The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"I've been like this since mom left." Shen Mu Chen's hand lightly pats on Gu Nan's body, seems to be talking to oneself.

Gu Nan nodded and slowly raised his head, "Shen Muchen, it doesn't matter. Just be yourself. When I know you well enough, I won't be afraid."

"In fact, at this time, if you slap me directly, I will change." Shen Muchen said something like a joke.

Gu Nan certainly does not dare to put on the heart, joking, now can hit Shen Muchen's person to estimate has not been born.

But seeing that he was so interested, Gu Nan was very cooperative and asked, "is it a slap in the face?"

"Well." Shen Muchen's answer is very serious, almost let Gu Nan believe, but Gu Nan if someone really beat Shen Muchen's words, estimate his life is over.

"Let's go and study the work." Shen Muchen took Gu nan to transfer in the garden.


The garden is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance. The flowers are colorful and colorful, just like walking in the sea of flowers.

If you see such a beautiful scenery for the first time, you will sigh. If you see it every day, you may not feel beautiful.

It's just like a beautiful woman. If you look at her for a long time, you will only find it pleasing to the eye. If you look at an ugly woman for a long time, you will also find it pleasing to the eye. Therefore, there is no absolute beauty and ugliness.

As she walks, she talks with Shen Muchen. Gu Nan's heart is changing a little bit. She didn't expect Shen Muchen to have such profound attainments in design. She always thinks Shen Muchen is just a businessman.

But today it seems that she still thinks of him too simply.

He is like a huge spiritual wealth, inexhaustible, no matter what Gu Nan asked, Shen Muchen can answer, and what he said is so reasonable, so obedient Gu Nan's mind.

"Why do you think the world exists?" It seems that the topic just now is boring. Gu Nan begins to talk with Shen Muchen.

"Maybe you should ask, why do I exist in this world?" Shen Muchen's smiling eyes make Gu Nan drunk.

Gu Nan quickly lowered his head, "why?"

"Because you need me."


The topic continued until lunch time.

"I already have basic ideas in my mind. I can make a work in about two days." Gu Nan finished after the chopsticks bite in the mouth, staring at Shen Muchen.

This man's eating action is not generally elegant, just like a noble gentleman. Just now she talked with Shen Muchen about Shen Muchen's aesthetic fatigue, but now she almost looks at Shen Muchen's eating every day, why she has never been tired of it.

"The work will be made tonight." Shen Mu Chen gave a dead order, this kind of creative thing, not necessarily the longer the time, the better.

Inspiration is not easy to produce, but easy to lose.

"All right." Urge what urge, Gu Nan Du from mouth, she is not a person who likes to procrastinate, anxious a little bit anxious a little bit, anyway at home Shen Muchen said is right.

Try it. If he can't do it in the end, can he still beat her?

"Then I'll start after dinner." Gu Nan put down his chopsticks, said hello to Shen Muchen, and left.

She had a better idea when she was watching Shen Muchen just now.

Inspiration is really unstoppable. Gu Nan is eager to implement her own plan now.

Looking at the woman running fast, the corners of Shen Muchen's mouth come up. He saw the driving force of that kind of creation, which was his favorite moment when he was in University.

It seems that today this woman can make a good work. It's very good. He'll wait and see.

Qi family

"Sister-in-law, do you have anything to do with me?"

In the living room, opposite to Yu Mengzhuang sits a refined man, who is Qi Yuan after resigning from R group.

Yu Mengzhuang's red lips lightly swept from the teacup, "outsiders all rumored that my husband's younger brother was a beautiful man wandering among flowers. Now it seems that the rumor is not true."

"Sister-in-law, please don't make fun of me. I don't care about those trifles for a long time. Now I just want to take good care of my family property and live an honest life." Qi Yuan smiles bitterly.

Since he resigned from R group, the petite figure in his mind can't go away. He can walk into his dream almost every night, which is also the best time of his day.

"It doesn't seem to come from you at all." Yu Mengzhuang chuckles. She naturally knows Qi Yuan's past. She didn't expect Gu nan to leave her life so moist.

Not only did she collude with such an excellent CEO, but even a man like Qi Yuan became her admirer. This coincidence is really unexpected?

"Sister-in-law, if there's nothing wrong, I'll check the accounts." If Qi Yuan used to be, he might be willing to say more to such a beautiful sister-in-law, but now he doesn't have such a mind at all.

The person he was thinking of was not around. He could only place all his spirit on the family industry, hoping to erase the beautiful memory through practice.

"In fact..." Yu Mengzhuang took a deep breath, as if to say something important.

Qi Yuan's action to leave stops. It's the first time that this sister-in-law comes in to talk to him. Today's Yu Mengzhuang seems to have changed. No, it's the latest one.

In the past, she could not speak at all when she saw herself, and her eyes were like a walking corpse.

And now she is full of vitality and vitality, before she and now formed a sharp contrast.

"Qi Yuan, your elder brother has also told me something about you, so I know that the girl you like is my former good friend." Yu Mengzhuang seems to have made up his mind to say what he wants to say.

"Do you know Gu Nan?" Qi Yuan stood up all of a sudden. He was always steady. Now he behaved like a child.

Aware of his gaffe, Qi Yuan immediately sat down again, quickly calm his mood, even if there is now news of her how?

She is still Shen Muchen's woman, and he is not the director of R group now. Maybe they have no chance to meet at all?

At the thought of this, Qi Yuan's eyes suddenly dimmed a lot.

Yu Mengzhuang picked up the teacup and outlined a enchanting radian with her red lips. "If she's not living well now, would you like to help her?"

"What did you say?" Qi Yuan's mind seemed to be filled with something.

"Nan, she is a poor person. You must not know how she got together with Shen Muchen?" Yu Mengzhuang sighed and began to speak slowly.

Qi Yuan listened to the original joy in the heart of a little bit disappeared.