Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Eight years later, Shen Chi officially took over the Shen Group.

He stood by the window and stared at the clouds of white fog outside. He had a profound expression in his eyes.

He fastened the buttons of his immaculate shirt and adjusted his collar, before putting on his black Italian custom-made suit.

The perfectly tailored suit accentuated his perfect figure, towering stature, and long legs. His well-sculpted face and angled jaw were striking, and his entire figure seemed to emanate a sense of charm.

As he prepared to leave his bedroom, Xu Zhaomu leaned against his door and blocked his path.

She flashed a pretty smile of anticipation while glancing at him with expectant eyes. Her large eyes were flirtatious.

The 18-year-old Xu Zhaomu was no longer the flat-chested little girl.

She had specially donned a seductive white V-neck blouse that day. The highlight was the bottom half of her body. She had worn an extremely short dress!

She waved her little hand and stared fixedly at Shen Chi with her large eyes.

“Fourth Brother, is this mini-skirt pretty?”

Xu Zhaomu intentionally struck a pose.

Shen Chi swallowed hard. He had not been aware that this little girl possessed such a nice figure. She was fleshy and slender at the right parts. Her skin was also fair and smooth.

“Didn’t I tell you before? You’re not allowed to wear short skirts.”

Shen Chi’s complexion darkened as he glanced at her icily.

“You said that I wasn’t allowed to wear short skirts. But I’m wearing a mini-skirt.” Xu Zhaomu intentionally emphasized the word mini.

“Change it right now!” Shen Chi dictated to her.

“Mmm…why don’t you help me change?”

Xu Zhaomu walked over and closed the door with her foot. Her little hands wrapped around Shen Chi’s waist.

“Xu Zhaomu, are you shameless?” Ice shot out of Shen Chi’s eyes.

All these years and he seemed to have failed at her upbringing.

“That’s right, I’m shameless. It’s not like this is your first time getting to know me.” Xu Zhaomu chuckled.

Her soft and pliable hands rubbed against Shen Chi’s waist. This man had an excellent figure. His body was sturdy and seductive, and she would never grow tired of touching him.

Unfortunately, she could only feel him through a layer of clothes. Xu Zhaomu could only lament at this.

“Get lost!”

Shen Chi grabbed Xu Zhaomu’s wandering hands and shoved her away. His actions were quite rough.

“Then I will be getting lost. Fourth Brother, you better not regret it. I’m really going to get lost.”

As Xu Zhaomu said this, she took a few steps backward toward the door. A mischievous smile played on her face.

Unexpectedly, Shen Chi grabbed her by the wrist and whirled her around, before dragging her into the bedroom.

“Ah, it hurts, let go, let go!” Xu Zhaomu wailed in pain.

In the past, this man didn’t know how to cherish delicate girls. He still didn’t know. She no longer expected him to learn either.

Shen Chi held her with one hand while opening the door of the closet with the other. After rummaging through it casually, he picked out a pair of jeans.

“Change now!”

Xu Zhaomu muttered in disdain, “Fourth Brother, you’re too controlling. I’m not going to change. What will you do to me?”

If he didn’t like it, he could just help her change. Otherwise, she wasn’t going to change her clothes.

“Not changing?”

Shen Chi grasped her wrist as he stared at her coldly.

“Not changing!”

Shen Chi didn’t speak any further. He loosened his grip and walked downstairs.

Xu Zhaomu was very proud of herself. After 18 years of practicing asceticism, she had finally made such huge progress. Shen Chi could no longer control her.

However, why did it feel a little dangerous?

Shen Chi headed downstairs calmly to have breakfast. Shen Shihan was also present.

“Good morning, Fourth Young Master!” The maids all bowed in greeting.


He didn’t eat much. After drinking a cup of coffee and a few pieces of bread, he walked out of the Shen family villa.

“Mr. Shen, will you be sending Miss Xu to school today?”

The driver, Old Chen, was already waiting respectfully outside. Old Jiang’s health had deteriorated, and he had fallen ill. Now Old Chen was the one who drove Shen Chi.

“No need. She will not be attending class today.” Shen Chi sat in the passenger seat. His eyes were brimming with frostiness.

“Ah? Isn’t it Wednesday today?”

“Head to the Group.” Shen Chi instructed nonchalantly.

“Yes, sir!” Old Chen didn’t dare to ask anything further. He started the car and drove out of the villa.

Xu Zhaomu was humming happily as she packed her school bag.

However, why did it feel as though the temperature was plunging?


She sneezed and her entire body shivered.

Although it was currently early spring, the Shen residence was equipped with heaters.

Why was it so cold… cold… cold…?


She suddenly came to a realization. That jerk Shen Chi had ordered the servants to turn off the heaters.


She sneezed again.

She had to endure this until she reached her school. Her school compound was heated.

However, the moment she went downstairs to have breakfast, she realized that there was nothing on the table.

A few maids were cleaning up, wiping vases, and arranging chairs. No one was going to serve her breakfast.

Naturally, the entire living room was filled with chilly air.

“Housekeeper Lin, is there any breakfast?” Xu Zhaomu walked up to a middle-aged lady.

“I’m sorry, Miss Xu, there is none.”

Xu Zhaomu didn’t need to think too hard to figure out who was doing was this. She had to endure it all. At least there were many delicious eateries outside her school.

“Okay, then I just won’t eat. I’m heading to school now, good-bye!”

Xu Zhaomu lugged her bag and walked out. Housekeeper Lin’s voice rang out faintly behind her.

“Miss Xu, the Fourth Master has ordered that you won’t be attending class today.”

“……” Xu Zhaomu was at her wits’ end!

Hadn’t she just been wearing a mini-skirt? At her age, she’d never been able to wear a short skirt.

Was there a need to go this far?

This incident was further proof of this man’s pettiness.

If she admitted defeat, then her name wasn’t Xu Zhaomu.

She smirked. “All right, I won’t go then. However, I must trouble Housekeeper Lin to convey some words to him. I will be taking my college entrance exams next year. If I miss one day of school and if I am unable to get into a good university, then he can’t blame me.”

“This…” Housekeeper Lin found Xu Zhaomu’s explanation quite reasonable. She went to give Shen Chi a call hastily.

“Yes, yes…” Housekeeper Lin held the phone and listened to Shen Chi’s orders.

Xu Zhaomu reclined on a chair leisurely. Once Housekeeper Lin hung up the phone, she asked casually, “What did he say?”

“Fourth Young Master said… He said that even if you don’t miss any lessons, you…you won’t be able to get in either.”

Xu Zhaomu instantly exploded in anger and leaped off her chair. This man was an intolerable bully.

She did not need someone who bullied her like this.

Xu Zhaomu was extremely angry. However, she didn’t see any way out. She could only lug her bag back to her own room.

As a display of her anger, she slammed the door shut with a bang.

The interior of the room was exceedingly chilly. Xu Zhaomu had no choice but to change out of her mini-skirt.

What a pity, this was her first time wearing a mini-skirt and she hadn’t even been able to take one step out of the house. If Yu Weiwei and her other friends found out, her image would be shattered.

She had made a bold bet with Yu Weiwei the day before. They had to wear mini-skirts to school that day. Whoever failed to turn up in one was a dog.

Whatever, she was a dog.

She changed into jeans as she stood in front of the mirror. Then she put on a coat. She had finally gotten warm.

After solving the problem of the cold, she overturned her cupboards in an attempt to rid herself of hunger.

Fortunately, she had the habit of hiding snacks. Otherwise, she would have starved to death under the hands of Shen Chi.

She really wanted to collect evidence and report him to the police for abusing young girls.