The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

After returning home, Gu Nan receives the news from Yu Mengzhuang that she wants to ask Gu Nan out for dinner.

Gu Nan always feels guilty about what happened last time and wants to find a chance to make up for Yu Mengzhuang. Yu Mengzhuang takes the initiative to find her. Naturally, she can't help but agree. She happily replies to Yu Mengzhuang.

"Shen Muchen, tomorrow I want to go out to eat with Yu Mengzhuang." Gu Nan holds Shen Mu Chen's arm, rubbed rubbed, coquetry says.

"Well." The speed that Shen Muchen agrees is beyond Gu Nan's expectation.

Gu Nan is stunned, in her impression, Shen Muchen does not like her to follow in the dream makeup contact all the time, even if does not stop, also should say a little dissatisfied words?

Does he already acquiesce in the existence of dream makeup, think, Gu Nan still think this possibility is not too big.

If you want to ask, but it seems that you haven't opened your mouth yet, Gu Nan feels that she already knows the answer. She bites her lip, closes her eyes and goes to sleep!

Later things later, as long as Shen Muchen doesn't stop her, no matter what he says, now Yu Mengzhuang hasn't done anything to hurt her.

Sunday is a sunny day. Gu Nan got up early to pick clothes for today's trip.

Gu Nan went to change a suit of clothes to run to Shen Mu Chen in front of, "does this body look good?"

Shen Mu Chen holds magazine, lifted Mou to see, shake head.

Gu Nan looked down, as if he didn't look good on his body. He went to change his clothes. After he came back, Shen Muchen still shook his head.

Gu Nan had no choice but to change his body. When he came back, Gu Nan didn't lift his eyelids and shook his head directly.

The Gu Nan of gas comes forward, embrace pillow to throw toward Shen Mu Chen in the past, "you see didn't see, know I wear of don't look good?"

"You have taken my meaning too far." Shen Muchen reaches out his hand and grabs Gu Nan's pillow.

"What do you mean, then?" Gu Nan is very angry. She is worried. This guy has been wasting her time here.

Shen Muchen stood up and went to the side of Gu Nan. He heard softly, "did you spray perfume on your body? Is it so elaborate that you only want to see it in Mamonde?"

Gu Nan brow a pick, stare big eyes, "that I don't see in dream makeup, still go to see you."

"If you see me, such preparation is really necessary." It seems that Gu Nan's words are reasonable. Shen Mu Chen nods after pondering.

"Oh, I don't want to talk to you. I'm leaving. You're fine at home." Knowing that it was late, Gu Nan picked up the bag in a hurry, just like rushing inside.

Shen Mu Chen full head black line, picked up the mobile phone to dial a phone, "stare at Gu Nan, what situation immediately inform me."

He used to think it was naive to spy on her, but he couldn't rest assured if he didn't. After all, she was going to meet someone who had threatened her with her grandmother's life.

It's stupid enough. It's unforgivable for her to betray herself. She even allowed Yu Mengzhuang to appear in front of her again.

Gu Nan takes a taxi and rushes to the place they agreed.

Sure enough, after arriving, Gu Nan found that Yu Mengzhuang had been sitting there for a long time.

Yu Mengzhuang used to be like this, she is a very punctual person, never delay other people's time.

"I seem to be late." Gu Nan is embarrassed of low head.

On the bench beside the road, Yu Mengzhuang stood up with her bag and laughed at Gu Nan.

"It's OK. I'm used to it anyway."

"Er..." Gu Nan touched her nose. She likes to sleep in when she's free, so she's often late, but it's a long time ago.

Since she went to work, there has been no such thing. Today, this is the first time.

"It really doesn't matter. I'll wait for you as long as I can." Yu Mengzhuang reaches out her hand and tries to pull Gu Nan's hand. Seeing that she doesn't mean to resist, she is relieved to pull it up.

"It's as if you're telling me." Gu Nan can't help shaking his body. After a joke, the relationship between the two people has drawn closer unconsciously.

"If I were a boy, I would marry you, but it seems that even if I want to marry now, I have no chance." In dream makeup to Gu Nan squeeze eyes, as if to say you know.

"Screw you, where shall we eat?" Gu Nan doesn't want to mention Yu Mengzhuang in front of Shen Muchen, and also doesn't want to mention Shen Muchen in front of Yu Mengzhuang.

The connection between these two names always reminds her of some bad things.

"I have a little surprise for you today." Yu Mengzhuang mysteriously pulls Gu nan to a hotel by the side of the road.

"It's not suitable for us to go to such a luxurious place. I think the roadside stall is suitable for me." Go to the door of the hotel, Gu Nan played a retreat drum, although she is now a person with a job, but this kind of place, a little consumption is no less than three figures, she was reluctant to pocket the money.

"It's a treat. It's OK." Yu Mengzhuang didn't give Gu Nan the chance to repent, and directly took her in.

Gu Nan has no choice but to keep up.

"Nan, I said I had a little surprise for you. Don't be too happy." Go to the private room, in dream makeup pull Gu Nan stand, give her a psychological preventive injection.

Gu Nan blinked his eyes, pointed to some cunning smile in dream makeup, "you don't mean you want to support me, do you?"

"What are you thinking now, you man?" In dream makeup glanced at Gu Nan, also did not want to angry appearance, directly pushed open the door of the hotel.

The first thing that catches our eyes is the luxurious decoration in the hotel. There is a flower basket on the white table. Gu Nan, the purple flower in it, can't be named.

These are not the most important. The most important thing is to be the person in the seat.

Today, he is wearing a white suit. It can be seen that he has been elaborately dressed up. There is a handkerchief stuffed in the chest pocket of his suit, just like a noble prince.

Gu Nan called subconsciously, "master."

Qi Yuan nodded his head. All the wanton and uninhibited in the past disappeared. Today, he seems to see his beloved girl. He is shy and dare not speak much.

He just gave a smile, welcomed them in, and called the waiter.

"Just order what you want. I'll pay for it." Qi Yuan spoke as naturally as he could.

His heart has been excited, how many days and nights, he dreams of meeting with the people in front of him, he thought that with the evolution of time, he will forget her, but did not think that the years like a knife in his heart will be engraved all her.

Until the moment he saw her today, Qi Yuan realized that he couldn't forget her at all.

"Dream makeup, you order, I don't know what to order." Gu Nan looks at Qi Yuan and wants to say something, but he doesn't know how to say it.

Two people's eyes collided in the air and quickly separated.