The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Let go of you? How can I do that? " Shen Muchen's fingers along Gu Nan's waist slide to her back, gently stroking, his lips gently bite her earlobe.

"Are you a dog?" Gu Nan heart incomparable resistance, but can't dodge at all, can only hope to stimulate Shen Muchen in words, let him angry, let him be able to let go of himself.

"If you are happy, I will!" He really didn't have any determination. He wanted to tease this woman, but he didn't expect to make himself unable to stop.

The poison of this woman in him is really too deep, but it's sad that he didn't want to get out at all.

I can only watch myself sink deeper and deeper, and I can't extricate myself in the end.

"Stupid pig! Don't leave me He couldn't bear to lose once, and the position of this woman in his heart was irreplaceable.

Gu Nan's body is stiff in place, don't leave him, is she going to leave him?

As soon as he came back, he brought back a Chen yinwei. Now he even asked her not to leave. What was in his mind?

Feel Gu Nan's resistance, Shen Muchen heart is really not taste, he has to retreat to this extent, she can't return to him?

"If you want a company, I can give it to you, but don't compete with me, OK? I'm out now. Xiao Qi has nothing Gu Nan took a deep breath, seems to be ready to do the best negotiation with Shen Muchen.

This gentle Shen Muchen is the one she couldn't stand before. She would fall easily. She was afraid that she would sink down.

"That means you can give me anything except Xiao Qi?" His woman doesn't seem to have changed. There seems to be a little misunderstanding between them.

"Yes Is there a showdown at last? What on earth does he want? Gu Nan in the heart has no bottom, unexpectedly some regret can say so directly.

"I want you." They don't have much time. He needs to explain this misunderstanding as soon as possible. Otherwise, if he loses the opportunity, it will be very difficult in the future.

What did he just say? Gu Nan looks at Shen Muchen, two people's line of sight met in the air when wiped out innumerable sparks.

"What did you say?" Gu Nan can't believe his ears. Is there any other meaning in this sentence?

"Well, wife, stop it. We really don't have time!" Shen Mu Chen lowered her head and dropped a light kiss on her forehead. The more she came to this critical time, the more she couldn't make trouble.

Although I Miss Gu Nan very much in my heart, Shen Muchen is not good either. She has too much behavior. It's obvious that her woman hasn't completely accepted the fact that she came back. It's not good to stimulate her.

"You can ask me for help, but you must promise me a condition!" Gu Nan stretched out a finger, she was not sure how much use value she had, so she did not dare to open more conditions.

"What?" Finally saw a glimmer of hope, Shen Muchen nature won't miss.

"Don't rob Shen Xiaoqi with me!" Xiao Qi is her last hope. She can't lose it!

Shen Mu Chen nods, "rest assured, I won't rob with you!"

It was the children of the two of them. If there was anything to rob, he agreed without hesitation.

Looking at Shen Muchen's happy appearance, Gu Nan suspected that he might have to pay a lot here, so his condition is not too little, suffered a loss.

After thinking about it, Gu Nan continued: "in addition to this, you have to make three rules with me."

"You say it This kind of pattern, Gu Nan has not played before, Shen Muchen also feels fresh.

"You have the ability to talk like that to all people!" Gu Nan angrily points to Shen Muchen and goes out, closing the door heavily!

After Gu Nan goes out, the back is close to the wall, in the heart cannot be calm for a long time, what did Shen Muchen's that kind of attitude show just now? He still cares about himself, doesn't he?

If he wants you to come back to him, will he?

She doesn't know! Gu Nan raised his head in a daze.