The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Well, I know if you don't say it." Gu Nan's head in Shen Mu Chen's bosom continuously rubs, how also can't find a suitable position as if.

"Wife, darling, if you continue to seduce me, I may really can't help it." Shen Mu Chen pressed Gu Nan, do not want to let her continue to move.

"Why can't you move here?" Gu Nan held his mouth and raised his head. Shen Muchen's head dropped down. Gu Nan said quickly, "go away, I hate it."

"No!" With a bit coquettish tone, Shen Muchen in Gu Nan's lips point, "little villain."

Gu Nan put his arms around Shen Muchen's waist, and his heart was filled with emotion, "Shen Muchen, I always feel that we are not so realistic now."

"What's wrong?" Shen Mu Chen's hand puts on Gu Nan's shoulder, unconsciously swam up in the whole body.

"Oh, you go away for me." Gu Nan grabs Shen Muchen's hand.

"Well, listen to my wife!" Shen Muchen said leisurely.

"It's just that tone is too unrealistic. Can you imagine that you used to say that to me?" Gu Nan suddenly found what point, holding Shen Muchen's hand said excitedly.

"If it's unrealistic, it's unrealistic. Anyway, what you're holding now is not air. Why are you tangled so much?"

Shen Muchen's tone makes Gu Nan angry, but Gu Nan can't admit that what Shen Muchen said is right. She's really worried about gain and loss. She wasn't like this before.

Also don't know why now can become so, small hand is drawing a circle in front of Shen Mu Chen's chest, "all blame you."

"Although the charge is a little puzzling, I accept it." Shen Mu Chen nods, put Gu Nan's small hand to the side of the mouth, kiss up.

Two people are talking about each other in the ward in this way, just like an old couple remembering the past, their faces are faint smile.

Because I don't know what's waiting for them in the future, it's best to cherish the present.

Time quietly in the past, unknowingly is already late at night, two people together in the ward will be a night, although the conditions are not very good, but still very warm and sweet.

In the morning, Gu Nan is the first to open her eyes. To tell you the truth, she is still not used to it. This kind of feeling of Shen Muchen around.

Gu Nan stretched out a finger to point the nose tip of Shen Mu Chen, then quickly drew back, after discovering that the other side didn't have any reaction, he sneaked up again.

The finger points to Shen Muchen's nose again, up and down, Gu Nan's eyes show extremely excited light, just like a child who has discovered the new world.

It's fun to play. After the nose is finished, Gu Nan's hand comes to Shen Muchen's ear. Her little hand gently outlines Shen Muchen's ear.

She never found that a person's ears could be so beautiful, just like someone deliberately drew them with a pen.

When her little hand was about to slide to Shen Muchen's neck, he suddenly opened his eyes, reached out and grasped her little hand.

"Don't want to go to work?"

"No, I just think it's still early. I want to drown in bed with you for a while. It's strange to sleep in the ward with you for the first time. Hey, hey. " Gu Nan giggles and wants to take back his hand. He finds that Shen Muchen doesn't give him a chance at all, and his strength doesn't decrease at all.

"What are you doing! Let it go Gu Nan is laboriously pulling back.

Shen Mu Chen's eyes become deep up, Gu Nan thought that he thought of something sad, instant dare not move.

"I regret going to block your knife."

"You Gu Nan stares big eyes, then sentence inside affirmation have strange, Shen Mu Chen isn't like that kind of person that can talk to look for dozen.

"Now you have a reason not to let me touch it!" Shen Mu Chen sighed and shook his head, slowly released Gu Nan's hand, a face of sadness.

If you give him another chance, he will still do such a stupid thing. Who said that this stupid woman has been deeply imprinted in his heart.

"You're in such a hurry!" Gu Nan face some hang not to live, really want to find a crack directly into, even if want to also need not say so indirect.

Shen Mu Chen sighed, "forget it, you go to work, I'll stay alone for a while."

Gu Nan instant feeling big head, how to have a kind of Shen Muchen in unreasonable feeling, say she is a girl, she is the unreasonable, why to Shen Muchen here to change?

"Well, I'm not in a hurry, but I'll have dinner with you." Gu Nan's hand carefully embraces Shen Muchen's waist and avoids the place where he is wrapped with bandages.

"Forget it. I'm not in the mood." Shen Mu Chen closed his eyes, a pair of I fell asleep don't talk to me expression.

Gu Nan forehead drops three black lines, "Shen Muchen, you are the president, do you know? How can you be such a coquettish

Shen Mu Chen closed his eyes and didn't want to take care of Gu Nan. It seems that I'm angry. Don't talk to me.

Gu Nan said that she was very sad. Why did she suddenly miss Shen Muchen? Although that Shen Mu Chen is overbearing a bit, difficult to serve a bit, but that is also she is familiar with.

She really can't bear this kind of haughty black belly.

"Well, it's a big deal. I'll make it up to you later." Due to the fact that Shen Muchen is a patient, Gu Nan compromises. She is a normal person and should not have a problem with a patient.

"You think you can run away?" Seems to be stimulated, Shen Muchen opened his eyes and glanced at Gu Nan, as if to say, you wait for me to revenge.

Gu Nan a black line, "you say you want how?"

"If you don't give me what I want, why do you ask me?" Shen Mu Chen closed his eyes again.

Gu Nan sat up and pinched his hands. "Shen Muchen, why didn't I find out before? Do you still have this kind of arrogant and cute skills? When did it light up? "

Shen Muchen is silent, no one answers Gu Nan.

"Well, come on, you're not a child. Don't be willful." Gu Nan also reluctant to say anything cruel, good voice and good spirit of persuasion.

"Unless... You help me." Shen Muchen suddenly opens his eyes, the smile of evil spirit deeply stimulates Gu Nan's nerve.

She felt that her head was big for a moment. Did she ask many times just now? Don't you just put on your clothes and go to work?

"Don't you want to? Then I'll do morning exercises directly! " Shen Muchen suddenly also sat up, clothes broken pot broken posture.

"Don't make trouble. I have to go to work!" Gu Nan subconsciously to hide next to, but the hospital bed and the bed at home is not the same, it laughed a little bit, so Gu Nan a careless help empty.

"Ah..." Gu Nan lost his balance and yelled, holding her firmly with a pair of big hands around his waist.

"Pig, let you run away again, that's the lesson."