The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Your name is Lina, isn't it? I heard that you used to have some conflicts with Gu Nan?" Mu Siyin takes out her mobile phone and searches for Linna for a while. It seems that she has finally found the answer she wants.

"You've made a special investigation into this matter?" Linna's mouth lightly evokes, seems to think of something, the mind also becomes active.

"You don't need to know that. You probably know what I'm here for. Maybe we can cooperate." Mu Siyin had a faint smile on her face, as if it was not her who made a fool of herself just now.

Linna put her hands around her chest. She only felt that things were more and more interesting. If it was in the past, she might be interested in what mu Siyin said, but now it's different. She has no mind to think about that.

"Why don't you?" Greatly beyond the expectation of Mu Siyin, she had done enough work before she came here. Unexpectedly, none of them came into use.

Her father clearly told her that the first thing to do is to have a good relationship with Xiuyi, and then to stink her reputation in the company. She thought it was a very simple thing, but now it seems that everything is beyond expectation.

"It's not that you don't want to, but that you're not qualified to cooperate with me." Linna turns around without hesitation. She really hates the clown's face like musiyin.

Mu Siyin is really a great grievance. She didn't do anything, and she still feels that everyone is avoiding her like a god of plague. Why?

According to normal thinking, even if she will not be respected, she will not be excluded. Why did she suffer such inhuman treatment from the beginning?

All this must be because Gu Nan, but for her, she would not be like this.

Looking at Linna's leaving figure, mu Siyin turns around without hesitation. Now she needs to change her strategy. It seems that this company is not the place where she can stay.

Linna went to Gu Nan's office, pushed the door directly and went in.

Gu Nan looked up to see her, very speechless said a, "next time you enter the door can not be so domineering, loud Hello OK?"

"Good!" Linna is a very concise reply.

Gu Nan is very helpless, had to put aside the work at hand, asked a, "is not let you go to work with mu Siyin?"? Why are you back so soon? "

"I have work to do, not so much." Lin Nan is very simply said, tone is very awkward, listen to let Gu Nan very uncomfortable.

"Do you still hate me now?" Gu Nan had doubts in his heart, so he asked directly.

"I hate it. I just don't want to see you very much." Linna didn't hide it, she just said what she had in mind.

"In fact, if you want, I can be your loyal audience." Gu Nan holds her chin in both hands and looks up at Lina. She knows that something special must have happened to Lina, otherwise she would not have changed so much.

Anyway, she seems to like the change.

"No, I don't seem to have done my job well." Linna said frankly, there is no color of guilt on her face, Gu Nan looked speechless.

But she didn't mean to blame Lina. After all, she meant to let Lina vent her emotions. Since the other party didn't appreciate it, she didn't have to do so, did she?

"Don't you ask me?" Linna was puzzled and asked.

"If you say it, I'll listen. If you don't want to say it, it seems that I ask for nothing." She didn't expect Lina to work well with her.

"I don't usually contradict you at work." Linna said something awkwardly, then turned her head.

"Well, well, what happened to that musiyin?" Gu Nan is really curious.

"She wanted to unite with me to deal with you, but her IQ is not enough. I don't need such a team mate who can only delay like a pig." Linna sneers, as far as possible to cover up her awkward mind.

Gu Nan nodded, forced to suppress the heart of the great smile, "what else?"

"Next month, I'm leaving." Linna said with great emotion.

"Why?" Gu Nan's heart suddenly jumped for a while, don't understand why Linna suddenly made such a decision, is it because of her?

Linna seemed to understand what Gu Nan was thinking. She said directly, "don't worry, it's not because of you. It's just that I don't think this company is worthy of my nostalgia."

She originally stayed because of Qi Yuan, but now Qi Yuan has left, so what's the meaning of her staying?

Home out of such a thing, she did not mind to stay to revenge Gu Nan.

"Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask more. I'll double your salary this month. If you really need anything, just come to me. After all, I used to be a colleague." Gu Nan doesn't know why she is so good with Lina all of a sudden.

Maybe because of Yu mengmakeup, she has seen the warmth and coldness of human feelings. No matter how good this person has been to you, she may betray you. No matter how bad this person has been to you, she may turn around to help you.

Man is such a complex animal that he has no forever friends or enemies.

Watching Linna walk out of the office, Gu Nan's heart is filled with emotion. Many people pass by her, and the long river of years submerges these people's bodies, as if they have never appeared.

How much is real and how much is existence?

No one can say clearly, only hope to finally be able to give their own life to leave a perfect memory.

After work, I remember that today is even, so Gu Nan called Shen Muchen directly.

"Hello, Shen Muchen, where are you now?" Gu Nan is afraid that Shen Muchen has gone home, so he'd better make a phone call in advance to confirm.

"At home." Shen Muchen said two words, but his tone was not as indifferent as it used to be.

Always feel that all this is too untrue, Gu Nan's heart is also floating.

"What's the matter?" For a long time did not get Gu Nan's response, Shen Muchen thought it was something, so he asked with concern.

"Nothing. Are you going to the hospital with me today?" Think of what Shen Muchen said to her before she came, she didn't want to ask directly.

"Go." Shen Muchen said this word, without hesitation, as if there was no time to think.

Gu Nan can't help but wonder if Shen Muchen still remembers what he promised. What if he doesn't remember?

Should she remind me, but should she take the initiative to remind me of such things? Does he think she is anxious to marry him?

Or forget it, but what if he really forgets!

So tangled.