The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

What does Shen Muchen want from me now? Tomorrow is the anniversary. If he wants to rehearse by himself, should he not attach importance to it?

He usually so many things to busy, certainly not as, went to the door of the office, Gu Nan's heart is still murmuring, raised the hand also don't know whether to knock down.

"Gu Nan!" Xiuyi's words are almost gnashing her teeth. Why can't this woman be more peaceful!

"General manager, the president came to me." Damn, why does she want to make such a guilty appearance? It's clearly that Shen Muchen asked her to come here.

Xiuyi naturally thinks of this possibility. He just takes a cold look at Gu Nan and turns to leave. He is more determined that he wants to get rid of Gu Nan. Of course, it's not as simple as dismissing her from the company.

I don't know why there is a cold on my body. Is there something wrong with the heating of the company?

Look at the office, always want to go in, or here too much time, "Dong Dong Dong."

Gu Nan gently knocked on the door. After a while, there was no movement inside. Gu Nan raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door again. He muttered, "isn't it in?"

If I'm not here, what do you want me to do? I'll have to get an air conditioner repaired!

In the heart of the fire gas Teng's about to rush up, Gu Nan tightly clenched his fist, vigorously toward the door hit in the past.

But the door opened at this time, Gu Nan's hand did not hold, hit a hard meat wall above.

"You're here. I thought you weren't!" Gu Nan just suffered gas, have no half good facial expression at all, these two days Shen Mu Chen besides accompany frost face, seem to have nothing else.

"Come in." Shen Muchen took Gu Nan hammer's hand on his chest and entered the room.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mu Chen a face solemnity, is what happened not of affair?

Shen Muchen looked at Gu Nan. During this time, he always felt that something was wrong. It seemed that there was a thread leading him step by step, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Don't look at me like this, I'm really scared!" Gu Nan stepped back two steps. It seemed that she was stripped of her clothes. What the ghost was? It should not be the way she thought.

Sure enough, after a while, Gu Nan knew that his thought was really evil.

"Did Xiuyi come to you often recently?" Shen Mu Chen seems to want to understand what thing finally, just concentrate on to ask a way.

"No, it's not," Gu Nan shook his head, thought about it, and then said, "although I don't see him often, it seems that every time I come to your office, I will meet him."

"Is it?" Shen Mu Chen took a few minutes to examine to shift to open the line of sight, looking out of the window, repair one, he really want to take action without authorization?

"Why do you ask all of a sudden?" Gu Nan is very curious, why see Shen Mu Chen so solemn look, her in the mind will be special nervous.

Can't you make things clear? Gu Nan feel his heart has been mentioned to the throat?

Gu Nan looked at Shen Muchen's solitary figure, and really wanted to ask clearly, "Shen Muchen, can you tell me?"

"What do you want to know?" Dark eyes light ripple, a circle of ripple, his closest people, actually want to do harm to his woman, how to deal with this kind of thing?

This is not betrayal, but a disguised guard. Should he punish Xiuyi?

"Is someone trying to harm me?" Gu Nan is very straightforward to ask out, and later felt that his brain hole is not generally large, she such a person is worth repairing such a deliberate?

The corners of Shen Mu Chen's mouth lightly evoke, it seems that this stupid woman is not so stupid, and there is a little sense of self-protection.

"Look at the things on the table." Shen Muchen's hand knocked on the table, but didn't want to turn around.

What is it? Gu Nan's heart suddenly became curious. Is it about her?

Gu Nan went to the desk, picked up the document, page by page open, above all her information, as well as her two days in the company.

It is clearly recorded above. Is this a disguised surveillance“ Is this what you asked Xiuyi to do? "

"Would I be so bored?" Shen Mu Chen turns round suddenly, Mou son suddenly a cold, is he such a boring person in this woman's heart?

"I don't think so." Gu Nan smiles and lowers her head. She continues to look at the information and talks. What do you want to do to scare people suddenly? She has missed so much for a long time.

Say this kind of idea is a little cheap feeling, Gu Nan quickly shake head, this kind of idea out of the brain, carefully looked up.

The following is her performance list of this month. After reading half of it, Gu Nan is not calm. The data in front is basically true, but the data in the back is not reliable at all.

Many of them exaggerate their performance, and there are even many false lists that she hasn't even read. What's the matter? Gu Nan quickly looked through the past one by one.

"These are not real achievements. There are too many adulterated ingredients. What are you doing?" Gu Nan suddenly flustered God, they are going to report her after the results announced, let her never turn over in R group?

"I really didn't make these!" See Shen Mu Chen didn't want to take care of her meaning, Gu Nan suddenly anxious, difficult don't he also don't believe her? Does he think he can fake?

At the thought of this possibility, Gu Nan's heart is very painful. In vain, she still believes in Shen Muchen.

"Well." Shen Muchen finally gave Gu Nan a response, Gu Nan's heart also put down a lot, still manage her to explain Shen Muchen is to believe her.

Gu Nan turned back and said, "these things don't match the company's data. I'm not a fool. I'll definitely be..."

After turning to the back of a few, Gu Nan Leng is unable to say a word, the back of a few are automatically generated by the company's database, simply can't make a fake.

"Shen... Shen Muchen..." Gu Nan's hands are shaking. If she wants to achieve this effect, the first thing she has to do is hack into the group's database. If she has this technology, what are she doing here!

Gu Nan looked at the paper in her hand and felt that it was no longer the weight of a piece of paper. It was her future and future. It was hard to imagine what would happen if such a thing was published to the public and found out!

"I'll take care of it." Shen Muchen took the document in her hand back and threw it on the table.

This document was given to him by Xiuyi. I didn't expect that such a stupid woman would make Xiuyi fight like this.

"Shen Muchen, you are so kind!" Hear these five words, Gu Nan will be moved to cry, Shen Muchen still believe her.

"Stupid pig."