The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't care about you!" Gu Nan holding Shen Muchen reluctant to let go, smile that called a happy.

"Your next major is to stop smiling!" Shen Muchen picked up Gu Nan and threw her on the bed.

"Well, Miss Ben is in a good mood today, but! Don't be so arrogant. I won't worry about you now, but I have a lot of grudges! " Gu Nan pointed to Shen Mu Chen, and then quickly took back his hands, propped up behind him, swinging his two little feet.

"Disobedient?" Shen Mu Chen's face was cold.

"Cut." Gu Nan glanced at Shen Muchen and continued to shake his feet. He didn't pay attention to Shen Muchen at all.

This woman is not afraid of him. It seems that she is really good at courage recently.

Shen Mu Chen's big hand stretched to the front of the neck, one by one untied the button of the shirt, revealing the strong muscles inside.

Gu Nan's hand covered his mouth, is this going to be hard? My God, why is there a little excitement and expectation in her heart? Is there something wrong with this rhythm.

"Shen Muchen..." seeing that Shen Muchen came over, Gu Nan quickly sat upright and put out a hand to stop him. "I don't know if you've ever heard such a sentence."

"What." Shen Muchen's lips bend, turn over to bed, and directly press Gu Nan under his body, as if this action has been practiced thousands of times.

He lowered his head and habitually pressed Gu Nan's little hands on his side. His deep eyes were staring at her tightly, as if to say, if I'm not interested in what you said, then you will be miserable.

In fact, at this time, Gu Nan really wanted to say, come on, come on, I'm afraid of you.

The man's shirt that pressed on her was opened, and he didn't know what he thought. He just untied the button and didn't take it off. The shirt just floated down and wrapped Gu Nan's waist.

Even through the clothes, Gu Nan felt that the shirt fell on her, very friendly and warm, especially the man who looked at her with an extremely strong sense of possession, which she could not avoid.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm afraid I can't help it." Gu Nan teased a, want to move a vision and extremely not willing.

"Can't help it?" Seems to think of what, Shen Muchen out of the tongue gently licked the lip, eyes dyed a trace of enchantment.

"I tell you, I just wanted to ask if you've heard of it. That afternoon, the sun was beautiful. A girl fell in love with you, not because you have a car, not because you have a house, not because you have money, just because you are wearing a white shirt. "

Gu Nan shyly finished this sentence, but she didn't have the courage to see Shen Muchen's expression, because she felt that what she had just said was almost confession,

Fortunately, Gu Nan didn't go to see Shen Muchen, because Shen's face is not good-looking now. Now he has an impulse to burn all the white shirts in the world, leaving only this one on him.

"Shen Muchen, do you feel this sentence very much?" Gu Nan feels that it's not good for him to keep his head down all the time. He slowly raises his head, but finds that Shen Muchen has shifted his sight.

He looked up at the wall!

"Shen Muchen, you go down for me!" Gu Nan a face of impatience, directly looked up a foot stare in the past, but don't want this just pedal in the key place.

Although Shen Muchen didn't make any exaggerated expression, his face was too dark to be any more.

Gu Nan clearly heard the clear murmur when she kicked just now.

"Shen Muchen, are you ok?" Gu Nan covers his mouth with his hand.

Shen Muchen turned over and lay on one side, just like a decadent person who could not be loved.

"Don't scare me!" Gu Nan wants to reach out to help Shen Muchen get up.

"Don't touch me." Shen Mu Chen bit a tooth to say so a words, closed eyes, eyebrow center twisted into a knot in one's heart.

Is she in trouble? It seems that she's really fragile there. Gu Nan doesn't dare to go out. She sits waiting for Shen Muchen to wake up. She feels that her whole body is going to be stiff. Shen Muchen still doesn't have any sign to move.

Is it sleeping? Gu Nan stretched out her hand to touch Shen Muchen, but she took it in half the way. She didn't dare!

Forget it. I'd better take a bath.

Gu Nan carefully out of bed, as if for fear of waking Shen Muchen asleep.

After Gu Nan left the bedroom, Shen Muchen opened his eyes leisurely, and the cold breath suddenly spread to the whole room.

He felt that he would be fooled to death by this woman sooner or later. Is it too late for him to regret it now? He really can't imagine how many years he will live less with this woman in the future.

God knows how frightened Gu Nan was that night. If God could give him another chance, she would never do such a stupid thing.

The results of the competition have come out. This is a big bonus item, so Gu Nan is very confident. This time, she is the director.

Sure enough, at the end of the month when the results were announced, Gu Nan ranked first. What he showed was not the super exaggerated performance that Xiuyi had done before, but rather normal.

In terms of performance, Gu Nan and Lina are still a little behind each other, because Lina works overtime almost every day for the sake of performance appraisal, and she has to bring a lot of documents when she goes back every day.

It is precisely because Linna is so busy that she has never been in trouble with Gu Nan, so her performance is much better than Gu Nan.

But Gu Nan has some extra points in the competition. This kind of competition is for the company's honor, so it's natural to have extra performance.

When Linna heard the result, she almost stood unsteadily. People around her rushed to comfort her.

To tell you the truth, Gu Nan is also sad to see this situation. After all, after working hard for so long, he didn't get what he wanted. He must be uncomfortable.

So she has made plans in her heart. As long as Linna doesn't make too much trouble for her today, she will understand Linna and don't care about her.

At present, she is still in a meeting. Linna should not trouble her now, but after the meeting, she will be the director. At that time, if Linna still wants to trouble her, she will have to weigh her weight.

After the results of the performance are announced, the next step is to announce the selection of the director.

To tell you the truth, Gu Nan's heart is still quite uneasy, because the person who held this meeting is not Shen Muchen. Well, that's not the point. The point is that the host of this meeting is Xiuyi.

If you change any leader of the company, Gu Nan doesn't have any doubts, but he can't fix it.

"As we all know, there are many people working hard in these three months. They have only one goal, that is, the director." It seemed that the atmosphere became serious.

Gu Nan felt that her heart was about to jump out, and her efforts for so many days finally succeeded.

"Wait a minute, general manager." Lina stood up.