The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Since he came to R group, Gu Nan feels that his tolerance is really increasing.

After hearing some things, you may feel very angry, but after you get used to it, you will feel nothing, even with a little joy.

These people are really naive. It's better to do more work and strive for a good performance when they have time to take advantage of this. Only in this way can they increase their competitiveness.

Gu Nan's mind naturally didn't focus on these rumor mongers. Now she is paying attention to Lina and ora all the time. She can't tolerate any mistakes during this period of time.

The wind and rain are quiet but the wind is not enough. Gu Nan wants to work at ease. Some people will not let her, such as Chen Yuling.

In the company's microblog, such an explosive news was flashed. The mysterious girlfriend of the president surprised R group, pure and pure, rich and beautiful PK scheming junior. Who can be better? There are countless posts in the building.

This news is found when Mo Yun is having dinner with Gu Nan and playing with her mobile phone. When Mo Yun tells Gu Nan this news, Gu Nan's face turns black instantly.

Is she Xiao San?

Well, in some sense, she is a junior, but if you don't know the truth, don't mess with it, OK!

That Bai Fumei, needless to say, Gu Nan also knows that it's Chen Yuning. What she is most curious about is who spread the news, Chen Yuning herself?

She is Shen Muchen's woman in name now, OK? Are those people blind? Chen Yuning came out and said that she was Shen Muchen's woman?

Brain damage?

Gu Nan is really angry this time. Mo Yun on one side looks at the changing expression on her face and wants to say something to comfort her. However, she seems to be scared by her momentum. Finally, she can only ask weakly, "Xiao Nan, are you ok?"

"No, I don't care about these rumors!" Gu Nan took a bite of crayfish and chewed it hard in his mouth.

He also said that he didn't care. Why do you want to look like this? It's very scary.

Mo Yun hesitated and said, "Xiao Nan, it says that the woman and the president have been engaged for a long time. Is that true?"

"Engagement? Shen Mu Chen just won't tie oneself up with a woman Gu Nan is quite aware of this. This man regards everything as a bondage. It's a waste of time to say a word to her.

"That's good. Time will prove everything. Don't mess around at this time, Xiao Nan, or their scheme will succeed." Mo Yun naturally knows Gu Nan's position in the competition director and reminds him quickly.

"Well." Gu Nan nodded heavily, she understood the truth, but now I'm afraid it's not her problem.

Now that such a post has appeared, it shows what Chen Yuning plans to do.

In the next time, Gu Nan took a slightly more difficult list from the top and planned to make some achievements.

But I don't want the people in the design department to talk about it in front of her.

"I thought how great she was. She turned out to be a junior."

"That's right. Now that she's here, she doesn't seem to be able to hop for long."


"It's time to work. Do you need me to tell the supervisor?" Gu Nan hated that when she was concentrating on designing things, someone was chewing her tongue, which really affected her thinking.

"Arrogant what, is not to be kicked down!"

"Oh, you say less." One person pulled the other to one side and started ideological education.

Gu Nan took a deep breath, the hatred value to Shen Muchen deepened a bit, this man can't let her work well?

Even if you look at his face at home, you will be influenced by him outside!

Gu Nan will never be defeated by this setback. She will rekindle her fighting spirit, and Gu Nan will continue to devote herself to her work.

After leaving work, Gu Nan still thinks that if Shen Muchen comes to pick her up today, he will reduce his hatred. But there are a lot of people behind the door.

What are you looking at? Gu Nan also curiously gathered in the past.

Chen Yuning is standing at the door of the company, looking around, as if waiting for someone.

"It's beautiful. Such a woman should be the president's woman." A girl said with envy on her face.

"Exactly on time!" A male voice interjected, provoked the side of another girl coldly, he quickly changed his words, "that look is pure, which has my girlfriend the most natural."

"Hum." The girl hums coldly.

Gu Nan is very speechless. He is too lazy to watch the giant panda here. He is ready to go around from one side, which has become unnecessary attention.

"Sister!" Chen Yu Ning seems to take the radar, Gu Nan just did not walk out of a few steps to stop her.

If you can, Gu Nan really wants to escape the scene quickly, but if she leaves now, I don't know what will come out of the crowd's mouth tomorrow, and if Chen Yuning finds out, will she let her go?

Gu Nan turns around and finds that Chen Yu Ning has trotted in front of her with a delicate and lovable look.

"Sister, why did you leave when you saw me?"

"No, I didn't notice you just now." Gu Nan tries her best to be natural.

Although she felt that she had behaved well enough, she didn't want people to look down on her.

Xiao San is embarrassed to see the real card. Do you think you can avoid it?

If Gu Nan knew what they were thinking now, he would have gone away. Compared with them, Chen Yuning was more like Xiao San.

"Elder sister, I know you are avoiding me on purpose. Can you let me meet brother Shen? I haven't seen him for a long time." Chen Yu Ning lowered her head and crossed her hands. It seemed that she was very nervous.

"Then you go to him. Why do you come to me?" Gu Nan stares big eyes, what rhythm is this? What do you want to see Shen Muchen come to me for? It seems that I have imprisoned him.

In the heart suddenly appears this idea, Gu Nan subconsciously looked around, these people won't think so?

I'll go. I can explain it!

Gu Nan helplessly looks at the crowd. When she takes back her eyes and looks at Chen Yu Ning, she finds that her exquisite eyes are full of longing.

Gu Nan secretly thumbs up to Chen Yu Ning, but she is more puzzled in her heart. Is she doing this to stink her reputation? But is it useful for her to stink herself like this? She has a bad reputation.

"But I can't see brother Shen. Would you please help me?" What Chen Yu Ning said was a grievance, which touched the hearts of the people around her.