The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"It's ready." Gu Nan took a deep breath and walked over. Although she had made enough mental preparation, she was still a little bit unnatural.

The swimsuit on her body is really not exposed at all. It's just that all the way to the root of her thighs makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Come down." Shen Muchen stood up and held out his hand to her.

Gu Nan put her little hand up, and when she put her foot down, the warm feeling spread all over her body. At this time, there was only one feeling in her heart, so comfortable.

With the deepening step by step, warm water inch by inch over her skin, such a large pool is different from the bath at home, the water pressure is obviously different, and there is no space constraints, more relaxed.

Just as she was about to bury the last step, Shen Muchen yanked Gu Nan hard, and she ran into his arms.

"What are you doing? Don't blame me if you fall!" Gu Nan complained. She was really scared just now. Now her face is very ruddy. I don't know if it's caused by steam or something else.

"Can't swim?" Looking at Gu Nan's formal appearance in the water, Shen Muchen asks tentatively.

Gu Nan nods awkwardly. It's a shame that she can't swim. She has been afraid of water since she was a child. If it wasn't for Shen Muchen in the water, she would never dare to come down.

"I'll teach you another day." Shen Mu Chen's hand put on her face of pink tender, low head seem to be in whisper.

Did Shen Muchen really have such a gentle time? Now there's no one else here. He doesn't need acting. Why is he still like this, or does he really like himself?

Think of here, Gu Nan did not want to go on, he likes her, is it possible?

After soaking in the hot spring, she felt very comfortable. She felt that she was going to be softened. After a while, two people came out. Shen Muchen led her little hand to the room.

It's a bedroom. Shen Muchen takes Gu nan to change his pajamas before going in.

"Gu Nan, give it to me?" After entering, Shen Mu Chen turns around slowly, the hand gently raised her chin, the voice is unusually soft.

Gu Nan opens her mouth. Can she say no?

"No?" Seeing her wrinkled face, Shen Mu Chen's face suddenly became gloomy, but he didn't get angry. He wasn't worried. There was still time.

He calmed down, directly picked Gu Nan up, put her on the bed, gently fell a kiss on her forehead, then said nothing more, turned off the light, lay down beside her, closed her eyes.

That's it. Gu Nan looks at him in surprise, is this the end? This is unscientific. Is he still Shen Muchen today? Is he still following the principle of not forcing women?

Do you really mean that? Then he's not really a bad guy.

After soaking in the hot spring, she was very comfortable, and soon fell asleep. This sleep was very comfortable. When she woke up again, she saw a new suit of clothes around her. When she touched the clothes, she felt a little strange in her heart

When Gu Nan puts on her clothes and goes out, she sees another different corridor. She finds that there is no longer a hot spring under the corridor, but a garden. There are all kinds of flowers blooming here. Is she dreaming?

How can I see such a paradise?

"Satisfied with it?" Shen Muchen suddenly appeared beside her, soft voice with enchantment.

Gu Nan subconsciously nods, suddenly turns around and looks at Shen Muchen. After getting up in the morning, he still has some discomfort.

"Don't you have to work today?" Gu Nan blinked and quickly let himself recover from the beautiful scenery just now. How much impact and surprise does this man have to bring her.

"Together." Shen Muchen took her hand and went out.

After two people had breakfast together, Shen Muchen drove Gu nan to the company.

Gu Nan and the president appeared at the door of the company, which caused a sensation in the whole company. In the past, they all found their identities in news magazines. Now they work together, which means that the relationship between them is real.

When Gu Nan walked into the company, she didn't know how many sharp eyes were aimed at her. Gu Nan knew that it would cause such an effect, but she didn't care.

When she went back to the design department, she found that the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became different again. The usual criticism was much lower, and all of them worked hard, just like the leaders came to inspect.

Gu Nan can't help but feel funny. If she had known that Shen Muchen would bring her to work in the company, she would have asked him to do so for a long time. How much trouble would she have saved.

No matter what people think in their hearts, Gu Nan habitually opens the official website and finds that the first news is about her. Naturally, it means that she and Shen Muchen are working together in the company.

Looking down, she closed the website and found an important announcement on the company's home page.

As soon as Qi Yuan left, the position of design director was vacant. The announcement said that the person who made the greatest contribution to the design department would be selected as the design director within three months.

This news is a big bomb for Gu Nan. She understands what Qi Yuan meant when she left, and she wants her to work hard to become the director.

To tell you the truth, she has no confidence at all. How long has she just come to the company? I'm really a newcomer. I'm afraid it's not easy to be a design director.

But anything must try to know after, really hard, even if failed, there will be harvest.

Gu Nan fills in a director's application, and then starts to deal with the day's work. But he doesn't want to hear a low roar from Linna's direction at this time.

"She just depends on the woman who is the president." Aurora's voice is loud enough for the whole design department to hear.

"You should keep your voice down. If someone else is not happy, go to the president and sue you. Be careful that you will lose your job." Linna skin smile meat don't smile of looking at Ou ran, the mouse has once didn't once of point, a face of ridicule.

"I'm so loud. I really don't know what the president thinks. I can't walk for a few days even if I fall in love with such a person." The more she said, the more angry she was, and the louder her voice was.

Gu Nanquan didn't hear anything. She's not new, so she won't do that kind of frivolous thing. Anyway, this kind of ridicule is not the first time she's heard. She will prove everything with her strength.

"Gu Nan, I think you'd better not apply for the position of director and give others a chance." A colleague who has a good relationship with Gu Nan said with embarrassment.

"Yes, Gu Nan, if you run for the election, the top will definitely choose you." For a moment, the people in the design department also became active.