The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Simply don't understand amorous feelings, other people's beauties come together, can't you give others a good face? Gu Nan thought like this in his heart, but there was a sense of schadenfreude in his eyes.

"Brother Shen, why didn't you bring Yu Ning to the dance this time?" Chen Yu Ning is very aggrieved, but still obediently standing one meter away from Shen Mu Chen, dare not close to, in front of many people, she is afraid of Shen Mu Chen to embarrass her.

Shen Muchen doesn't want to take a look at Chen Yuning. She walks around her and comes to Shen yaoyang. Gu Nan also stands up quickly. When the elder comes, Shen Muchen stands up. If she still stands, she really doesn't understand.

Gu Nan is very clever and keeps a certain distance from Chen Yu Ning. She doesn't want to fight with this woman here. It's a shame.

"Mu Chen, you are also really, such scene you should bring rain to coagulate." Regardless of Gu Nan's presence, Shen yaoyang seemed to speak to Gu Nan, and his voice amplified a lot.

Shen Mu Chen raises a lip Cape, sneer, "you are not to bring her?"

After hearing these words, Chen Yu Ning and Shen Yao Yang's words suddenly went dark. What kind of words is this? What does it mean that he brought her here? It means that Chen Yu Ning is Shen Yao Yang's dance partner.

Gu Nan can't help but give Shen Muchen a thumbs up. It's her man. His brain is fast, but does he really have no problem with his father?

As a result, it appeared very quickly. There was really no problem. Even Shen yaoyang didn't even yell at Shen Muchen. He just raised his face and said, "nonsense."

Then his face immediately eased down, went to Shen Muchen's front, said earnestly: "Muchen, I know you are not satisfied with my arrangement, but you should also remember that Yu Ning is entrusted to you by your mother."

"That's why I didn't kick her out." Shen Muchen takes a light look at Chen Yuning. At the beginning, her mother looked at her pitifully and gave her to Shen yaoyang's elder brother to raise her. They saw that the longer the child grew, the more beautiful it was. They secretly decided to marry her without telling Shen Muchen.

His mother didn't know about it, and he couldn't say it clearly, so he just let Chen Yu Ning go, and didn't let her disappear. This woman is not generally annoying.

One sentence left Shen yaoyang speechless. Today, he brought Chen Yuning with the idea of letting Shen Muchen admit Chen Yuning's identity in front of everyone. He thought he would not refuse because of his mother's oppression, but he didn't want his attitude to be so firm.

Is it because of this little girl? Shen yaoyang's eyes fall on Gu Nan who is watching the play. Does she think she is a bystander“ Nice to meet you here, Miss Gu Nan. "

"Me too." Gu Nan nodded and gave Shen yaoyang a faint smile. It seemed that she was innocent again.

Shen yaoyang nodded with satisfaction. If Gu Nan's identity could be better, he would definitely agree with her standing beside Shen Muchen. However, he checked Gu Nan's background a few days ago. In the past, her family really had capital, but now it's different. She won't be Shen Muchen's help or Shen's help.

So he can't let this woman stay at Shen Muchen's side. From today's events, we can see that Shen Muchen treats her differently.

"Miss Gu, I don't know when we can have a good talk." Generally, Gu Nan can't refuse his invitation on such occasions, but today it's not the general situation at all.

When you see what has happened, you know that your father and son are not in harmony. She doesn't want to go to muddy water. She takes Shen Muchen's arm and has a nice smile. "When do I have time, Mu Chen has the final say."

This sentence ambiguous abnormal, also thoroughly expression Gu Nan's meaning, she will not meet with Shen yaoyang in private, unless Shen Muchen agreed.

Shen yaoyang's smile stiffened in an instant. Did he really underestimate this woman?

Chen Yu Ning's mind has never been in the dialogue between the two people. Her snake like eyes lock Gu Nan's hand on Shen Mu Chen. She can't help holding it tightly. Shen Mu Chen is the man she has been longing for since she was a child. She hasn't touched his body well.

For so many years, her contact with him is still in the occasional touch she makes. Why can this woman easily get what she has worked hard for so many years without getting.

Gu Nan's words won Shen Muchen's heart. He showed her a very soft smile, which he only showed to his mother.

Did he take her away and get angry with this man again? He seems to be in a good mood again.

Chen Yuning feels that she has lost herself in this kind of smile. At the same time, her heart is more firm. She must get this man, no matter what means she uses, or even... Life.

Out of the door of the dance, Gu Nan can't help but take a deep breath. Is it over at last?

Night has come quietly, two people's bodies were submerged in the night, such a relaxed and comfortable time is really rare.

The shadow of Gu Nan flashed in Shen Muchen's eyes. She didn't want to bear the bondage any more. She put down her hair. Three thousand green silk poured down like a waterfall. Scattered lights gathered around her neck, shining with a faint light.

"Don't we get in the car?" After coming out, Shen Muchen didn't mean to go to the car. Gu Nan took a look at him and saw that the corners of his mouth cocked up with a faint smile. His eyes seemed to have stayed in a beautiful place, and now they are still showing slowly.

"Walk with me." Shen Muchen spoke to Gu Nan in the tone of request for the first time. That's right. Today he used the tone of request instead of command.

If change to do normal, Gu Nan will certainly be mercilessly surprised, but today she experienced really too much, even if Shen Muchen now become a monster, she will think it is normal.

Gently point a head, said a good, she quietly followed behind him.

He paced slowly, as if talking to himself or to Gu Nan.

"My mother, she is a very good person, but later married the wrong person, so life is not satisfactory, she is very good to me, when I was young, she loved me very much."

Listen to his words, Gu Nan can't help feeling up, "my mother is also a very good person, she married the right person, life has been very good, beautiful is always short, they only have a short period of more than ten years together, but I believe that more than ten years is the best memory in their life."

After that, she lost her heart. Can she meet the right man like her mother and live happily for more than ten years? Looking at the man around her, she was lost in thought.