The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Are you taking advantage of me?" Gu Nan raised her head and gave Shen Muchen a white look. If she wants to say she likes him, can't she say it clearly? As for this winding?

Shen Mu Chen helpless smile, also don't know this woman is really see out or really silly, "later in the company, someone look for you, first ask who knows?"

"I know, if Shen Sinan's words, I will never see, if Shen Muchen's words, I will..." Gu Nan blinked suddenly, did not continue to say, as if waiting for Shen Muchen's question.

But Shen Muchen didn't like her wish, just took her hand and went to the bedroom.

"Shen Muchen, it's wrong for you not to play according to the routine like this!" Gu Nan shakes his hand and wants to attract Shen Muchen's attention. At the same time, he follows him into the bedroom.

"Do you play the routine?" It is the tone of disdain very much, let Gu Nan's mood explode to open all of a sudden.

What does Shen Muchen mean by that? You think she's stupid? Think it's great to be president? Can you speak ill in front of others when you become president?

"Where am I stupid, where am I stupid!" Gu Nan holds her head high and reaches out her hand to hold Shen Muchen's ear. Although she suffers a loss in words, she must make up for it in action.

She's an activist. Hum, Shen Muchen, I want to let you know the end of offending the pillow.

But the ideal is very happy, reality is very bony, when Gu Nan's hand just reached Shen Muchen cheek, he was intercepted down.

"This move is out of date. Are there any new moves?" Shen Mu Chen evil Mou a pie, pulled her small hand down, put in the waist.

He doesn't know what happened to him. Mingming wants to come back to educate this woman. Mingming is very angry about her meeting Qi Yuan alone.

But now, in front of her, there is no sense of anger, just want to see her sweet smile, just want her to be able to lie quietly in his arms.

"You! Can't you let me know that you are not a man? " Gu Nan curled his mouth, stamped his foot and took back his hand.

Shen Mu Chen's eyebrow tip slightly rises, the white fingers lightly point on her lips, "I am not a man, need to prove to you?"

Gu Nan's eyebrows jump. She seems to have said something wrong. Is Shen Muchen's art of distorting language a little too much? It's clear that they are talking about such a formal topic, and he can pull it so evil.

"Hey, stand where you are." Gu Nan repeatedly retreats a few steps, see Shen Mu Chen to have no force to come over of meaning, relaxed one breath.

What are you afraid of? Shen Mu Chen has some dissatisfaction, he has already completely astringed the anger on his body, why is this woman still afraid of him?

"Well, what do you think?" Discover Shen Mu Chen's facial expression some not right, Gu Nan hurriedly asked a.

Shen Mu Chen light of saw Gu Nan one eye, direct leisurely lie on the bed, basic don't want to see Gu Nan one eye.

This woman is too difficult to understand. He needs a break.

Just go to bed, go to bed? Is it a little too early, not a matter of time, "don't you think you've done a little less?"

This man actually put his beautiful wife aside and went to sleep by himself! This is not scientific!

"What's missing?" Shen Mu Chen came to interest at once, this woman is not alluding to what.

"Nothing." On hearing this tone, Gu Nan knew that she was thinking too much. She thought Shen Muchen had lost interest in her.

Shen Muchen lay there motionless, as if thinking about something. Gu Nan went out to take a bath and changed his pajamas.

On the bed, Shen Muchen seems to have fallen asleep, Gu Nan lightly walked to the bedside to lie down.

"Shen Muchen, I know you are not asleep."

Shen Muchen turns over unexpectedly. It's not an accident that Gu Nan knows that he is not asleep, but that Gu Nan will talk to him a little strange. Generally, this woman will make some small moves first.

"Today I know you are acting, but that feeling is so real!" Gu Nan turned over and let herself face Shen Muchen. She found that under the light of the light, the man seemed to be very good-looking.

Shen Muchen also turned around, stretched out her arm in her soft hair gently stroked, "if you continue to be so stupid, this kind of thing will one day become a reality."

"Shen Muchen, don't scare me." Gu Nan's expression one stagnates, she doesn't like Shen Mu Chen to look at her with such formal eyes, seem to have what thing to dominate her destiny, she is helpless.

"Do you really think I'm bluffing you?" Shen Muchen has some helplessness. If he can, he hopes Gu Nan can live under his wings all the time.

But he knows Gu Nan will not leave this job, as long as she appears in the company one day, it will not be safe one day.

The company is not only a place to work, but also a place to fight. There is no way for a fool to survive. He always keeps this in mind, so he always disguises himself with that cold appearance.

Gu Nan took a deep breath, as if she understood something from Shen Muchen's tone. She moved her body and went down into Shen Muchen's arms.

"Shen Muchen, I will never betray you, no matter when you believe me, OK?" Gu Nan can understand the meaning of Shen Muchen's words.

Shen Muchen is now in the same place as an ancient emperor. He has a wide range of sources of information, but not all of them have been seen with his own eyes. If his subordinates want to be careful, they only need to report a false news.

For example, Xiuyi is always Shen Muchen's most trusted thing. If Xiuyi says something bad about Shen Muchen in front of her, then even if she is full of mouth, she probably can't explain it clearly.

"Gu Nan." Shen Muchen said deeply, words only heavy, let Gu Nan's heart all pull up.

This is similar to a sigh. It seems that Gu Nan said that he is in a high position and can't help himself. Sometimes he can't decide what to do.

Gu Nan lowered his head and arched in Shen Muchen's arms, as if to find a comfortable posture. "Shen Muchen, it's not difficult to believe me, because I don't have any reason to betray you. I don't think there is a man in the world who looks better than you."

"I think so, too." Shen Mu Chen is very natural took down.

"Another thing is that I don't think there is anyone more narcissistic than you in the world." Gu Nan is very speechless raise head, damaged Shen Mu Chen a sentence.

Shen Mu Chen ordered Gu Nan's small nose for a while, seem to be to her words don't mean, return pet drown of say: "I believe you won't betray me."

"Why, why? Shen Muchen, that's very kind of you! " Gu Nan gave Shen Muchen a big hug, but the next second her hand froze.

"You are so stupid that no one will want to cooperate with you."

"Ah, Shen Muchen, why don't you die?"