Chapter 1533

In addition to the beginning of the storm caused a lot of turbulence, the back of the ice completely subsided.

Although, indix is wary of the angel created by the scientific side of the wind chopping ice China.

For a devout believer, it is indeed a very blasphemous act to create Angels by scientific means.

Therefore, it is not only indix, but also Joan of arc, who has very complex feelings about the wind chopping Binghua.

Fortunately, neither of them was that pedantic.

Indix was quite innocent in nature, and not so much a devout believer.

In my words, even as a banned book catalog, she is still a probationary nun.

So, almost two days later, indix was always wary, carefully cut ice China off the guard, began to take the initiative to contact each other.

The same is true of Joan of arc. Although she is extremely devout, she does not wantonly deny others with her doctrines. Even as a believer in the only God, she also respects the gods of other systems, fully showing her tolerance and love as a saint.

"Even if you believe in the same Lord, there will be different beliefs. There are many devout believers among the people who sent me to the fire."

That's it.

"Faith is like faith, which can be insisted on, but not blindly."

That's what the world's largest Saint said.

In this case, knowing all about the wind cutting Binghua, Zhen De's complex mood gradually eased down.

If not, Joan of arc would like to have a face-to-face conversation with Feng Jian Binghua?

However, in the school city, Joan of arc has already decided not to appear outside.

After all, Xueyuan city is aresta's territory. There are stagnant loops everywhere. If Joan of arc shows up, I'm afraid it will be discovered in the first time.

For Fangli people, aresta is the object that needs to be given the greatest degree of vigilance. It is absolutely necessary to keep more cards and let Joan of arc hide.

In view of this, after coming to this world, Joan of arc has never appeared outside. Even though Fangli has prepared some defensive measures, she can't find the situation of the pendant and the voice of Joan. With a cautious and serious attitude, Joan of arc will try to reduce the number of conversations.

Of course, Sylvia is the exception.

Both of them are of one mind. Joan of arc can communicate with Sylvia without obstacles in her body, and it is also possible to convey her own meaning through Sylvia.

In a word, the wind cut Binghua is accepted by all people, and I feel relieved to live in this home.

Sylvia is also trying to take care of this girl who has never been accepted as a human being. She makes Feng jianbinghua feel a lot of warmth and gradually becomes less rigid.

However, Sylvia also did not find that such efforts to take care of the wind cut Binghua himself also has a kind of home hostess feeling on the right.

What's more surprising is that after that, indix and Feng jianbinghua became the best friends.

Maybe it's indix's naive and romantic personality that makes Fengjian Binghua feel relieved. In this family, Fengjian Binghua is in contact with indix most often.

In addition, indix does not have any disagreements with Fengjian Binghua, so their relationship has reached a peak in a few days. They often hang out together and are almost sisters.

As for Fangli, he thought that aresta would say something to him about receiving Fengjian Binghua. However, he kept silent all the time, as if he didn't care about the whereabouts of Fengjian Binghua. He didn't contact him at all.

This made Fang Li think deeply.

"It seems that aresta is very busy, too..."

It's really busy.

The practical use of the artificial celestial sphere enabled aresta to obtain a lot of experimental data, which is still expected to be put into analysis and research.

Moreover, the atmosphere between the scholastic city and the Roman orthodox church was getting worse and worse.

It is said that at present, almost every corner of the world has seen large-scale protest demonstrations of Roman orthodox believers.

Naturally, the object of protest is the school city.

Because of the desecration of their beliefs, countless believers broke out all kinds of contradictions all over the world, and even began to resist the high-tech products of school and city origin, which caused extremely serious problems.

However, Xueyuan city is not willing to be outdone. In these days, some exhibitions have been opened to the public.

Almost all of these exhibitions are high-tech weapons and weapons.

There is no doubt that this is an act of showing force to the outside world and conducting invisible deterrence.

In this way, the smell of gunpowder naturally becomes more and more intense.It's the same today.

"In the early hours of this morning, a religious group in the industrial city of Toulouse in southern France staged a large-scale protest and demonstration. The streets along the Garonne canal, which runs through the city center, are overcrowded. Up to now, it still has a profound impact on infrastructure such as transportation."

At home, Fang Li is on his laptop and is watching the latest news reports.

According to the report, people walking in the dark streets illuminated by torches and men and women holding banners with various offensive language in French are gathering in groups. While they are touring the streets, they are lighting up signs with the words "School Park and city" and waving them wantonly.

As the automobile industry enterprises in the Far East are mainly concentrated in this area, this is obviously a protest movement against the school city.

More than 80% of the French are Roman orthodox Catholics. Therefore, this kind of demonstration is quite huge. Tens of thousands of people march every day. It seems full of courage.

But Fang Li only took a glance and then switched the channel.

This time it's Germany.

"A bulldozer broke into the Catholic church out of control in Dortmund, central Germany. At that time, nine clergymen in the church were injured to varying degrees. According to the police investigation, the smuggled goods made by bulldozers for thieves were preliminarily speculated to be retaliation against the dissatisfied people who had taken place in a series of protests in recent years Such incidents have occurred in cities in many places, making the atmosphere among the people more and more tense. Finally, there was a riot this morning, leading to many people fighting and injuries... "

After a lot of channel switching, the results are the same.

We can imagine how much changes have taken place in the world situation in the past few days.

A series of movements launched by the Roman orthodox side in the world, as well as some over sensitive hostile reactions, have gradually begun to get out of control.

"If it goes on like this, sooner or later, war will emerge..."

Fang Li murmured.

At this time, Fang Li's mobile phone rang.

After a look at the caller ID, Fang Li raised his eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!