He gently puts Luo Chang on the sofa. A group of martial brothers surround him. Looking at Luo Chang's breathing like an old man in his twilight years, everyone's faces are sad, as if they were holding a mourning meeting.

After breathing for a long time, Luo Chang was completely relieved, no longer dying as before.

Looking at the younger martial brothers around him, who were in silent mourning for themselves, Luo Chang resented that if a brave man came to rescue him, he would not be so miserable.

Even if it's sad, now that everyone has nothing to do, he is just like a dead fish, which makes him feel particularly angry.

This time, he has already made a big embarrassment in front of the younger martial brothers, and Luo Chang is also annoyed. He has to leave this right and wrong place quickly.

Maybe the devil who came out of hell will come back again. He has to hurry!

"What are you looking at? I'm not dead!"

Seeing this group of younger martial brothers standing in front of him with a sad face, Luo Chang was full of anger and couldn't help scolding.

The younger martial brothers walked away quickly and didn't dare to stand in front of Luo Chang to upset him.

They vaguely know the reason why the elder martial brother is angry. They blame them for being too clever just now, and they also blame them for seeing him suffer losses. So they all step aside and get busy.

When he looked around, he saw that some of the younger martial brothers were looking out of the window as if they were watching the moon, some were cleaning the table, some were cleaning the hall, some were sweeping the floor, and some took out new red wine and put it on the table. This time, Luo Chang was so impatient that he almost whined away.

He was so angry that he laughed, but his voice didn't seem to be laughing, which surprised everyone.

There was a strange silence in the hall. Only Luo Chang's strange laughter was passing.

"Big... Big brother, what are you laughing at?"

It's really scared by Luo Chang's laughter. Diao fan can't help but ask.

"I'll go to your mother. Is this the time to clean up?"

All of them were aggrieved. They just said they would not let them see, but now they are not allowed to do their own things. Should they go back to their room to sleep?

Looking at each other, Diao fan and others think that maybe it's time to go back to bed, and it's not too early.

But Luo Chang knew that these pig heads couldn't think of what to do at this time, so he cursed, "special, don't you hurry to clean up and leave?"

When they heard this, they suddenly realized that it was better to clean up, just to clean up and leave.

"Go... Where are you going?"

Understand what to do, but people still don't understand why, so can't help, Diao fan asked again.

"Back to the sect, do you still want to get married and have children here?" Luo Chang scolded angrily.

All of a sudden, they finally want to go back, but Diao fan at this time, or pig brain asked, "big brother, why do you want to go back?"

He is still thinking about Tang Fei Xue. Although Wang Feng is a terrible guy, if he conquers Tang Fei Xue with his own beauty, people can't stop him, can't they?

As the old saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one family.

But before Diao fan's lust started, Luo Chang's roar came over, "if you don't go back, you're looking for death here? That guy is so terrible. Next time he comes, you can go up! "

Hear scold, think of Wang Feng that God block kill God's appearance, Diao fan can't help shivering.

Luo Chang was not satisfied, and continued to curse angrily, "you dare to fight him, but I dare not. You haven't tasted the feeling just now. You're dying, don't you know? Do you know? "

Maybe it's because Luo Chang has just experienced something too terrible, so now he's a little out of control, and rarely roars, and he's still in a row.

Hysterical roar for a while, Luo Chang just slowly stop down, he realized his gaffe.

But he did not have the slightest embarrassment, because anyone who experienced that feeling would definitely face collapse.

That person is too strong to hate at all, so he must go far away!

Tang family, he doesn't dare to talk about it any more!

They were scared to pack up, for fear that they would be scolded by the elder martial brother when they were too slow. At this time, everyone could see that the elder martial brother was almost crazy.


Warm sunshine hit on the body, Wang Feng slowly opened his eyes, this practice, has been from last night to the next day at noon.

He has experienced many times to wake up from cultivation, and many times to open his eyes slowly, but this time, the feeling is completely different from before.

Before, he had no concern, only one person.

Of course, there is also Lin Shiyin. This is the person he buried in the bottom of his heart, which turned into the driving force of his hard cultivation.

But now it is different, now in addition to the hearts of children, he also has another concern.

Su Qingxue has a relationship with him, which can be regarded as the person he cares about, but the other party does not accept him, and their relationship is also very strange, which is not a couple, so strictly speaking, it is not a concern.

Now, he has another woman, Tang Feixue. She falls in love with herself, and Wang Feng also likes her. Now when he wakes up from cultivation, thinking of Tang Feixue, Wang Feng is happy and full of motivation. But he knows that better together, is to progress together with each other, rather than tired together every day. Now he still has something to do, that is to save Lin Shiyin, so he doesn't have much time to spend with Tang Feixue. He believes Tang Feixue will understand, so he doesn't plan to wake up the next day and go to Tang Feixue immediately. He plans to go back in a few days, just like what he said before. Now we have to continue to practice. After all, the sect of cultivating immortals is gradually emerging. His future is still full of resistance, and we have to work hard to break it. Just when Wang Feng was ready to close his eyes and continue to practice, his mobile phone suddenly vibrated and gave out a harsh ring tone. At ordinary times, this ring is extremely pleasant, but this time, Wang Feng felt that the ring was a few rhythms faster. He could feel the urgency from this ring. Yes? With surprise, Wang Feng picked up the phone to see, the fat man's call. What's up? Wang Feng frowned slightly. He knew that fat people had nothing important to do and would never find himself. This time, it showed that things must be important. What's more, for the first time, the fat man didn't call, but made a video call. Wang Feng narrowed his eyes and answered. The fat man's big face jumped into his eyes“ Thank goodness, boss, you finally got it. " Fat man a quick roar, don't wait for Wang Feng to ask, he immediately said, "boss, you see, something big happened!" With that, the fat man moved his big face away, and then aimed the camera of his mobile phone at the distant sky. Wang Feng was stunned. What happened? What's that about the sky? But as the fat man enlarged, Wang Feng suddenly saw a person floating in the distant sky! Wang Feng's brow, Huo ground suddenly wrinkles! That man... What a strong breath! Even across the screen, Wang Feng can feel the pressure!