In the face of the fierce attack of the 18 dragon subduing palms, those who can't resist will soon feel numb and even dislocated by the fierce dragon subduing force. What they see is that their meridians are broken.

However, Lin Mu's eighteen dragon subduing palms have long been more than just vigorous. His martial arts have been practiced to the point where hardness and softness are combined, and water and fire are compatible. Even the vigorous dragon subduing power can be turned into soft around the fingers in an instant. However, in order to maintain the characteristics of the eighteen dragon subduing palms, he still only plays vigorous when performing this martial arts.


Yuan Tong, who was overtaken by Lin Mu, once again reluctantly resisted a few moves. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood came out again, and he was attacked by 18 dragon subduing palms in succession. If it wasn't for the corpse Qi's constant healing in his body, I'm afraid he would not be able to support it now. This palm technique is known as the first Palm Technique in the world, but it's not blown out.

Just when Lin Mu's hand shakes Yuan Tong's defense, and is ready to make up another hand to directly beat Yuan Tong, there is no resistance. A white light suddenly flies from the distance. The speed is extremely fast, and the target is Lin Mu himself.

In a surprise, Lin Mu immediately stepped back from Yuantong's body. There was no sign on his body between advance and retreat. His whole body had been separated from gravity and could move everywhere.

The reason why Lin Mu immediately dodged when he saw this light beam was that it made him think of the light beam that killed Gustav?; Evans once said that this magic is called the light of heaven. It can only be used at the cardinal level in the church. It is very powerful and can be launched from a very long distance.

So when he found that the light beam was coming, his first reaction was to retreat. Now that his strength has not fully recovered, he will not try to fight against this level of magic. If he is seriously injured, it will be difficult.

After he dodged the beam, the beam passed Yuan Tong, who was scared out of a cold sweat, and shot straight into the mountain behind. Without any movement, it disappeared quietly in the mountain wall. With the vision of Lin Mu, we could barely see a deep hole in the mountain wall in the distance.

In the light disappeared less than half a minute, a dark red figure in the distance flew to this side.

Yes, it looks like flying, not running on the ground. Although the flying height is not very high, it is really flying at low altitude.

Lin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly. He already knew the identity of the person who came. He was dressed in a red robe and had a pale gold cross tattooed on his chest. This was the standard dress of the cardinal of the Holy See. It was obvious that the person who came at this time was a cardinal.

The only church nearest here is St. prio's Cathedral in Munich. Needless to say, the present cardinal is almost certainly the cardinal who is sitting in St. prio's Cathedral.

Figure settled, a white middle-aged man slowly fell from mid air, gently stepped on the black frozen soil.

The cardinal's skin is very white, and even has a faint light. From his skin, his whole body is emitting a warm breath. Simply by feeling, this breath gives people a very peaceful and peaceful feeling. As long as he is near the breath, his heart seems to become calm.

"Who are you? Why are you fighting here? "

The dark blue eyes swept around slowly. Malfurion asked, staring at the shepherd.

"Who are you?"

Lin Mu slowly straightened up, did not answer Malfurion's question, but asked a rhetorical question.

"I'm Malfurion, Cardinal of St. prio's Cathedral. I felt the violent energy fluctuation here, so I came here to see the situation. Who are you?"

Malfurion introduced himself briefly. Almost everyone in the cultivation world knew the power of the Holy See. Naturally, he didn't need to say much.

"We have a little holiday, we need to solve it. Munich is too densely populated to hurt others, so we chose this desolate snow mountain. Unexpectedly, a cardinal was startled."

Lin Mu chuckled, but a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

This Malfurion gave him a bad feeling. The peaceful and peaceful atmosphere only deceived ordinary people. In the depth of this atmosphere, Lin Mu sensed the extremely powerful light power, which had extremely strong exclusiveness and almost rejected the power beyond the light attribute.

It's the first time that Lin Mu has seen such a powerful power of repulsion. As far as he knows, this kind of energy can only show this extreme attribute when it is pure to a certain extent. There is no lack of the power of this attribute in the realm of cultivation, but the cultivation of this kind of power has no good points, because in the later period, the practitioners must understand the way of heaven and earth to really soar.

This kind of exclusive energy is so strong that it is impossible to help the practitioners to the last step. Although in the early stage, because of the purity of energy, it can play a huge power, but in the later stage, this kind of energy is harmful but not beneficial.

But it's all in the future. At this time, the pure power of light in Malfurion's body will only strengthen his power, and those disadvantages are far from obvious. After such a interrupting time, Lin Mu also recognized that the light beam just now was the same as that of killing Gustav, that is, the light of the church's advanced magic heaven, but the power of the light of heaven was not as powerful as that day. He guessed that malfario didn't want to stir up trouble, so he deliberately weakened his power. The power of this high-level magic, which few people would use even among cardinals, could not be the same“ Your strength is very strong, it seems that the other side even if the number of dominant, it is not your opponent Malfurion looked at Lin Mu with a strange look in his eyes. At first, Lin Mu didn't understand why Malfurion was like this. When he realized it, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly, because he was wearing the clothes of a female patient, but the real man was a real man, so Malfurion's eyes would be so strange“ These people have been tracking here from Huaxia. Today, they still want to forcibly abduct people in Tata hospital. I found an opportunity to disguise as the female patient they wanted to abduct, and they hijacked them all the way out of the city. They didn't deal with them until they arrived in this deserted place. I just don't want to cause too much turmoil in the urban area. " Lin Mu nodded“ Tata hospital, no wonder they dare not act rashly. " A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Malfurion's eyes. The territory of the church is not a place where everyone dares to act rashly. People of any other force should keep a low profile when they come to the church. Here in Europe, the church is the absolute dominant force, and no force is allowed to do evil here“ Now that they have been defeated by me, I will take them back. I will not bother to teach them the rest. I can handle it myself. " With a smile, Lin Mu expressed his meaning euphemistically“ Now that you've solved the problem, I won't mix it with you much. However, Munich is the birthplace of the Pope Cicero. I hope it won't cause too much trouble, otherwise it will be very difficult for me to do it. " Malfurion nodded, how could he not hear the meaning of the words in the shepherd's words. For Lin Mu, he was also very alert. After all, he had just seen Lin Mu's way to defeat Yuan Tong. Although there was no fancy change in one move, the huge power implied shocked him. Cardinal himself is a kind of practitioner who belongs to the mage class. He is good at long-range attack and close combat, but he is not good at it. What's more, compared with Lin Mu, an ancient martial practitioner who is good at close combat, mafrao didn't want to fight with Lin Mu at first, just to understand the situation. Otherwise, the light of heaven just now won't let Lin Mu hide so easily, but it will be a heavy blow to Lin Mu“ Please don't worry. I understand this very well and respect the church very much. " He nodded slightly and said with a smile. While they were talking, Yuan Tong stood there quietly without saying a word. He could not go to the church for help. It was not a wise move to run away at this time. Malfurion was here. If he made any strange move, he might be attacked by the cardinal. At that time, Lin Mu and Malfurion had no way to live, so he could only stand there quietly and watch Lin Mu and Malfurion talk. After talking with Lin Mu, Malfurion turned and glanced at Yuan Tong. There was a wave of light in his dark blue pupils. Then his body floated out of the air and flew directly down the mountain. When the ancient martial arts practitioners arrive at the congenital state, they can also walk in the air. If they practice another upper level lightness skill, it's not very difficult to fly in the air. It's just that it costs too much real Qi. Most martial arts practitioners have nothing to do and will not do such boring things. The Flying Magic mastered by cardinals also consumes a lot of energy. Malfurion would not choose to use flying magic if he didn't come here to see what happened. This kind of consumption is also very huge for cardinals. It's not worth the loss. The most important problem is that once you fly into the air, you will be very inflexible and become a target waiting to be hit.