The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

Gu Nan will never admit that she is not at ease in the dream makeup just don't want to leave, standing in the side of the pavilion.

You can obviously see that Yu Mengzhuang's mental state is very abnormal. She has had an experience. Won't she come for a second time?

What's she doing in there? Waiting outside for a while, Yu Mengzhuang hasn't come out yet. Gu Nan can't help but be curious. Is there something wrong in the coffee shop?

This shouldn't be enough, right? Gu Nan quickly shook his head, denied the idea of suddenly jumping out.

Finally, about ten minutes later, Yu Mengzhuang finally came out of it. Her face was full of sadness, which was in sharp contrast with Gu Nan's sunny and generous Yu Mengzhuang.

"Nan..." although Gu Nan thought that he had hidden enough, he found her at the first sight when Yu mengmakeup came out.

Gu Nan helplessly walked in the past, "you don't get me wrong, I'm just waiting for the car here, someone will come to pick me up later."

It seems that in order to cover up something, Gu Nan explains awkwardly.

"Well." Yu Mengzhuang definitely nodded, a pair of I believe you look, but let Gu Nan more uncomfortable.

Gu Nan directly turned to leave, "it's late, I'm going home, or grandma will worry."

"Nan..." Yu Mengzhuang holds Gu Nan's hand.

Familiar with the feel spread to the hands of two people, both sides are a stay, Gu Nan rapid reaction over, released in dream makeup.

"Anything else?" Gu Nan pretends to be as cold as possible.

"Aren't you waiting for someone to pick you up?" Yu Mengzhuang lowers her head as if to believe Gu Nan's appearance.

"I told him to wait for me in another place!" Did she lose face just now? Is it just like lifting a stone and hitting her own foot? It doesn't seem that serious.

Two people are in a kind of awkward situation, but this kind of atmosphere seems to be particularly harmonious and quiet.

"Nan... I hope we are still friends in the future." Finally, Yu Mengzhuang summoned up the courage to say this.

Friends are not so simple and casual. Aren't we friends originally?

Gu Nan took a deep breath, turned back to smile at dream makeup, "then I went back."



After returning home, Gu Nan quickly washed her face with cold water. Why did she make such a decision? Why did she promise to make friends with Yu mengmakeup.

Pity her? Or with a nostalgic mind?

"Young granny, it's winter now. You can't toss yourself like this!" Small dream quickly took towel to Gu Nan's hand.

"Once or twice once in a while doesn't matter. Has your young master come back?" Gu Nan picked up the towel and wiped it carefully.

"Look at my face." Xiao mengping stretched out her hands and spread it.

"No? It's late, isn't it? " Gu Nan throws the towel in his hand to Xiao Meng, takes out his mobile phone and calls Shen Muchen.

Is he going to rehearse with Chen Yuning?

The familiar mobile phone ring rings behind Gu Nan. Gu Nan stares in surprise, turns around and hangs up the phone. With a giggle, Gu Nan casts a glance at the passing dream.

Xiaomeng really wants to explain. She wanted to point to the direction of the bedroom just now. Who knows Gu Nan ran out before she finished watching her movements. I can't blame her!

"Giggle what?" This woman, he really doubts whether she can do a good job if she really gives her the position of design director of the company.

Gu Nan put down his mobile phone and pointed to his mobile phone, "why don't you keep silent?"

"I like it." When Shen Muchen talks, he takes a step closer to Gu Nan. His evil eyes are close to Gu Nan's heart. It seems that he is saying that you have an opinion?

"Oh, I like it." Gu Nan gives a thumbs up feebly.

Shen Mu Chen once again went forward a step, will brush body but pass, at the same time Gu Nan's slightly relaxed a breath, isn't see in dream makeup one side? Why do you feel like you've done something wrong?

Suddenly in her stupefied moment, Gu Nan's shoulder suddenly extra an arm, she immediately became serious, "what's the matter?"

"You're hiding something from me." What Shen Mu Chen uses is not interrogative sentence, but affirmative sentence, and that icy eyes seem to be telling Gu Nan, if you don't tell me what it is, then you are finished today.

Gu Nan waved his hand again and again, "no, although he came back late today, isn't it because of the company rehearsal?"

"Is that the point of company rehearsal?" Shen Muchen's eyes are obviously written with the word "stupid pig".

Gu Nan spat out his tongue and giggled. He took the hand off his shoulder and retreated step by step. "There must be a little secret between two people. Otherwise, what's the meaning of living?"

Shen Muchen obviously a Leng, take advantage of this gap, Gu Nan quickly slipped out, she now don't know how much to thank Mo Yun said this sentence with her.

Today is destined to be a sleepy night, Gu Nan will be a simple summary of the day's work, with a mobile phone went to another room, dialed Mo Yun's phone.

No one answered at first. After a while, Mo Yun called again.

"Xiao Yun." Gu Nan's voice is a little urgent. She wants to know if something urgent happened to Mo Yun, but it's not how to speak.

"I just went out without my cell phone. What's the matter?" Mo Yun's voice sounds strange, as if he is deliberately suppressing something.

Gu Nan's heart is pulled up. She has been friends with Mo Yun for so long. It seems that she has never asked where Mo Yun's home is. If she can, she really wants to see it.

But Mo Yun didn't say that maybe her family didn't welcome outsiders, and Gu Nan was not easy to ask.

"Xiaoyun, no matter what happens, you still have me. If you need any help, just say it, you know?" Seems to be afraid of Mo Yun embarrassed mouth, Gu Nan finally also attached a sentence, "don't forget, I now but Shen Muchen side of people, there is no trouble can't solve."

"Xiao Nan, it's OK. Thank you for your concern. If it's OK, I'll hang up." Mo Yun's voice sounds very urgent, that kind of depression sounds very distressing.

"Small Yun..." Gu Nan also want to say what, Mo Yun's side has hung up the phone.

Something must have happened!

Gu Nan immediately went back to the bedroom, "Shen Muchen, do me a favor?"

Shen Muchen stopped the action that is nodding a mouse, did not open mouth, seem to be waiting for Gu nan to speak.

Gu Nan went to Shen Muchen's side, encircled his neck from behind him, "my president, I know you are the best, just do me a favor."

When speaking, Gu Nan felt that he had goose bumps all over his body.

Shen Muchen disgusted her hand away from his body, "if you continue to talk like this, you'd better not say anything."