimed, "my God, Allen, how your forehead so hot ah, you have a fever."

Ah Lian nodded weakly and waved his hand to make Liu ziyue not worry.

"Have you taken any medicine? Fever is a big or small thing. It can't be delayed at all." Liu ziyue rushed to the kitchen and poured a cup of boiling water for a Lian. "You drink some hot water first, and I'll buy some medicine for you."

A Lian grabs Liu ziyue's clothes, stops him and shakes his medicine in front of him. I mean, I've already taken the medicine. You don't have to go out and buy it.

Liu ziyue stops and takes a look at the medicine box in Lian's hand. No, it's OK. Liu ziyue covered his forehead with his hand and exclaimed, "my God, this box of cold medicine is overdue. Let me see. It's been a year. You are really OK. How can you eat the expired ones? "

Ah Lian waved his hand, indicating that he was OK. He was ready to open the medicine box and take a few more tablets. By Liu ziyue quickly stopped, robbed the medicine in her hand. It's said that ah Lian has taken medicine indiscriminately. She has to go to the hospital to have a look.

"Ah, I said, how can you girls live in such a muddle headed way. Why, I'm not even taking medicine. No, you have to go to the hospital with me. Don't do anything bad. "

Allen felt that there was no need to go to the hospital, and he was not so coquettish. In the past, when I was sick, I took some medicine casually and had nothing to do with it.

However, ah Lian couldn't beat Liu ziyue and was dragged out of the door by him. The two of them went out of the door and found that there was a drizzle in the sky.

Because they went out in a hurry and didn't even bring an umbrella. A Lian is ill again. Liu ziyue, for fear that a Lian will catch cold again, has to take off her coat to protect her from the rain. He stands on the side of the road and signs a taxi.

Maybe it's because of the rain. Taxis are in short supply. Liu ziyue took a long time by the side of the road and finally stopped one. He helped Allen into the car, and then he got into the car.

Liu ziyue shakes the rain on his body and says modestly to ah Lian, "I'm sorry, ah Lian. I didn't even remember to take an umbrella when I came out in a hurry. You got sick and had to get in the rain. "

Ah Lian quickly shakes his head and wants to tell Liu ziyue that he's OK. Unfortunately, he has a sore throat and can't make a sound at all. She looked painfully at Liu ziyue, who was drenched by the rain. She was very moved in her heart.

Finally, they came to the nearest hospital. Liu ziyue let a Lian sit on one side. He would register and queue up. He was very busy.

Because it's an emergency, more people come to see a doctor. When the nurse called a Lian's number, Liu ziyue quickly pulled a Lian in.

They were received by a kind, middle-aged woman doctor, who first looked at the case and then asked about Allen's symptoms.

Because a Lian's throat was too sore to speak, Liu ziyue said, "doctor, my friend has a fever and his head is very hot."

"By the way, she took expired medicine before. I don't know if it's OK. Please help me to have a look." When Liu ziyue went out, he specially took the box of medicine that a Lian had taken to let the doctor see if there was any problem.

The doctor looked at the box of medicine and frowned, "you young people, you really have no common sense. How can medicine be taken indiscriminately? It's still overdue. If something goes wrong, how can it be good? "

"Well, you'd better go and have a blood test to see if there is any allergic reaction. If there's no problem, I'll prescribe two more bottles of liquid medicine for you, and the fever will soon subside. "

Liu ziyue thanks again and again, takes a lian to do the test again, and accompanies her to hang the water, all of a sudden does not stop. Just when the nurse came over and rolled up Allen's sleeves to lift water for her, the bruise on her wrist was revealed.

"Ah Lian, how did you do that?" Sitting on one side, Liu ziyue saw the bruise and asked with concern.

Lian flustered quickly pulled down the sleeve, do not want to let Liu ziyue see, during the day, Cui Xun left in his body.

Although Liu ziyue has doubts in his heart, he can't ask any more when he sees that Allen is not feeling well. He guessed in his heart that maybe Allen stayed when he quarreled with others, so he didn't want to let himself know.

Liu ziyue got up and wanted to buy something to eat. "Ah Lian, I'll buy you something to eat and drink. If you eat something hot, people will be more comfortable."

Ah Lian wanted to say that he didn't have any appetite, but before he could stop him, Liu ziyue had already gone out. Looking at Liu ziyue's busy back, a Lian's heart is sour and sweet. There is a feeling that is beginning to expand and ferment in her heart. She thinks maybe this is the feeling of happiness.

However, when she looked down at her wrist, her eyes could not help but dim down. Thought, Allen, you really deserve to have such happiness, and such a good man together, you really deserve it?

After two bottles of water, Allen felt more comfortable. His body seemed to be getting rid of heat, and his throat didn't hurt as much as it had just. Liu ziyue was always by her side while she was hanging. Knowing that ah Lian was suffering, Liu ziyue kindly asked her to rest her head on his shoulder.

With Liu ziyue's gentle treatment, Lian's heart even began to secretly celebrate that God had made her sick. Although the body is still tired, but the heart is as sweet as honey.