At the beginning, the evolution of the boundary beads affected almost everything in the boundary beads. Except for the twelve heaven and earth beads and the broken ruler measuring the sky, all other treasures were spared. Even 365 small boundary beads were swallowed up, but later, the 365 small boundary beads evolved again.

Boundary beads are fundamental, and the 365 small boundary beads can evolve continuously.

After the boundary bead evolved, the small boundary bead also evolved with you, but with this evolution, Wang Chen's body began to slowly change.

The 365 small boundary beads themselves are formed by the 365 holes around Wang Chen. With the evolution of the small boundary beads, the relationship between Wang Chen's body and the boundary beads is becoming closer and closer, and even the qualification of the body is slowly changing, which seems to be changing to a special body.

There are 80000 kinds of metaphysics to understand, and Wang Chen is no longer worried, because it will become very difficult to continue to understand the following metaphysics. On the contrary, cultivation can increase rapidly.

Wang Chen has no shortage of innate Qi. There are many boundary beads. As long as you absorb the chaotic breath, you can refine it into innate Qi in the blink of an eye.

Wang Chen was no longer anxious to understand the mystery, so he began to increase his accomplishments.

Wang Chen's cultivation is also slowly improving. The innate Qi in his body is also condensed a little. The fairy baby breathes the pure innate Qi, which affects Wang Chen's body and soul. This is a subtle change.

Nearby, Qing'er's body was also submerged in the chaotic air flow.

Only when the water blue light appears occasionally, Wang Chen can see that Qing'er's achievement in understanding the mystery of water property is not low.

More importantly, the wings have a mysterious smell. Although Wang Chen can feel it when sitting around, he can feel the extraordinary of the wings even if he doesn't know what the blood of the wings is.

Wang Chen sighed and envied:

"Qing'er is lucky. It's his own blood. It's impossible for outsiders to get it. That's why his grandfather helped her so much in the world. His accomplishments can be improved so quickly."

When Qing'er entered the outer sea, he was recognized as a granddaughter by the real dragon. Wang Chen didn't understand at that time, but now he wants to know why. At that time, others couldn't see the strength of the wings. As an immortal beast, the real dragon must see it. That's why he helped Qing'er so much.

Of course, it is likely that Qing'er's grandfather knew this treasure when he went from the demon world to Tianyuan world. He even tried and found that Qing'er's blood can't be taken away at all.

The strength of this blood is a good thing for Qing'er, and Wang Chen is very pleased.



Huge waves appeared in chaos. In the chaotic air flow, several figures sent out magical powers and fought fiercely. One side of the battle was three people, wearing the same clothes, who were all powerful emperors, while the other side was two emperors, looking flustered.

"Hum, you people of taixuan gate have been chasing us for three years. We have many Taoist friends in chaos. If you go ahead and meet our people, you dare to be so arrogant."

One of the two emperors said gnashing his teeth.

The three emperors opposite showed a sneer and said:

"You're dead today. What evil did I do, friar taixuanmen, to provoke friars from the three realms to pursue and kill. When you meet us on weekdays, you chase and kill more than once. It's a joke that I taixuanmen prevented you from soaring. There are dozens of friars who have soared in chaos for tens of millions of years. When you meet the three of us today, you're unlucky. It's far from the entrance, No one comes back here at all. Just die! "

The emperor of taixuan gate showed his murderous face.

The three monks of taixuanmen are very powerful and are very powerful among the emperors, while the other two emperors are a little weaker.

But as long as the emperor understood the mystery, there were 80000 kinds. There was little gap between the metaphysics, so the strength gap was not large. Therefore, the three emperors pursued and killed two emperors, and they didn't kill two emperors for a few years. They were just seriously injured.

When the three emperors started, they tried their best. The supreme supernatural power composed of more than 80000 kinds of metaphysics was stirred, and even the chaotic air flow was shaken and dispersed everywhere.

The strength of the two emperors is not weak. One is the emperor with the attribute of thunder. There is a thunder fairy court world around his body. The rolling thunder light flashes. His body refining magic is very strong, his speed is also terrible, and his attack is also very strong. He has no weakness. He fought with the three emperors from time to time.

If it were in the three realms, the space would have been broken. But just here, there is no change in space, just a chaotic air flow. At that time, the brilliance of the supreme divine power is very amazing, which obviously refined the supreme divine power sacrifice to a perfect state.

The other one is the great magic power of soil and water. The world around his body is a piece of earth and water. The defense magic power around his body protects himself. Although he has no strong attack power, the friars of taixuanmen have nothing to do for a time.

Fortunately, it's a magic power that is good at defense. Otherwise, it may have fallen in three years if we fight with three emperors with stronger strength.


One magic power bombarded out, and each one was the supreme magic power, stirring thousands of miles of chaotic breath.

The two emperors became more and more dangerous in the war. After three years of war, the innate Qi accumulated in their bodies was almost consumed. If they continued, they would die.

But the five fought and retreated. The magic power of the war fluctuated far, but it was extremely a voice.

"Who fights again and interrupts my retreat."

Wang Chen's voice came from a distance. The two emperors who were beaten under pressure quickly flew in the direction of Wang Chen. Just for a moment, Wang Chen frowned and saw the two emperors coming.

"Help me, Taoist friends. The three people behind me are the three emperors of taixuan gate. Please help me."

The two emperors saw Wang Chen as if they had seen their relatives. They hurried over and looked very happy, as if they were sure that Wang Chen would do it.

The three emperors of taixuan gate looked at Wang Chen, but they discussed with each other:

"What should I do? Another emperor is coming. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with this time."

"Try it first. If you can contain this man, wait first and kill the injured two. If you can't, leave first!"

"OK, let's do it together."

When the emperor of the three Xuanmen finished his discussion, he shot together. In an instant, several supreme powers killed the king's car. Wang Chen snorted coldly.

"Taixuan gate is still as rampant as before."


Wang Chen's divine sword flew up and a mysterious track crossed. It was like half of the artistic conception of heaven and earth was on the divine sword, and the nihilistic magic powers were among them. In this moment, several supreme magic powers in the air were cut to pieces, and then the divine sword remained unchanged and continued to kill the three people.

"No, this man is very powerful. Hurry up."

When the three emperors saw this scene in the distance, they directly turned into three escape lights and left.

The two emperors had already been stunned by Wang Chen. Unexpectedly, a friar they met accidentally was so powerful that they cut off the supreme powers of the three emperors with one sword.

"This Kendo magic power seems to be comparable to several people in the rumors. It's so terrible. However, how can you feel that it's not quite right."

"It's very powerful, but it seems that it's not because of the magical power of kendo. I've also seen the demon sword demon God in the demon world. The Kendo realm is terrible. If you compare the Kendo realm alone, this Taoist friend can't compare with it. It should be that this man's mysterious magical power is relatively strong, and the Kendo realm is not too powerful."

"It should be so."

The two emperors exchanged their divine knowledge. Seeing that Wang Chen drove away the three emperors of the taixuan gate, they went forward and saluted slightly, saying, "thanks to the help of Taoist friends, otherwise we would die in the hands of the emperor of the taixuan gate. Taoist friends go with me. We have recorded the influence. Taoist friends should be able to exchange 2000 square meters of innate Qi with this achievement."

Wang Chen was slightly stunned, frowned and asked:

"What do you mean, Taoist friends? After I entered this chaos, I was in latent cultivation and never contacted anyone else. Where did this achievement come from? It seems that there is another reason in the words of the two Taoist friends!"