The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"It's strange to call the director. I think you'd better transfer to work here." Qi Yuan's hand slowly slid down her shoulder. She wanted to pull her little hand, but she quickly avoided it.

"Master, did he say what to do about the design competition?" Gu Nan even stepped back two steps. No matter how silly she was, she could see that Qi Yuan was interested in her. Now the company has already spread a lot of rumors. What's more, there is a dead pervert in her family. It's better for them to keep a certain distance.

"This competition was originally organized by the company. The employees of the company should avoid suspicion, especially I am one of the judges in the competition." Qi Yuan took back his hand. He couldn't be discouraged. He had a warm smile like the spring breeze on his face.

"I see. I'll go to work first." Gu Nan nods and flies away from the office.

Qi Yuan didn't stop him. He knew that the longer the wine was brewed, the sweeter it was. He had plenty of time. He didn't care about one or two days.

Gu Nan came out of Qi Yuan's office, and there were many different opinions about Gu Nan's relationship with Qi Yuan. Especially after Gu Nan's so-called punishment was over, they all said that Gu Nan was cheating and seducing her boss and master. What's more, they saw Gu Nan and Qi Yuan making out in the office. Of course, such news was soon suppressed, And those who spread the news were severely punished.

It's not Gu Nan or Qi Yuan, but Linna. She's been in love with Qi Yuan secretly for a long time. How can she tolerate the rumors that her man has an affair with another woman? Of course, even if Linna does it, it's going to be slandered against Gu Nan.

At first, Gu Nan felt that he was used to it. He simply didn't want to care about those things. Who knew that the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind didn't stop.

One day, a big news suddenly came out on the company's forum. One of the company's latest core design plans was leaked, and it was known by the most favorable competitor.

This core design scheme is very important. It is related to the company's capital lifeline for a period of time in the future. If the company can't get the right to plan this project, it will be depressed for a period of time. This news immediately aroused the attention of the senior management. They made great efforts to trace the information of the sender, but they got nothing. The other party's post is justified, The most important thing is that the competitive companies have really started to implement further competitive schemes, and the shares of the group have also been affected to a certain extent.

Later, I don't know who spread a message that all this has something to do with Gu Nan. The core scheme of the design must go through Qi Yuan's hands, and now the relationship between Qi Yuan and Gu Nan can be seen. It's really possible.

Although there is no clear indication to check Gu Nan, the pressure on Gu Nan is increasing day by day. No one will doubt Qi Yuan, because Qi Yuan is the design director of R group. How many people want to get this position? He is not stupid enough to make such a stupid job hopping, so everyone's eyes are focused on Gu Nan.

In addition, Lin Na and others criticize Gu Nan. Gu Nan is almost out of breath these days. When she comes home these days, she doesn't even have the fear of Shen Muchen. She is either alone in the computer to look up the files or in a daze with her mobile phone.

Shen Muchen occasionally said a few words to her, she is also love to answer, who knows this man is like a cheap look, the more she ignored, the more annoyed he was.

Today, Gu Nan came home with a very tired body and mind, and put the packed lunch box on the table. Shen Muchen came over and looked at the lunch box with a black face, "will you give me this?"

"Let's eat together. I don't have time for you." Gu Nan sat down and put a pair of chopsticks in front of Shen Muchen. He picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up the vegetables, but he grabbed them.

"What are you doing?" Gu Nan was a little dissatisfied, but her voice was not very loud, just a little complaining. She shouldn't have been angry with Shen Muchen. After all, other people didn't do anything too much except annoy her during this period of time. After shouting, she regretted it, and was afraid.

Looking at her with timid eyes, Shen Muchen put the chopsticks on the table, and there was no sign of anger, but he was still very angry. A few days ago, Xiuyi said that he wanted to find a way to rectify the company's atmosphere and test Gu Nan by the way. He didn't take it seriously at that time. He didn't expect that from then on, he didn't feel comfortable for a day.

This woman either smashed the floor when she washed the dishes and made the house restless, or she was very quiet and didn't make a sound. He could bear it when he lived in the battlefield for a long time, but he couldn't bear to eat. The food was getting lighter and lighter day by day. Today, he went straight to the point of eating box lunch!

"I'm going to cook now." Gu Nan canthus of the remaining light swept to Shen Mu Chen gradually change of iron green handsome face, quickly stand up to want to walk to the kitchen.

"Stop!" Shen Muchen's voice seems to be possessed. Gu Nan really doesn't dare to move another point after listening to it.

Shen Muchen also recently learned the specific process of things. In his heart, Gu Nan should be a weak little wretch protected by him. He should ask him for help in time when something happens. But these days, he has asked many times, and the little wretch just doesn't open his mouth.

Or, as always, stubborn temper, have to wait until there is no retreat to speak again? Shen Mu Chen is flashing Mou son to slowly open mouth, "need me to help?"

Gu Nan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Shen Muchen's first sentence wasn't blame. Even though he knew he wouldn't help himself in vain, he was still moved, so his tone of voice became more tactful. "No, I can do it myself."

"You can't!" Shen Muchen pulled her over and let her sit in his arms.

Gu Nan immediately wanted to stand up, but Shen Muchen was holding his waist tightly. They nestled together tightly. Shen Muchen's lips gnawed on her ears twice. "Now, I'm your man, too. You can ask for my help."

"No, I don't need to..." Gu Nan's face was hot, and he wanted to struggle. He just moved, but Shen Muchen's head was closer. She didn't dare to move, and her voice didn't have momentum.

"If you give me one, I'll help you, OK?" Shen Muchen's words low in Gu Nan's ear ring out, when she wants to speak, his lips then covered up.

For a long time, he raised his head, looking at her eyes full of fog, "wronged?"

Can we not be aggrieved? She's like this now, and he's bullying her. She's not human.

"Then I'll give you another choice." Shen Muchen stretched out a finger to outline her lips.


"That is you resist, I strong you, and then don't help you," Shen Mu Chen raised his lips, "it's not difficult to choose?"