The fastest update of marital passion: President husband, you are on!

"Dad, it seems you've made up your mind!" Shen yaoyang stood up and calmly looked at the old man Shen standing in front of him. He seemed to be indifferent to his decision just now.

Mr. Shen laughs, filled with sadness. Is this his favorite son and grandchildren? It's a joke!

"Dad, think about it again. After all, this kind of day can't last for several years according to your old body!" Shen yaoyang stood up, left without hesitation, and slowly locked the door.

As he moved, he watched master Shen's movements. He saw master Shen lying on the bed again, ignoring Shen yaoyang's movements.

Master Shen's reaction is to make Shen yaoyang make up his mind, "Zi Nan, let go of what you want to do, but don't torture your grandfather. I know his temper. It's useless even if you kill him!"

"I know!" Four years is enough time for Shen to understand his temperament.

Finally, Shen yaoyang felt that he didn't express himself clearly. He took Shen Zinan by the hand and added, "if it's really necessary, give him a good time!"

Shen Zinan's eyes narrowed in an instant. He nodded. He had already made up his mind. He might know what he should do.

Seeing Shen yaoyang leave, Shen Zinan calls a few people to go into Mr. Shen's small room.

Mr. Shen sat up and looked at him faintly without fear.

"Old man, I know you are brave. You can't ask anything even if you are killed, so you will not suffer as long as you cooperate well later." Shen Zi Nan smiles and waves his hand to the people behind him.

Several people immediately took action and set up the professional camera. Then two people came forward and tore up Mr. Shen's clothes. Then they ordered the camera and started shooting.

One man came forward to tie Mr. Shen up with a rope, and then another beat him with a whip.

Although it's acting, it's all fake. Shen Zinan is using this way to vent his hatred.

Why can Shen Muchen get so many things? Isn't he a member of Shen family? The old man was so eccentric in his early years that he should have expected his own fate.

Mr. Shen was rolling around on the ground, making a dull hum. He was biting his teeth. When the whip hit him, he shivered.

Until the end of the recording, Mr. Shen didn't shout out a word.

"I didn't expect you to be so tough when you are so old, grandfather!" Shen had his things packed up and left directly.

The rest of them threw Mr. Shen directly on the bed and left without clothes.

Shen shuddered on the bed and sighed helplessly. He reached under the bed, felt something and pressed it down.

If Mu Chen hasn't died, he estimates that he won't wait until today to make such a decision.

He really doesn't want the Shen family's property to stay in the hands of outsiders. It seems that he can only work hard on Zifeng.


After a while, Shen Muchen received such a message:

Elder brother, don't say that I'm not filial. I've long been disowned. Now it's time to see if you're filial.

When Shen Muchen opened the video, Gu Nan stood beside him. After watching the video, Gu Nan felt that he was going to be blown up. They dared to treat an old man like this.

Although Gu Nan didn't like the old man Shen very much, in the final analysis, he was also the elder of Shen Muchen. In the distance, he was also an old man. How could they treat an old man like this!

After watching the video, Shen Muchen was very calm, but he closed the video very calmly. His face didn't become gloomy because of it, but he didn't say a word, which made the atmosphere a little depressed.

"Shen Mu Chen, can't continue to drag on like this, otherwise Shen Zi Nan that abnormal person still don't know what kind of thing will make!"

Gu Nan can't help but worry. She quickly persuades Shen Muchen to take action. She knows that Shen Muchen doesn't look so hard hearted on the surface.

"Wife, can you give me a day alone?" Shen Muchen took Gu Nan's hand and asked softly.

"Of course, but you have to promise me that you can't suffer in front of such scum." Gu Nan nodded without hesitation, and did not forget to tell him.

Although the probability of knowing that Shen Muchen will do that kind of thing is very small, Gu Nan is still not at ease, because Shen Muchen is not rational at any time.

"Stupid pig!" Shen Muchen puts Gu Nan in his arms.

I don't know if it's Gu Nan's illusion. There's always a bad feeling in her heart. It seems that something bad will happen.

But no matter what, she can't dissuade Shen Muchen. She knows what he is going to do, so she can't stop him.

Time quietly flows through the fingers of the two people, how they all hope that this scene can last forever.

The next day, Shen Muchen goes to Shen's house with Xiu, while Gu Nan takes the reluctant Shen Xiaoqi to see Shen Muchen off.

Before leaving, Shen Muchen made a joke, which was the same as parting, but later this sentence almost became a reality.

"Mom, where's dad going?" Looking at this posture, Shen Xiaoqi was also worried. Didn't he say that his father was going to his grandfather's house? Why is it like going to the execution ground.

Gu Nan touched Shen Xiaoqi's head, "is to go to the master's home, go back!"

Today, she and Shen Xiaoqi can't go out. After all, Shen Zinan has no way to go. In this case, he may be able to do anything.

You can do anything! Gu Nan's heart is excited, looking at the direction of Shen Muchen's car, he is inexplicably flustered.

Today, Gu Nan didn't feel comfortable with everything he did. He just wanted to come back as soon as possible.

Gu Nan has helped Shen Xiaoqi sew clothes for several times. Shen Xiaoqi, who is distressed, grabs the clothes and shoves them into Xiaomeng's hands,

"Mom, if you're really worried, just call the man."

"What call, I'm not worried about him!" Gu Nan turns a head to see to one side, she just won't worry, Shen Mu Chen so fierce a person how can have danger!

"All right!" See Gu Nan so sure, Shen Xiaoqi also have no way, can only try to find a way to attract Gu Nan's attention.

At this time, Xiaomeng ran over, "little grandma, someone's coming!"

Gu Nan looked up and saw that Xiao Meng was more frightened. Her heart sank and she asked, "do you know him?"

Xiao Meng nodded quickly. He had to know this person, but he should have died in four years. Why did he appear in front of the door?

"Who is it?" Gu Nan stood up and asked calmly.

"It's Mr. Shen!"