Quiet as flowers shine on water, action is like the wind holding willows. The eyebrows and corners of the eyes are delicate and gentle.

This is what Gao Ge naturally thought of when he saw the rose fairy.

When he saw the female disciples of Haoyue Xianzong before, he felt that the female disciples of Haoyue Xianzong spoke well, but now when he saw the rose fairy, he sang and felt that it was probably because of the existence of the rose fairy that the female disciples of Haoyue Xianzong also became eclipsed.

With a drag of the long skirt, the shoulders are exposed but not charming. Emei is towering and its eyes are as clear as autumn water.

"Lord Gaozong is polite. I heard that Lord Gaozong came all the way. The little woman came uninvited. If you have any trouble, please forgive me."

"You're welcome, rose fairy. Please sit down and have tea together." Singing and laughing.

The rose fairy nodded slightly and was surprised.

When Gao Ge saw her for the first time, although her eyes changed, there was no evil spirit, just a burst of appreciation.

Which girl doesn't like her appearance to be appreciated?

However, few girls like to be stared at with dirty eyes.

This alone is enough to make the rose fairy feel a little good about singing.

"I've heard a lot about Lord Gaozong's deeds. I'm very happy to see Lord Gaozong with my own eyes this time." the rose fairy said with a smile.

Singing just smiled, then stretched out his hand and poured a cup of tea for the other party.

Just listen to such polite words. If you take them too seriously, it's the immaturity of singing!

Although I don't know why the rose fairy came to find herself, she won't speak first if she doesn't speak.

"Lord Gaozong, the purpose of your coming to our Haoyue Xianzong this time, I heard elder Chen say a few words." The rose fairy took the tea, thanked her, and said, "I don't know why Emperor Gaozong wants to move his mind to Heishan?"

"What does the rose fairy think?" He asked without answering.

The rose fairy was slightly stunned. She probably didn't expect that the song would say so. After thinking for a moment, she calmly said, "I heard that Heishan sent a gift when the deputy leader of Xingchen sect Yue Xincheng got married. Now it seems that the gift is not satisfactory?"

Gao Song was a little surprised and couldn't help sighing, "the rose fairy really has seven tricks and exquisite heart."

The rose fairy who heard this was a little embarrassed. She quickly shook her head and said, "Lord Gaozong praised me. I guess so. I don't know what Heishan sent?"

Sing and tell the truth.

After listening to the song, the rose fairy was also surprised.

"Has this black mountain had a festival with the Xingchen sect before?"

"I haven't even heard of Montenegro before."

"That is, vice Lord Yue provoked them?"

Singing still shook his head.

The rose fairy frowned.

"If so, Montenegro is really too arrogant, but their reputation in Dongtianfudi has not been very good." Said the rose fairy.

Gao Ge smiled and said, "maybe Heishan doesn't think our Xingchen sect is Dongtianfudi sect, so you want to bully casually."

The rose fairy was also happy "Lord Gaozong joked. The strength of Xingchen sect is certainly not worse than that of Heishan. Otherwise, there would not be so many Dongtianfudi sect families proposing to make Xingchen sect a Dongtianfudi sect. Although the people of Heishan have a bad reputation in Dongtianfudi, I believe they would not be stupid enough to provoke a big sect like Xingchen sect at will, The little woman guessed that there should be some unknown secret, or that the people in Montenegro were shot. Don't the high Lord need to find out? "

Nodding loudly, the rose fairy asked, "how do I find out? Go to Montenegro to find out? Or call them over to ask?"

The rose fairy didn't speak.

Gao Ge continued, "so, in my opinion, it's not very difficult to get the answer from Heishan's mouth. The knife was put around their neck and all problems were solved."

The rose fairy's eyes coagulated and said, "Lord Gaozong really has a dignified appearance."

Sang and shook his head "That's not true. These are all my experiences. When I became an immortal, what I thought most was to be kind to others, but those people didn't like to talk to me. I reasoned with them, they and I would make rules, I and they would make rules, and they and I would talk about human feelings. So, people in the world are full of ass, what kind of thinking Yes, all I can do is to be straightforward and take the initiative in their hands. Just imagine, my knife is on their neck. What do I want to hear, and they can't say? "

The rose fairy smiled and said, "I heard the patriarch say before that the high patriarch is a man of great wisdom. When I see him today, it is true."

Singing more and more confused.

"Listen to the rose fairy, the leader of Haoyue Xianzong seems to know me well?"

"I don't know that." The rose fairy shook her head.

"Have I seen your patriarch?" Singing, asked subconsciously.

The rose fairy smiled and said, "I haven't seen it. In the past five years, my lord hasn't left Haoyue Xianzong for half a step."

Sing a sigh of relief.

Shit, I'm scared to death.

Thought it was a romantic debt left over from the past.

If the rose fairy knows the idea of singing at this time, she will look despised and ask where the self-confidence comes from.

After drinking a cup of tea, the rose fairy suddenly spoke again.

"Lord Gaozong, with all due respect, I'd like to ask, how do you plan to persuade our Haoyue Xianzong to help you deal with Montenegro?"

Sing, turn your eyes, cough and pour half a cup of tea to each other.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I don't know what the rose fairy has to do?"

The rose fairy narrowed her eyes and Becky gently opened her teeth. "I naturally don't say much about what Zong's main decision is. However, if Lord Gao Zong can help me with a small favor, I may be able to grasp it more."

"Oh?" Singing in a daze, "I don't know what the rose fairy said?"

"I heard elder Chen say about fishing before. I think Lord Gaozong is also a man of great luck. Lord Gaozong, do you know why I call it a fairy trace?"

Sang and shook his head.

He thought about this question, but he didn't want to understand it, nor did he want to ask Chen Chuxing. After all, it's just a name. Just like if someone asks Gaoge now, why does Xingchen sect call Xingchen sect? Gaoge must think the other party is stupid. Can you control what I like to call

Even if it's not called Haoyue Xianzong or the wizard of Oz, it has nothing to do with singing, isn't it

The rose fairy put away her smile and looked serious. Her eyes were a little deep.

"That's because I, Haoyue Xianzong, originally had immortal traces!"