The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan can't respond to Qi Yuan's sudden question. When she comes, she prepares a bellyful of words to answer her relationship with Shen Muchen, but she doesn't think that he cares about this.

Would she refuse him without Shen Muchen? Certainly will, because if there is no Shen Muchen, she may be brave to go with Shen Zifeng together.

I think so in my heart, but she can't tell Qi Yuanming. She lowers her head and doesn't have the courage to look directly into Qi Yuan's eyes. There is still too little communication and contact between them. She can't find the right words to express her mind.

She can't give Qi Yuan a good man card, can she? Qi Yuan should never have received this kind of thing. It's said that Qi Yuan is invincible in love, and he has never been touched by any leaves.

"Master, there are some things I don't want to say, you should understand..." Gu Nan hesitated. He knew that Qi Yuan probably wanted to ask for a psychological comfort, but even so, she couldn't give him a definite answer. There was no way to explain many things directly.

Just like now, she believes that if Qi Yuan knows that she is forced by Shen Muchen, he will find a way to help her. At that time, he is likely to be entangled, so the best way now is to directly admit her relationship with Shen Muchen.

"Well, Xiao Nan, I see." Qi Yuan supported the ground with his feet, turned the chair around, turned his back to Gu Nan, raised his head and sighed deeply.

"Master..." looking at Qi Yuan's appearance, Gu Nan felt a little uncomfortable and blamed her. She didn't make it clear earlier, so it became the present situation.

Qi Yuan raised his hand and gently shook it, as if he was talking to himself, "Lin Zicong, don't think it will be better not to be in R group. I won't let my apprentice be wronged in vain."

"Shifu, in fact..." it's unnecessary. Gu Nan wants to persuade Qi Yuan not to cause any more unnecessary troubles. It's not worth it for a Lin Zicong, but she suddenly remembers that Qi Yuan is also a victim and doesn't say it.

"Go to work." Qi Yuan said deeply.

"Good." Gu Nan walked out of the office with a heavy heart.

Work time is always busy and short, the time of the day passed quickly, today's Day is surprisingly calm. Linna has been in a good mood all day. Looking at that posture, she won't trouble herself recently. Gu Nan can't help but be curious. She secretly sighs, "women's heart, sea needle."

"Xiao Yun, let me invite you to have a meal together." It's a peaceful day. It's a happy day for Gu Nan.

"Really? Good Mo Yun is a little overjoyed. She quickly picks up her things and goes to punch in with Gu Nan.

Looking at Mo Yun's happy appearance, Gu Nan can't help but think more about it. Why is she so special to herself? Her temperament is not as strong as that. Why does she always stand up and speak for herself?

They come to a roadside stall and sit down. Gu Nan stares at Mo Yun with a lot of emotion. She used to eat with Yu mengmakeup like this.

Thinking of Mengzhuang, Gu Nan's gaze at Mo Yun has changed. Compared with other people, Mo Yun's performance is really too warm. She carefully recalled that she and Mo Yun really got to know each other from an internship, and they didn't have much contact at ordinary times.

Gu Nan can't be blamed for thinking that she is now in a very special period. There is such a strange and enthusiastic person around her that she has to get close to her, which makes people wonder if she has a different purpose.

"Xiao Yun, can I ask you a question?" Gu Nan holds his chin with both hands and stares at Mo Yun's eyes. If a person tells a lie, the first thing he shows is his eyes.

Mo Yun blinked, "of course you can."

"Why are you so kind to me when almost everyone in the company is against me? Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?" Gu Nan has an intuition that Mo Yun is not a bad person. She really wants to make friends with herself, so Gu Nan frankly asks what she thinks.

"Xiao Nan, do you remember when I first came to the company?" Mo Yun a face of nostalgia, unconsciously into memories.

At that time, she was still a little girl who didn't know how to do it. Just after she entered the company, she was instructed to do this and that. It was false to say that she was not wronged, but her cowardly character didn't dare to express anything.

At that time, she wanted to go home to see her grandmother who came back from abroad, but the people in the company did not let her go because of her workload. She did not dare to resist. She hid in the corner of the corridor and cried silently.

Gu Nan came to comfort her and helped her finish the rest of the work.

Mo Yun came back, smiling as before, "Xiao Nan, thank you very much, you know? It was also my grandmother's death day. "

"Xiaoyun..." Gu Nan knew this matter. When she was just practicing in the company, it was inevitable to suppress new people, so they would all help each other. She only felt that what she did was right, so she didn't pay attention to it.

But don't want to help Mo Yun unintentionally, at the same time, her heart is very sad, grandma will leave her like this one day, what should she do then?

Seeing the sad look on Mo Yun's face, Gu Nan couldn't help comforting, "well, Xiao Yun, don't be sad. I believe your grandmother must be happy in another place."

Mo Yun took a deep breath and picked up the drink on the table, "Xiao Nan, shall we be good friends?"

"Good friend." Gu Nan picked up a drink and touched a cup with Mo Yun, which made him feel more comfortable.

After having dinner with Mo Yun, Gu Nan says goodbye to Mo Yun and goes to the hospital. She hesitates all the way. She always gives an answer to Shen Zifeng's invitation to be her dance partner.

But she really can't go. Shen Muchen won't agree. She can't get through this. Since she doesn't want to have anything to do with Shen Zifeng, she has to cut everything off, and then she won't have endless troubles.

She made up her mind and walked towards the hospital firmly. Who knows that the harder she went, does she really like Shen Zifeng? Thinking about the way he smiles, she will feel happy, but it is just happy.

Gu Nan clapped his hands and comforted himself, saying, "in fact, it's because he takes care of his grandmother attentively. I have more contact with him, so I get acquainted with him. I don't have any other thoughts at all."

She knew that she was deceiving herself, but after saying this, she was really relieved.

"Grandma, did Dr. Shen examine you today?" A door, Gu Nan simply said two after directly asked.

I know from my grandmother that Shen Zifeng seems to have something to do today. He came to my grandmother in advance to have a check-up. He should not come here in the evening.

"Oh..." Gu Nan should say, don't know this time is the happy or helpless.