The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Yes, Hello, I'm Gu Nan." Gu Nan stood up with a smile on her face. She knew the person in front of her. It was Lin Zicong who was with Linna in the shopping mall that day. He also promised Linna to find her own trouble. So today is the day to find her trouble?

Before, she was still worried about how Lin Zicong would deal with himself. When she saw him today, she was afraid of nothing. After being oppressed for a long time, people would always have some rebellious thoughts. Gu Nan probably has such an idea now.

Lin Zicong is a little surprised at Gu Nan's reaction. He is not much different from Qi in appearance or temperament. She doesn't even look at herself.

But he was not in a hurry. He made a slight pause, and then put the things he had prepared on the table. "I don't know. Can you check this for me?"

Gu Nan couldn't help glancing at Linna's direction with the remaining light in the corner of her eye. She was surprised that she didn't look this way. She quickly took back her eyes. Then she looked up at Lin Zicong. "I've just arrived at this company. I don't know which department you belong to?"

"I'm in charge of the finance department. My name is Lin Zicong." Lin Zicong has a smile in his eyes. There is a deep smile in his smile. He probably guessed the purpose of her question.

"Director Lin, I don't know what you're doing today. I'm from the design department. If you ask me to work in the finance department, the company won't pay me more." When hearing the three words of finance department, Gu Nan couldn't help thinking of all kinds of bloody plots in TV series.

She wondered if Lin Zicong would use his identity to make some financial fraud, and then put all those charges on her. It's hard for the company to ignore such things as finance.

Lin Zicong winked at Gu Nan, but he was a bit playful. "I've heard that all the new people from the design department are not easy to provoke. Today they are really extraordinary."

Gu Nan waved her hands, saying that she didn't agree with Lin Zicong's statement, but she didn't refute his words. She just laughed indifferently, "I'm afraid I can't do anything about director Lin, because just now the director gave me a task, and it's urgent. If you really need my help, I'll go and coordinate with the director myself."

"Ouch, I've only been with the director for a few days, and I've learned to use the director's identity to crush people. After that, I can't go to heaven!" EURA also didn't know when to gather together to come over, both hands ring chest, don't have good spirit of say.

"Xiao ran, I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect that you are still beautiful." Lin Zicong turns around. When ou ran touches Lin Zicong's handsome face, she blushes and lowers her head.

Damn it, she was just looking for Gu Nan's trouble, but she didn't pay attention to the person standing in front of her. She thought he was just an ordinary employee of the company, but she didn't think it was Lin Zicong. All of the good image she had kept in front of Lin Zicong was ruined.

It's Gu Nan. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of Lin Zicong. Ou ran clenched her fist fingers and quickly changed her smiling face. "Brother Zicong, it's a coincidence. I didn't expect you to be there."

"I just heard that there's an interesting newcomer in the company, so come and have a look." When Lin Zicong talks, he looks at Gu Nan.

Ou Ran's heart flashed a touch of resentment, why the company's excellent men's eyes are all focused on Gu Nan, it is a disaster of evil, must be driven out of the company as soon as possible, otherwise in the company where there is her position.

"Brother Zicong, do you know the newcomers who have just graduated from the university? With some of their abilities, they are confident." Ou ran did not clearly point out that what she said was Gu Nan, but when she spoke, her eyes always fell on her from time to time, which made it difficult for people not to pay attention to Gu Nan.

Ou Ran's words make Gu Nan feel frustrated, but she doesn't want to refute anything. Lin Zicong was going to help Linna deal with himself. It doesn't matter how he thinks of himself. When they talk, she sits down.

The task Qi Yuan gives her is always not simple. The more people he values, the more difficult the task will be. Sometimes she is really afraid of the task Qi Yuan gives him.

I just hope that Lin Zicong can leave early, otherwise he will have to work overtime today.

"Xiao ran, I have something else to do. How about you check this document for me?" Lin Zicong picked up the information on the desk.

Ou ran quickly took over, as if she was afraid that Lin Zicong would repent. She said with a happy smile, "I'll be happy. I'll do it soon."

"Xiaoran is really the best for you." Lin Zicong smiles. He taps Gu Nan's desk twice with his fingers, which makes her look pale.

After Lin Zicong and Ou ran leave, Gu Nan can concentrate on his work. As expected, the topic Qi Yuan set for him is really difficult, but she also knows that if she designs the manuscript according to Qi Yuan's ideas, her level will certainly rise to a higher level.

As the saying goes, without pressure, there is no motivation. She can't live a life like this forever. Come on, Gu Nan! In her heart, she secretly cheered herself up and buried herself in her work.

Gu Nan was a little worried at the beginning. Who knows about Lin Zicong. After two days, she was still at peace. Her vigilance was slightly relieved, thinking that Lin Zicong might have deliberately coaxed Linna to say something happy.

At the beginning, her colleagues sneered at her, but later they thought it was boring, so they seldom used words to stimulate Gu Nan. In this way, Gu Nan was more relaxed. Maybe it was because of the relaxation in the past two days that she made a little mistake in her work. Due to her negligence in dealing with some small details, the beauty of the whole layout was affected to a certain extent.

Originally, this kind of mistake was committed by almost everyone once or twice, even if it happened to others, but it happened to Gu Nan, so it was doomed not to be good.

At this time, Qi Yuan stood firmly on Gu Nan's side, and the forum posts exploded. There were even some malicious slanders on Gu Nan, claiming that if he didn't quit Gu Nan, he would rather pay liquidated damages than leave the company.

Gu Nan doesn't blame Qi Yuan. On the contrary, she is still moved, but she can't respond to his actions.

She is very wronged in the heart, why the people in the company can't accommodate her so much, even if she is really good with Qi Yuan, what can she do? It's none of their business. Is it necessary to kill them like this?

The next day, Gu Nan didn't go to work in the company. She asked Qi Yuan for leave and said that she wanted to finish the manuscript at home. In fact, she did the same.

At this time, such a post appeared on the Forum: that woman asking for leave is a silent threat to the director, which means that if you don't solve this problem, I won't go to work, so that you can't see me. It's so disgusting, you have wood!

There are countless stickers on the top of the building.