The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Looking at Linna's eyes, Gu Nan is a little suspicious that Qi Yuan is deliberately taking care of her. At this time, he asks her for her works and deliberately lets Linna run on her, isn't it?

"You took the list, too?" Linna looks unbelievable. Gu Nan has only been in the company for a few days. Does she think she can do anything after listening to the director's class for a few days?

Gu Nan hesitated for a while, or nodded, this she does not need to hide.

Only heard Linna cold hum a, "like you so arrogant new, really rare, you are really confident ah."

Gu Nan has no mind to refute anything, everything has to use the facts to speak, not you say two words, the sky can fall down.

She juxtaposed the documents with Linna's and retreated. When Qi Yuan opened their works, Gu Nan was still a little nervous.

In the final analysis, Lina is also an old man in the company. She has more experience than her and may have better attainments in these aspects. However, she is very confident in her own works. She thinks that even if she can't compare with her works, there will be no big gap.

After reading the two documents, Qi Yuan put them all on one side and put them on the table with both hands together. "OK, you go out. As a result, I will post them on the website later."

"Director, is Gu Nan better than me?" Remembering that when Qi Yuan saw Gu Nan's works before, she had a strange look. Linna couldn't help asking.

Qi Yuan nodded and didn't seem to want to say anything. He held his hand on the mouse and opened the official website.

Qi Yuan took a step forward, "the director can't judge Gu Nan's works just because you have a good relationship with her. Well, I used to respect you as an upright person, but I don't want you to be partial!"

"Is it?" He reached back with one hand, leaned over the chair and looked at Lina with a smile.

Linna has no taboo to meet his eyes, since we all know that Gu Nan is Shen Muchen's woman, why so stubborn, do so much for her, do you still expect her to repay you?

"Your manuscript has a good idea, but it's too rough and there are many mistakes in details. Have you checked it carefully?" Qi Yuan smiles coldly. He hates such a self righteous woman.

Listen to Qi Yuan said, Linna bowed her head, but did not have the slightest heart of repentance, just light said sorry, went forward to pick up his manuscript, ferocious look, Gu Nan left the office.

It looks like there's trouble again. Gu Nan's mouth grins, dodges Qi's long shot eyes, and turns around to leave.

"Xiao Nan." Qi Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and stopped him. This sound was like a long and long flute.

Gu Nan stops and feels uneasy. This kind of voice really makes her feel uncomfortable.


"I just want to ask you, is Shen Muchen really your boyfriend?" Qi Yuan asked this sentence seems to have exhausted all his strength, he sat there quietly waiting for Gu Nan's judgment.

For the first time in so many years, he was so attentive to a woman, but he didn't expect that there was a person who was dozens of times better than him behind the woman. Such a contrast of mind can't be endured by such a proud person as him.

"Yes." Gu Nan answered indifferently and walked out of the office.

She did not dare to stay, she was afraid that Qi Yuan would continue to ask, she did not know how to answer at that time, because there were many questions she did not have answers, let alone to answer Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan lonely looking at the documents on the table, he is not the time to leave, here is afraid to hinder his career, he really fell in this woman.

After returning from Qi Yuan, Gu Nan's anxious mood has been hard to calm down. She really wants to go out for a walk and is afraid that the image she just established in the design department will be damaged.

"Xiao Nan, what's the matter?" A nearby colleague looked at her.

"Nothing." Does anyone care about themselves at last? This kind of feeling is really good“ It's about time for the performance appraisal. You can't do that. " Colleagues secretly to Gu Nan said a word, continue to bow to busy their work.

What's going on? Gu Nan habitually to not a certain direction to see, sure enough found Linna is looking to his side, speechless turned a white eye.

However, what that colleague said really attracted Gu Nan's attention. For a large company like R group, performance appraisal is definitely not as perfunctory as that of ordinary companies.

Thinking, Gu Nan can't help thinking. When Shen Pei comes to her, she reacts and stands up quickly, "director Shen."

"So leisurely." Shen Pei looks at Gu Nan with a smile.

"That..." Gu Nan a face of embarrassment, also don't know how to explain.

"Well, come with me."

Shen Pei calls Gu Nan and arranges some tasks for her. Gu Nan is a little surprised. What Shen Pei arranges for her is simple and easy to get performance.

In her eyes, Shen Pei is not the kind of person who will flatter others and will not be selfish. What is the purpose of this?

"Don't think about it too much. It's all arranged by the general manager."

Shen Pei just left such a sentence and left with a smile. Gu Nan only felt that his brain was not enough. Isn't Xiuyi always not optimistic about himself?

This time, she has so many tasks. Can't she have a different purpose?

The more I think about Gu Nan, the more I think it is possible. I have to be careful in my next work.

After work, Gu Nan gets on the subway to the hospital. Her palms are tightly clenched all the way. She is afraid to see Shen Zifeng and prays that he won't show up like last time.

"She's a good girl." As soon as I entered the door, I heard grandma talking happily.

Is that a compliment? Gu Nan frowned. Grandma would never praise her like this in front of others. Who was she talking about?

When she went in, Shen Zifeng had finished the examination for her grandmother, and they were talking about something.

"Xiao Nan, come to see grandma?" Shen Zifeng was the first to speak. His tone was calm and calm, as if nothing had happened before.

Gu Nan nodded and laughed. She felt a lot more relaxed. She thought it would be very embarrassing to meet again, but she didn't want to be so relaxed. It was like when two people just met.

In fact, she was still worried that Shen Zifeng would tell her grandmother about her own affairs, but later she thought that he should not be such a talkative person.

Just in case, she thought whether she would remind him sometime. Shen Zifeng didn't mean to leave a message. She just told him a few words and went out.

Gu Nan came to grandma's bed and sat down, "grandma, did anyone come just now?"

She looked around for a week and found a bag of fruit on the table. Did Shen Zifeng buy it? I don't think so. Who is that?

Grandma affectionately took Gu Nan's hand and said a name that made her extremely frightened, "Xiao Nan, just now the girl of dream makeup came, it's really a long time no see."