The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Do you think I will build my happiness on the pain of others, just like you?" In dream makeup asked this sentence, let Gu Nan feel abnormal ridiculous.

If the essence of a person is good, then no matter what happens, it will not change too much, at least the original intention will not change!

Before that, she had never thought that Yu Mengzhuang would use such means to calculate her. She really didn't want to stay here with Yu Mengzhuang.

Gu Nan steps away, but her heart becomes a little bit heavy, because it's very quiet behind her. It's strange that there is no one behind her. What's wrong with her?

Gu Nan can't help but want to look back, but what does Yu mengmakeup have to do with her? She doesn't have to care about her. They are not even strangers now!

"I'm gone, you want to be open!" After all, it was so many years of friendship. Gu Nan didn't feel like she was sinking deeper and deeper. She just wanted to remind her, but there was still no voice behind her, which made her more suspicious.

It seems that something is wrong. When she turns around, she sees Yu Mengzhuang lying on the ground. Her bright red wrist, which has been bleeding, has not escaped her eyes.

"Dream makeup!" She seems to have something exploding in her mind, and she doesn't know what kind of mentality she used to call the ambulance. Looking at her white lips and bleeding wrists, her heart is really hard.

After paying the fee, Gu Nan left, she can achieve this point, has been benevolent, two people still don't meet in the future.

"Miss, please wait a moment!" A nurse called Gu Nan.

"Why?" Gu Nan has a bad complexion.

In particular, I don't know when I learned Shen Muchen's breath. Her face was so cold that the little nurse was scared.

"Well, are you a friend of that lady? Her mental state is not very stable. It's better to be accompanied by friends, otherwise she will definitely do something crazy! " The little nurse specially emphasized that, for fear that Gu Nan would not believe it, she also took out the checklist.

Her unstable mental state has nothing to do with her Gu Nan, "I just met her on the road, which I can't help. Let her contact her relatives when she wakes up!"

She found very timely, not to wake up, Gu Nan heart stiff thought.

"This..." the little nurse seemed to want to say something. She wanted to say something but stopped. Finally, she shook her head. If she was a stranger, it would be too much to do her duty!

"Say it!" Gu Nan can't be determined to leave now. If yu Mengzhuang's help to her grandmother over the years is offset by what she has done, there is still a touch of friendship between them.

This kind of friendship for many years can't be abandoned if you want to.

"Well, the patient's mental state is very unstable. Our nurses can't provide the company the patient needs. Of course, this is secondary. We found a lot of scars on the patient when we checked her body." It's hard for the nurse to go on. It's useless to talk more. The most important thing is Gu Nan's decision.

"Well, I see." Gu Nan subconsciously walked toward the ward, why did she have scars on her body? Is it her mother or the man she is now?

Her life seems really bad, no wonder that a proud she will become what she is now, the heart has so a moment of heartache.

Standing outside the ward, looking at her mouth and nose were hung with oxygen, hand pricking drops, the impression that she is the first time such a weak appeared in front of her.

Even when she was asleep, her brow was still tightly wrinkled. Did she think of the unhappy past?

"Hello." The mobile phone rings, Gu Nan runs to one side to connect the phone.

"Where is it?" Shen Mu Chen's cold and hard voice spread out, today this woman so late hasn't come back, is met what matter?

"A friend of mine is in hospital. I'll accompany her today. Grandma, please help me talk about it." Gu Nan simply explained, hung up the phone, she knew that she couldn't mention the name of Yu Mengzhuang with Shen Muchen, otherwise she couldn't stay.

Standing quietly outside the ward, my mind was pulled back to the past.

Once upon a time, they were the closest friends. Every time Gu Nan was in trouble, Yu mengmakeup helped her to escape. She always comforted Gu Nan like a big sister.

I really want to go back to the past, back to my childhood, back to the carefree happy time. I don't need to think about anything. I just need to plan where to play tomorrow and what to eat.

Do you remember all that after a long time? Dream make up!

Gu Nan went into the ward and went to sleep on the bed.

"Nan..." it seems that someone is calling her in the confusion. She opens her eyes difficultly and sees Yu Mengzhuang looking at her with a smile on her face.

It is this kind of smile, has been her best memories, recently has been her nightmare, in the end which is the most real her!

Gu Nan takes a look at her mobile phone. It's almost time for her to go to work. She goes to make a meal, puts it on the table and leaves directly. In the process, the two people have a tacit understanding and don't speak.

When walking on the road, Gu Nan felt that his heart was suddenly released, and the dusty things seemed to have disappeared, so relaxed and comfortable.

Can she put it down? Because Yu Mengzhuang confessed, did she put it down?

Said, in dream makeup do this thing really did not cause any harm to her, because in dream makeup help her find Shen Muchen such an excellent man, because in dream makeup, her grandmother got very good treatment.

As the saying goes, misfortune and fortune depend on each other. Yu mengmakeup has not brought any actual harm at all, and should not continue to resent.

"Xiao Nan, congratulations." Mo Yun winks at Gu Nan, then gives her a thumbs up.

"What's the matter? So mysterious. " Looking at Mo Yun just said such a sentence, quickly ran away, Gu Nan very speechless, how still such a child's appearance, is she mature too early?

"Sister, did you come first in your performance last month? It's very promising to win the director. " Chen Yu Ning timely said a word, answered Gu Nan in the heart of doubt.

Performance first! She remembers that she didn't do much work! When Gu Nan turns on the computer, she is very satisfied. Fortunately, it is not Xiuyi who secretly helps her cheat, otherwise she will really think Xiuyi is going to harm her.

All the achievements announced above are Gu Nan's real achievements. The biggest bonus is that all Gu Nan's works are excellent, and all of them have an extra bonus. Because of a small mistake, Lina is one step behind Gu Nan.

In another month, she will use her own actions to tell everyone that Gu Nan is not a man who is superior to others. She can speak with strength.