"You!" the Qingyuan master beside the martial arts world scolded angrily, "if you dare to kill my disciple, I will fight with you!"

Master Qingyuan chose to sacrifice Yunyi's lifelong happiness and offend Zhao Sheng for some reasons, but that doesn't mean he will accept and witness Zhao Sheng's death.

Zhao Sheng is his apprentice, his only apprentice. This fact cannot be changed!

"They've all agreed just now." the three elders said in a strange manner: "no matter who loses or wins, outsiders can't interfere. The second prince abides by the treaty so much that we daoqingmen can't break the rules."

Leader Qingfeng erased a trace of divine injury that had just appeared, and ordered in a tone like a hard iron: "Qingyuan, don't make a mistake. This matter is related to the life and death of Daoqing gate."

Unable to open his mouth, master Qingyuan sighed helplessly, and tears floated in his eyes.

He knew that even if he sacrificed his life to save his apprentice, he would be stopped by master Qingfeng.

What's more... He can't even beat the old slave around Wuyu. Rushing up won't save Zhao Sheng, but kill Zhao Sheng.

For the sake of being a teacher, master Qingyuan really has the impulse to kill himself.

"Stop!" a familiar voice came, and everyone turned around and looked at it. It seemed that they wanted to know who had the courage to do things that even the middle and high levels of their family did not dare to do, even if it was just a cry.

Soon, the ten thousand people around the martial arts world fixed their eyes on the direction in which the voice came. What appeared in that direction was not Yunyi. Who could it be?

"Elder martial sister." the weak Zhao Sheng met the person he wanted to see most before he died, but it couldn't make him happy at all. He even scolded: "I told you to stay well. I'll go back with you when I'm finished."

Perhaps knowing his current situation, Zhao Sheng's tone was full of sadness.

Yunyi's eyes were filled with tears: "I'm sorry, husband, I didn't listen to you... I really couldn't resist being away from you in such a dangerous time, so I came. It's still the same sentence... You live and I live, you die and I die."

After Yunyi said this, he didn't look at Zhao Sheng any more. Instead, he raised his Pangu axe and said to Wuyu Jue Jedi, "if you want to kill him, go over my body first."

Women are weak and brave for love. As for the rule? Is it important to have her man's life?

Yunyi's move aroused Wuyu's strong infatuation, jealousy and possessiveness.

"Master Qingfeng, don't take her down yet." Wuyu shouted: "I want to be an enemy to the future monarch of Wuya dynasty!"

Originally, he didn't want to do this. After all, in his idea, he was just a weak woman. He only needed one hand to kill it.

However, the sudden appearance of Yunyi and his protection in front of Zhao Sheng completely angered Wuyu.

When master Qingfeng saw that the matter had come to this point, he had to look aside helplessly.

Before a few breaths, the master of Daoqing gate surrounded him.

At this time, almost all the disciples of Daoqing sect gnash their teeth, but there is nothing they can do.

Wuyu glanced at Zhao Sheng, who was half kneeling on the ground, laughed and said, "I will take good care of your senior sister for you."

With that, he raised his weapon straightly.

He didn't want to kill Zhao Sheng, and even wanted to try to subdue Zhao Sheng for his own use. After all, such arrogance is definitely the existence of killing one less.



"Elder martial sister!"

Zhao Sheng suddenly trembled and roared into the air!

The strong unwillingness made Zhao Sheng's soul tremble.

He doesn't want to die, nor can he. If he dies, what should Yunyi do!

Forcibly cross the steps, yes, forcibly urge the Reiki of the realm of God into the Xuan!

If you forcibly cross the steps to urge the Reiki into the Xuan, you will burst out thousands of times of cultivation strength. Although it will cause great damage to your body, Zhao Shengcai doesn't care. He is willing to do anything as long as he can save his senior sister. Even if he gives up his life, it's just a matter in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, all the people present felt that powerful and indescribable great pressure hovering on Zhao Sheng.

In contrast, the aura and prestige aroused by Wuyu's recitation of the Dharma formula just now is nothing.

"Aura enters the mystery!" Zhao Sheng shouted with a hoarse voice.

Zhao Sheng's breath suddenly soared, and severe pain followed.

He knows that he has only a very short time now. If this time passes, he will be greeted not by featherless killing, but by broken muscles and veins.

Suddenly, Zhao Sheng thought of a good idea! It can not only take a very short time, but also effectively break the featherless defense line!

"Buzz!" a buzz sounded.

But just before the sound came into the surrounding people's ears, or even into Wuyu's ears, a Reiki from Zhao Sheng's body hit Wuyu very quickly!

As soon as he touched, Wu Yu was directly knocked over on the stone pole!

With the existence of the stone pole, Wu Yu was lucky not to leave the sideline of the martial arts world, but the stone pole flew out a distance of more than ten meters.

No feather vomited blood, many bones were broken, and a strong sense of sleepiness was sweeping his nerves. Obviously, he has lost his fighting ability.

Only Zhao Sheng, but also because of this blow, fell weakly on the ground.

"Husband!" Yun Yi Ran to Zhao Sheng and held him in his arms.

Seeing that his master was hurt like this, the old slave immediately jumped in anger and wanted to take Zhao Sheng's life.

"Don't do it." Wuyu stops the old slave hoarsely with an almost exhausted voice.

The old slave had to suppress his anger and hurried to check Wuyu's injury.

"Wuyu." Zhao Sheng said with difficulty, "I only used seven layers of force in the move just now, otherwise... You would have died long ago. The reason for saving your life is that you don't want the boundless Dynasty to ask the Daoqing gate for guilt. You are not allowed to have any arbitrary thoughts about my senior sister and madam in the future, otherwise... I swear to kill you!"

Facing Zhao Sheng's almost threatening tone, Wuyu's face still seems to be sneering.

For so many moments, Zhao Sheng felt envious of Wuyu. Even Zhao Sheng had to lament that he was inferior to him for his strong mind.

"I lost..." Wuyu has uncontrollable loss in her mood.

But then he adjusted his state.

"Don't worry, daoqingmen will be fine. After all, I still need it in the future. I also know that your leader will not let you kill me at the risk of being destroyed."

"I lost to you today, and I will take it back from you in the future... So I won't let the old slave kill you. As for Yunyi, it depends on whether you can be so strong every time in the future. After all, the weak can't protect their own things, including women."