The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Don't mind your own business. Don't get angry." Ou ran pulled the girl aside, sneered and threatened, "Mo Yun, I remember you sneaked out on a date for two hours last month. Do you need me to tell the supervisor and ask him to record a big mistake for you?"

In a company like R group, a big mistake is like losing all kinds of bonuses and benefits for a year. Mo Yun hesitated for a long time and finally closed his mouth.

Gu Nan shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he took a mop and a broom to clean up the water stained floor.

Ou ran tut chuckles: "sure enough, the younger sister sweeping the floor is more suitable for her. She looks like she has no future. It's better to let Gu Nan be the duty girl here in the future. What do you think?"

"This idea can't be better." Who is not willing to do such a good thing at the expense of others and self-interest? Naturally, everyone agrees.

Gu Nan's face was expressionless and continued to mop the floor. Although she was just born in the society and had little experience, she gained a lot from her three-month internship. In the office, new people and old people have disputes, no matter right or wrong, victory will always stand on the side of the old people, in this case, she has no need to waste saliva to argue with these people.

What's more, working hours, no matter right or wrong, affect others, and there is a boss in charge.

Sure enough, she was in a state of mind when she heard the director's roaring voice: "what are you yelling about? Go back to your seat. The office is not a vegetable market!"

It's always easy for the devil to talk about many things. As soon as the director opened his mouth, all the people around him immediately broke up, and even Ou ran quickly went to his workbench.

The director's face was black and blue, and he apologized to the person beside him: "Mr. Qi, it's usually in good order here. There's something wrong today. I'll straighten it out."

"Well." The man answered faintly and entered the inner office without strabismus.

Gu Nan bowed his head and quietly went on with what he was doing, trying to reduce his sense of existence. Fortunately, after the sharp eyes of the supervisor circled the crowd, he didn't speak much and entered the director's office.

When the shadow of the two disappeared, there was a sound of relief around her. Ou ran looked over her head and was ready to speak. The director came out and gave her a gloomy glance: "why, are you restless at work?"

Shen Fei, the director, is an acute man. He always has a cold face and seldom warms up with the staff of the Department. Rao is Ou ran. When he sees his face, he can't help shivering and says with a smile: "where, the director knows, I'm the most diligent and dutiful one."

Shen Fei snorted, didn't buy it, pointed to Ou ran, and pointed to Gu Nan: "the director asked you to go in."

It's definitely not a good thing to be brought to the office by the leader on the first day of work. Gu Nan, who was also shot, sighed and could only admit his life silently. He put the mop back in the corner and walked into the director's office with dignity.

The director didn't come with her. Ou ran and her side by side, glanced at her and said: "when you go in later, what to say and what not to say, you have the bottom of your heart. If a new person doesn't know how to make a good interpersonal relationship, he will be waiting for all kinds of suffering in the future."

Gu Nan was in a nervous mood, but she said with a smile: "elder sister Ou is threatening me?"

Love beauty such as Ou ran, a big sister directly called her face black, but Ou Ran is not stupid, know now is not the time to bicker, grinding teeth: "you like to think what you want, as a past person, I just mean to teach experience, accept or not, not in my consideration."

If you don't feel guilty, you can't compromise. Gu Nan secretly funny, face quietly: "well."

Such an answer, but more and more let Ou ran in the heart have no bottom. Although she is not happy with Gu Nan, she always wants to bully her to have fun, but Gu Nan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, just look at the end of Bai Xiaomei. Although Qi Yuan is a prodigal in love and has a good temper after work, he pays great attention to discipline during working hours.

I'm not afraid that there is no firewood to burn when I stay in the Castle Peak. If I want to reorganize, I have more opportunities to build my own future for a new person. It's not worth the loss.

Gu Nan could see the anxiety and regret floating on her face from time to time. Her eyes flashed and her mouth curved.

Qi Yuan is also at leisure, leaving a large stack of files to be processed. While watching the surveillance video, he sees two people coming in, pointing to the picture on the computer, leaning back, and falling on the princess chair. He has a good time and says, "I didn't expect to be so busy at work. What do you two have to say?"

The intention of calling them in alone is very obvious. Ou ran trembles and tries to pull out a smile: "Mr. Qi, this is not a new colleague in the Department. We are just playing a prank to welcome the newcomer. I didn't expect that the action is too big and affects you. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

When something happens, no matter what kind of argument is powerless, it's better to admit the mistake rather than explain it. Anyway, the director will know whether he admits it or not.

Gu Nan can't help praising Ou Ran's smart mind. When Qi Yuan's light eyes are casting at her, she inadvertently sweeps Ou Ran's worried face and her eyes flash.

Qi Yuan was very interested in her answer. He turned the pen in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on her: "Miss Gu Nan, what do you think of this?"

Gu Nan has a wrong feeling about Qi Yuan's eyes. This guy is a typical black belly who eats people and doesn't vomit bones. He clearly digs holes for her to jump.

Although I don't like her character very much, some of her words are reasonable.

As a rookie, it's not appropriate to fly too high and do too much. After all, she will work in this department in the future. It's only bad but no good to offend her colleagues.

But if you don't complain, you have to swallow it. Qi Yuan knows everything, but throws the ball of choice to her.

Gu Nan considered a little and hung his head: "everyone is really joking. It's not right to make noise at work. I'm willing to accept punishment."

Granny's illness and her own situation make it impossible for her to lose such a well paid job. What's more, this job is also her favorite.

It's not worth fighting for a breath at all. Moreover, Qi Yuan is not likely to be fair and just. She is on her side - new people and old people, who is better, who is worse. People with a clear eye choose the latter.

Qi Yuan then smile, this wench pour is to know interest, his vision shifts, fall on ou ran body: "you also are willing to accept punishment?"

The system of the company never depends on the process, but only on the result. Since the parties involved in this disturbance have targeted Ou ran and Gu Nan, they will certainly be punished.

Ou ran tilted Gu Nan one eye, almost did not bite his tongue, but in front of the boss, brush favor degree is still necessary, unwilling to nod: "yes."

Qi Yuan was happy and pushed the thick two stacks of files on the desk“ I'll have these papers by the end of the day. "

Before work? Aurora took a cool breath.

How can I finish such a thick stack before I get off work?

Gu Nan's reaction is good, and his face doesn't change. He holds one of them“ If Mr. Qi has nothing else to do, I'll go out first. "

Qi Yuan waved and looked at Ou ran with a smile, but his eyes were filled with solemn coldness: "can't you do it?"