The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Mu Chen..." Mu Si Yin is very sad to call a, isn't she in his heart a little position also don't have?

She is a girl sitting on the ground for a long time, he did not care about a word, greeting a meaning, he really does not care about her?

"That musyin is much more beautiful than me. Do you really have no idea about her?" Gu Nan extremely wants to talk about their marriage, but he doesn't know how to open his mouth. He can only find a topic to break the silence between them.

"You know yourself so well." Shen Mu Chen light smile, hand tightly pulled Gu Nan.

Gu Nan's first reaction is to shake off Shen Muchen's hand, but Shen Muchen, who has already made preparations, must not be able to let her shake off, so she can only continue to let Shen Muchen lead her wrongly.

"What do you mean by that? You think I'm ugly, don't you? " Gu Nan pointed to Shen Muchen's nose with another finger.

Shen Muchen's one hand quickly stretches over, will Gu Nan's small hand grasps, then embraces her entire person into own bosom.

"Why, there are so many people here!" Gu Nan gently pushed Shen Muchen, and then quietly buried in his arms.

"No matter how ugly you are, you are my wife. Even if they are immortals, I won't look at them one more time!" Shen Muchen said this sentence affectionately. He thought Gu Nan would be very happy to hear this sentence, but the ending was beyond his expectation.

Gu Nan's head raises, anger tengtengteng of looking at Shen Mu Chen, "do you really think I grow of ugliness?"

"Of course not!" Shen Muchen is not a fool. Offending his wife is not a wise choice. It's not a big problem that she can't eat. The key is that she can't go to bed. It's a bit difficult.

Although Gu Nan did not make it clear, Shen Muchen seemed to have understood her meaning from her eyes.

"Is it?" Gu Nan breaks away from Shen Muchen's arms and pulls Shen Muchen to the car.

Two people went to sit inside the car, Shen Muchen started the car, at this time Gu Nan's hand suddenly put Shen Muchen's hand.

"Wife, what's the matter?" Shen Mu Chen doubted asked a sentence.

Gu Nan finally had the courage to ask the question he wanted to know by the anger in his heart, "do you want to say anything special when you go to see grandma this time?"

"What's special?" Shen Muchen's answer is very natural and his doubts are very real.

Gu Nan doubts that Shen Muchen is acting, but it's too true if it's acting. But if it's not acting, Shen Muchen may really forget about marriage.

Suddenly there is a little sadness in my heart.

"But I have something important to tell Grandma this time." Shen Mu Chen's words front a turn, very smoothly attracted Gu Nan's attention.

"What are you going to do?" The surprise in Gu Nan's eyes doesn't escape Shen Muchen's eyes

"I want to help grandma change to another hospital for further physical examination, so that grandma can live healthily, but you may need to persuade grandma at that time, because grandma may not cooperate."

Satisfied with looking at Gu Nan face smile a little disappear, Shen Muchen topic a turn, the car is driving fast.

"Slow down, something will happen!" Gu Nan's heart also immediately raised up, her good life has just begun, she does not want to lose her young life.

"No, it's just the speed limit," Shen explained faintly, as if he was afraid that Gu Nan would not worry, and said with a bad smile, "today there are more people on the road, so it's better to be faster, otherwise it's time for traffic jam."

"Don't joke, Shen Muchen, we can't hurt you!" Gu Nan feels that her heart is about to jump out. She never knows that Shen Muchen is such a person who likes to play with excitement.

"Gu Nan, marry me!" Suddenly a word broke into Gu Nan's ear.

In the sight of a car in the non-stop retrogression, light music in the slow flow.

Was she really hallucinating just now? Did Shen Muchen really speak just now.

"Gu Nan, marry me!" Shen Muchen naturally saw the meaning of Gu Nan's expression on his face, and then said it out loud, which stirred Gu Nan's heart.

Her heart has been a voice, constantly tell her, quickly agree, quickly agree.

But the words in the mouth, that is, can not say, Gu Nan moved his lips, after all, still can not say a word, she seems to have returned to the state of silence before.

"I don't have time to see whether you nod or shake your head now, so give me a response, will you or won't you? If you don't, we'll go to the marriage registration now." Shen Mu Chen is very overbearing and overbearing to say directly.

Gu Nan some speechless, just the moment the atmosphere was broken, "then if I want to?"

"If you like, we can choose a good day to get married." Shen Mu Chen said with a smile, as if thinking of something happy.

The remaining light from the corner of his eye pulls away from Gu Nan's body. Although he is playing with his heartbeat, he also wants to ensure the safety of two people.

"You are probably the only one in the world who dares to propose like this." Gu Nan now has nothing but silence.

Originally, she accepted Shen Muchen's proposal. She should be excited and nervous, but now she has nothing left but speechless, even the fear of driving fast.

It seems that the future husband of her family has eaten her to death. No matter what she thinks in her heart, he knows it all.

But that's not necessarily a good thing, is it?

"Is that what you're going to tell Grandma today?" Gu Nan turns his head and seems to be embarrassed to see Shen Muchen.

"Mainly to see grandma, by the way, about this." Seems to be to deliberately gas Gu Nan, Shen Mu Chen casually said.

Gu Nan hummed and didn't respond. Grandma's status in her heart was more than her marriage. Anyway, Shen Muchen didn't say anything wrong, so she didn't retort. Anyway, she lost every fight.

After arriving at the hospital, Gu Nan's small hand was led by Shen Muchen.

"How bad it is to be seen like this!" Gu Nan wants to get rid of Shen Muchen, but it doesn't have any effect. He can only follow Shen Muchen's steps tightly, so as to avoid the distance between the two people. The handle is also more obvious.

"Stupid pig!" I don't know what's wrong with Shen Muchen. He says these two words again.

Can't help but let Gu Nan a burst of stuffy, there is no such don't give face of it, at home to say even if, the hospital back and forth are people, if heard, she also don't want to stay in the hospital!

Shen Muchen is such a jerk!