The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan raised his head and saw Shen Zifeng with a smile in his eyes. A touch of sadness immediately appeared in his heart. He was still so approachable, but he was not himself. Her eyes became moist. She quickly lowered her head and said, "it's OK, doctor Shen. I'm just a little sleepy."

Shen Zifeng went to Gu Nan and stood still. He held her in his arms and closed his eyes. He had wanted to do this for a long time. Seeing her bear all this with such a thin shoulder, he couldn't help but love her.

But when he saw her small and moving cheek, he didn't dare to say what he thought. He only had the courage to stretch out his hand to her back and do an action to hold her in his arms. Now he finally held her in his arms.

Gu Nan's heart was severely hit, nestled in this warm embrace, she had no idea of resistance, this embrace she longed for a long time, she was afraid that once she let go, there would be no chance, maybe two people really can't continue, after all, she is not free now.

"Xiao Nan, you can tell me anything." Shen Zifeng feels that the breathing rate of the person in her arms becomes faster and faster. She is secretly pleased that she has not refused herself, which means that she still has her own heart.

Gu Nan took a deep breath, nail deep buckle into the palm of her hand, she constantly reminded herself, she can't fall, love structure of life is too good, is not now she can have, she has lost the qualification to have!

"Xiao Nan?" Feeling that the person in his arms had the intention of struggling, thinking that she had something to say, he quickly let her go.

Gu Nan reached out and brushed Shen Zifeng's big hand off her shoulder. When she raised her head, her face was indifferent. She and Shen Zifeng were people of two worlds. If she tangled with him like this, it would only delay him. Instead, now she clearly told him that what she just wanted to say was his smiling face, But I couldn't say anything, "I..."

"What's the matter? Xiao Nan, it doesn't matter. " Shen Zifeng thought that she was in trouble. He didn't think about the expression on her face at this time.

Gu Nan only felt that his heart was blocked. Suddenly, he hated Shen Muchen. If he hadn't appeared at that time, maybe he would have been desperate to ask for help from Shen Zifeng.

The concern on Shen Zifeng's face made Gu Nan fail to speak at last. She casually made an excuse, covered her mouth and ran away crying. Shen Zifeng didn't know what she was thinking. She moved her lips and didn't catch up.

Since then, the communication between the two people has obviously been much less. Except for Shen Zifeng's chance to meet his grandmother every day when he goes to check her up and say a couple of polite words, there is no other contact. The relationship between them has become more delicate, but every time Shen Zifeng leaves, he will say some words of comfort and encouragement.

Gu Nan could insist that she was OK at first, but later she felt more and more aggrieved. Occasionally she began to complain to Shen Zifeng about things in the company. With Shen Zifeng's tree hole, she was really relieved.

On Friday, Gu Nan went to the cemetery in the western suburbs. When she saw the photos of her parents again, she was very relieved. She didn't cry as much as before. She just put the flowers there for a while and said some recent things about the company. Then she left.

Today, she decided to go back and have a look at the photos of her parents. After a long time, she found that her memories had almost disappeared. It was time to find them.

Back to the familiar house, although there are cleaners here every day to clean, but she still felt that the house was empty, uninteresting popularity, "suddenly found that without him, it seems that there is something missing here."

Murmured a, Gu Nan some helplessly shakes her head, how can she give birth to such a strange idea, this guy on business do not know when to come back, just hope that she can be more quiet for two days.

Gu Nan looked at the bedroom and took two steps toward it. Then he stopped and shook his head. "Forget it, I haven't eaten tonight. I'd better go to cook first."

Go to the kitchen, just washed hands, put in the living room of the mobile phone rang, Gu Nan discontented muttered two, "who ah, call so can pick time, do you believe that I next time in your sleep when mercilessly harass you!"

She wiped her hands with a towel and came to the living room. The caller ID on her mobile phone was Shen Muchen. She knew that he was the only one who would call her at this time. It seemed strange.

The phone ring is already impatient. It seems that if Gu Nan doesn't answer again, the phone will hang up and call again. She quickly cuts off her mobile phone and says, "Hello, what's the matter with you, young master?"

"I said I was not a young master!" Over the phone came the familiar clear voice with ice. It seemed that the young master was very unhappy.

Gu Nan realized that he had to be careful when he spoke. It seems that the young master has encountered something unpleasant. Is it because the business has not been settled? She said cautiously, "what can I do for you?"

"Where are you?" Shen Muchen said casually.

"I'm at home." Gu Nan quickly answers Shen Muchen, for fear that his slow answer will cause the other party's dissatisfaction.

"Nothing." Shen Muchen hangs up the phone directly, which makes Gu Nan a little confused. What's the meaning of this? After calling, he hangs up without saying anything.

Gu Nan put down his mobile phone and continued to walk. He wanted to cook in the kitchen. While eating, Gu Nan bit his chopsticks and watched TV. He couldn't help being distracted. "He made a phone call inexplicably. What does it mean? Is it a warning or a reminder? It's terrible... "

After eating and packing, Gu Nan's heart sank down and sat on the sofa in a daze for a long time. She recalled all kinds of things in the past and felt a strong desire. She wanted to see the photos. "Five years, can I go out for five years?"

I can do it! Gu Nan tightly clenched his fist, stood up, looked at the bedroom, she finally realized the feeling of difficulty, clearly less than 10 meters away, in her eyes, but so far away.

Step by step, he went to the bedroom, opened the cabinet at the head of the bed, carefully took out the album from the inside, looked at the password lock on it for a while, and finally made up his mind to open the lock. He pressed his hand on the cover of the album, and felt that the cover of the album was heavy.

Gently open, the first page is a family photo of three, at that time she was only one year old, very lovely, her hand touched the little girl's face, eyes finally fell on the girl's side of the two people, tears a little bit down